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Saturday, February 13, 2016

Oracle Depot Repair Setups and Process Flow

1. Depot Repair: Business Flow

1.1 Request to Repair business process


2. Implementation Training Deck

2.1 Set up Sequence with Responsibility, Navigation and dependencies

Ø  Implementing Oracle Depot Repair
This section describes the setup forms and gives references that help you understand the underlying dependencies. The implementation section consists of the following topics:
  • Confirming Setups of Oracle Applications
  • Setting Up Depot Repair

Complete the following steps shown in the table below:
Step Title 
Set up System Administrator 
Define Key Flexfields 
Define Calendar, Currency, and Set of Books 
Set up Payables
Set up Receivables
Set up Organizations 
Define Locations
Set up Employees 
Set up Inventory 
Set up Bills of Material 
Set up Work in Process 
Setup Order Management 
Set up TeleService 
Set up Charges
Set up Tasks
Set up Knowledge Base 
Set up Notes 
Set up Install Base 
Set up Depot Repair 

2.2 Depot Repair Setups                 

Follow the guidelines in this table for setting up Oracle Service Contracts:
Step Title 
Set up Charges for Depot Repair 
Set up Repair Types 
Set up Depot Repair Service Request Type
Set up Depot Repair Reason Codes
Set up Customer Profiles
Set up Diagnostic Codes in Depot Repair
Set up Service Codes in Depot Repair
Define Depot Repair Lookup Codes
Set up Depot Repair Profile Options
Set up Message Action Codes
Manage Users


2.2.1 Set up Charges for Depot Repair

To use the Charges functionality in any service-related process of Oracle Applications, items have to be set up in Inventory as Material, Labor or Expenses item.

Setting up Charges involves the following steps:-
  • Define Billing Type Codes
  • Map Billing Type Codes to Billing Categories
  • Define Service activities and Billing Types
  • Define Service Business Processes
  • Define Install Base Transaction sub-types
  • Set up Time and Material Labor Schedules

To define Billing Type Codes
Ø  Navigator > Service Request > Setup > Charges > Customer Support Lookups
Ø  Add the new Billing Code Types and save

After the Billing Type Codes are created they have to be attached to Billing Categories.

To associate Billing Type Codes to Billing Categories
Ø  Navigator > Service Request > Setup > Charges > Billing Type Attributes
Ø  Add the Billing Type from the dropdown and the corresponding Billing Category and save.

To define Service Activities and Billing Types
Ø  Navigator > Service Request > Setup > Charges > Service Activities and Billing Types
Ø  Add a new service activity (a business operation) and classify it as an Order or Return
Ø  Check the Depot Repair Quantity Update and OM Interface checkboxes
Ø  The No Charge checkbox can be checked if the customer is not to be charged for the Service Activity
Ø  Associate a Billing Type to the new service activity by adding the Billing Type from the drop down
Ø  Add the relevant operating unit, Order type and Line type Define Service Business Processes
To define Service Business Process
Ø  Navigator > Service Request > Setup > Charges > Service Business Process
Ø  Enter name and description for the Business process (which is a collection of Service Activities)
Ø  Enter the effective dates, choose the Service Activities associated with this Business Process and save.


To define Install Base Transaction sub-types
Ø  Navigator > Service Request > Setup > Charges > Install Base Transaction Types
Ø  In the Transaction Sub Types area check the Service checkbox and select the service activity for which an Install Base Transaction sub-type has to be created
Ø  If the Activity being set up is of type Return, then select Reference Reqd check box in the Source Info region. If there is a change of ownership of the part, then select the Change Owner check box and select Internal from the Change Owner to drop-down. To make an update of status of the item in the customer’s installed base, select a new status using the Status LOV. Selecting the Return Reqd check box would mean that the Return By date field in Charges would have to be filled by the Depot Repair Agent.
Ø  If the service activity is of type Order used to ship replacement parts or repaired items to customers, then check the Reference Reqd checkbox. This would mean that agents would have to enter the instance number of the item being replaced/ returned. To record change of ownership, the Change Owner checkbox has to be checked. Select External from the Change Owner to dropdown. If the status of the item in the customer’s installed base has to be updated, then select a new status using the Status LOV.
Ø  In the Source Transaction Type region, use the Application Name LOV to enter Oracle Order Management. This permits Oracle Depot Repair users to use this subtype.
Ø  Select a valid source transaction type from the Transaction Name LOV and check the Update IB checkbox to permit Order Management to update the installed base when an item is shipped or received. Select the Default check box if this subtype is to be set as default for Oracle Order Management.
Ø  Enter any other applications that are to be permitted to use this subtype and save


