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Thursday, March 24, 2016

Oracle Reports Interview Questions and Answers (FAQS)

How do you register a report in oracle application? What are the triggers we need change in the template.fmb?
1. We will develop the report through report 6i.
2. We will move that report from local machine to oracle apps server for example if it is the Po module the path is PO/11.5/reports/us/xx.rdf
3.we will create executable from sysadmin responsibility.
4. We will create concurrent program from sysadmin responsibility and attach executable, incompatibilities, parameters.
5. We will create request group and attach concurrent program.
6. We will create responsibility and attach request group.
7. We will attach responsibility to user.
8. User will submit concurrent program from srs window.
We will modify
pre_form trigger, when_new_form_instance, app_custom package we need to change in template.fmb

Mandatory Parameters in Oracle Apps Reports?
P_CONC_REQUEST_ID is one of the mandatory parameter Oracle Reports Interview Questions

1. Name the report triggers.
Before Parameter
After Parameter
Before Report
Between Pages
After Report

2. What are bind parameter and lexical parameter used for?
A bind reference replaces a single value or expression. To create a bind reference in a query, prefix the parameter name with a colon (:).

A lexical reference is a text string and can replace any part of a SELECT statement, such as column names, the FROM clause, the WHERE clause, or the ORDER BY clause. To create a lexical reference in a query, prefix the parameter name with an ampersand (&).

3. Give an example of the implementation of between pages trigger in reports.
The total printed at the bottom of first page has to be carried to the top of the next page.

4. The total printed at the bottom of first page has to be carried to the top of the next page. How do u do this technically?
Use Between pages trigger to copy the value from previous page to current page.

5. How do you resolve the following layout issues in reports?
1. There are 14 columns altogether in a report, in reports developer all 14 columns are printed, but in apps only 10 columns are displayed, how can u solve this?
2. While printing, 10 columns are printing in first page and the next 4 cols in next page, how do u resolve this to accommodate all the 14 columns in a single page?

6. Where in reports do you set the context information (like org_id)?

7. What do you know about Placeholder column, formula columns, and summary columns?
A summary column performs a computation on another column's data.

A formula column is a user-created column that gets its data from a PL/SQL function or expression, a SQL statement, or a combination of these. A formula column performs a user-defined computation on the data of one or more column(s), including placeholder columns. A placeholder is a column for which you set the datatype and value in PL/SQL that you define. Placeholder columns are useful when you want to selectively set the value of a column

8. What are user exits in reports and name a few?
User exits provided a way to pass control from Reports Builder to a program you have written, which performs some function, and then returns control to Reports Builder.

9. How do you display only one record on each page in a report?
Give Page Break in the Format trigger of the repeating frame.

10. How do you print barcode in the reports?
By installing the Barcode Font and using the Chart field in the Layout.

11. What is SRW package and some procedures in SRW?
It is the standard reports package and it has many procedures like USER_EXITS, DO_SQL, RUN_REPORT, MESSAGE,TRACE, BREAK, SET_ATTR.

12. How do you write the report output to Excel file or text file?
   1. Use TEXT_IO package
   2. Use SPOOL in After Report trigger
   3. Use UTL Package

13. How do you call a concurrent program or another report from a report?
1. Use FND_SUBMIT.REQUEST() to call a concurrent program or a report.
2. Use SRW.RUN_REPORT() to run a report directly without registering it as a concurrent program.

14. How do you mail the output of a report?
1. Use UTL_SMTP (refer to Scripts tab for more details)
2. Use MAILX called in a shell script registered as a concurrent program with parameters File name and path.

15. What are the different sections in the Layout?
Header, Main, Trailer

16. How can you grey out/ highlight/hide some records based on conditions in a report?
Use Conditional formatting

17. What is Anchor in reports?
Anchors fasten an edge of one object to an edge of another object, ensuring that they maintain their positions relative to its parent.

18. What is the difference between Conditional Formatting and format trigger?
Both provide the same functionality, used to format the output based on particular conditions. Format triggers provide a wide variety of options when compared to conditional formatting.

Using the Conditional Formatting and Format Exception dialog boxes, you can specify output formatting attributes (font and color) for a selected layout object based on conditions that exist. The conditions that you define are called format exceptions.

Format triggers are PL/SQL functions executed before the object is displayed. The trigger can be used to dynamically change the formatting attributes of the object. The function must return a Boolean value (TRUE or FALSE).

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