To set up Time and Material Labor Schedules
Ø  Navigator > Service Request > Setup > Charges > T&M Labor Schedule
Ø  Select the Business Process for which the labor schedule is to be entered
Ø  Enter the times/schedules and the pricing. Select the days for which the schedule is applicable
Ø  Save and click on Validate Setup


2.2.2 Set up Repair Types

Oracle Depot Repair supports the following Repair Types:
·         Advance Exchange - The depot sends a replacement item to the customer before receiving the damaged item for core credit.
·         Exchange - The depot sends a replacement item to the customer after a broken item is received from the customer for core credit.
·         Loaner - The depot sends a loaner item to the customer.
·         Loaner, Repair and Return - Same as Repair and Return with an item loaned to the customer before receiving the broken item, so as to bridge the gap while the damaged item is being repaired.
·         Repair and Return - A broken item is repaired by the depot, and then returned to the customer.
·         Replacement - The depot sends a new replacement item to the customer without having to receive a damaged item from the customer.
·         Standard - The depot agent is uncertain about a customer need, and is unable to take a decision before further inspection of the damaged item. RMAs and Sales Orders are created manually. The depot agent has the option to carry out all functions in a manual mode.
·         Refurbishment - A Repair Order and its associated Service Request is created in the Spares Management of Oracle Field Service as a result of a demand for refurbishment or replenishment. The Repair Order has a Repair Type of Refurbishment, and has two transaction lines, Move In and Move Out. The Move In line tracks the shipment of the defective item from Spares Management, and its reception into the depot. The Move Out line processes the shipment of the repaired item back to Spares Management.

To Set Up Repair Types
Ø  Navigator > Depot Repair > Set up > Repair Types
Ø  Enter the Repair Type and a short description of the repair type
Ø  To associate a business process to the repair type, select from the Business Process LOV. The combination of Repair Type Ref and Business Process identifies the applicable Transaction Billing Types
Ø  The Repair Mode determines whether Oracle WIP or the Task Manager module of Oracle Common Application Components is used for Repair Job management
Ø  The Repair Type Ref identifies the type of application logic that applies to the Repair Type and has all the seeded values in the LOV. Select the relevant value.
Ø  Choose the Price list (Optional) to associate with a Repair type and enter Start date and End date.
Ø  The Billing types and the corresponding Service Activity Code have to be selected. For Material and Expense more than one Billing Type and Service Activity Code can be selected.
Ø  Check the box Automatically enter and book RMA. When a Repair Order is created with this check box selected, an RMA (Return) line is entered and booked automatically.

2.2.3 Set up Depot Repair Service Request Type

At least one service request should be defined for use in Depot Repair. During the definition stage, a Service Request Type should be linked to a Business Process. So while creating a Service Request Type for Depot Repair it has to be associated with the applicable Business Process.

To Set Up Service Request Types
Ø  Navigator > Service Request > Setup > Service Requests > Request Types
Ø  To create a new Service Request Type click on New in the toolbar.
Ø  In the new blank row enter the name of the Depot Repair Service Request Type in the Type field
Ø  Select the Business Process to which the new Service Request Type is to be associated. In this case select Depot Repair.
Ø  Select Depot Repair in the Status Group name field
Ø  Enter Start date and End date in the date fields
Ø  In the Description field key in a short description of the Service Request Type
Ø  Select the relevant work flow (by default select the Generic Workflow) and save

2.2.4 Set up Depot Repair Reason Codes

For each different reason behind the return of an item there are Reason Codes defined. There are 11 seeded Reason Codes that are provided and additional Reason Codes which are organization specific can be set up by accessing the “Application Object Library: Reason Lookups” window.

To Set Up Service Request Types
Ø  Navigator > Depot Repair > Set up > Reason
Ø  In the Code field enter the unique code that is to be assigned to the new Reason
Ø  Enter the meaning of the code in the Meaning field
Ø  Enter the description of the code in the Description field
Ø  Tag is an optional field which is not used by Depot Repair
Ø  Enter the effectivity dates in the From and To fields
Ø  Check the Enabled checkbox to use the Reason Code for Depot Repair and save

2.2.5 Set up Customer Profiles

Customer Profiles define the extent of customer information that a service representative/agent can access. Customer Profiles provide agents with customer information in a graphical/visual format. Besides making it possible to create summaries of key customer information called profile checks, Customer Profiles also has the feature to drill down to detailed information. Profile Checks can summarize information by customer, by account, or by customer contact.

Setting up Customer Profiles involves the following steps:-
  • Define Profile Ratings
  • Define Profile Check Categories
  • Define Profile Check Variables
  • Define Drilldowns
  • Define Profile Checks
  • Define Profile Groups
  • Define Dashboard Groups
  • Associate Profiles with Modules and Responsibilities
  • Run Customer Profile Engine

Defining Profile Ratings involves the setting up of rating labels (the wording and colors) to be used with Profile Checks and Categories (to which they are to be associated). The labels describe the range of values of Profile Checks. The three seeded values of Profile Ratings are High, Medium and Low.

To set up Profile Ratings
Ø  Navigator > Service Request > Set up > Customer Care Lookups
Ø  Query for CSC_PROF_RATINGS in the Type field in the Customer Care Lookups screen. The three pre-seeded ratings can be seen
Ø  To create a new rating click New on the toolbar to insert a new row
Ø  Enter a name for the new rating in the Code field
Ø  Enter a short meaning in the Meaning field. Agents will be able to view this in the Dashboard or Customer Profile window
Ø  Enter a description of the Code in the Description field (Optional)
Ø  Enter effectivity dates in the From and To fields
Ø  Check the Enabled checkbox and save

The newly created Ratings become labels when colors are associated to them.

To associate colors to Ratings
Ø  Navigator > Service Request > Set up > Customer Management > Customer Profiles
Ø  Click on the Preferences Tab in the Customer Profile Setup screen
Ø  Select the Rating (for which color has to be associated) from the list of values in the Rating Labels section
Ø  Select a colour from the choices in the Colour field and save

Categories are used to group Profile Checks and are useful in organizing Profile Checks used for similar purposes.

To define Profile Check Categories
Ø  Navigator > Service Request > Set up > Customer Management > Customer Profiles
Ø  Go to the Preferences tab in the Customer Profile Setup screen
Ø  In the Categories area add a new row by clicking on New in the toolbar
Ø  Enter the category name in the Category field
Ø  Enter a short description of the new category in the Meaning field
Ø  Enter a detailed description in the Description field (optional) and save

This involves entering SQL queries that can retrieve and summarize customer data. The SQL statements can contain only two bind variables given below:-
·         :party_id – to be used if SQL statement refers to a party
·         :cust_account_id – to be used if SQL statement refers to a customer account

The same variable can be used in multiple Profile Checks
To define Profile Check Variables
Ø  Navigator > Service Request > Set up > Customer Management > Customer Profiles
Ø  Go to the Profile Variables tab on the Customer Profile set up screen
Ø  Click New on the toolbar
Ø  Enter name of the new Profile Variable in the New field
Ø  Enter a unique name in the Code field
Ø  Selecting Customer, Account or Contact in the Level field would determine the appropriate view where the information is to appear
Ø  Enter the activity dates in the box titled Active
Ø  Enter a description of the Profile Variable in the Description field (Optional)
Ø  Enter the SQL statement in the following fields:-
·         Select (mandatory field).
·         Currency (optional field).
·         From (mandatory field).
·         Where (mandatory field).
·         Other (optional, used for including clauses such as Group By)
Ø  Validate the SQL statement by clicking on the Validate button and save

Drill-down windows can be defined at two levels. The first level lists the items summarized by the profile check. The second-level drill-down window is the application window which displays the details of an individual record. An agent displays an item in the application window by double clicking on one of the fields in the summary list.

To define Drilldowns
Ø  Navigator > Service Request > Set up > Customer Management > Customer Profiles
Ø  Go to the Drilldown tab
Ø  Select the Profile Variable for which drilldowns have to be defined from the Variable field
Ø  Select the application module for the second level drilldown from the Drilldown Module list of values
Ø  Select one of the tables in the Tables and Views area. The columns available for the table are displayed in the Columns region
Ø  Check the Show checkbox for the columns to be displayed in the first level drilldown
Ø  The name entered in the Display name field against each column would be what the agent sees in the first level drilldown
Ø  In the first level drilldown, select a column which has to be used for the second level drilldown
Ø  Select the ID radio button for the column that has to be used for drilldown and save
Ø  Click Build button to generate the SQL for the drilldown. (Optional)

To enable Application Windows for drilldown
Ø  Navigator > Service Request > Set up > Customer Management > Customer Profiles
Ø  Go to the Drilldown tab and click the New Button. The Task Setup: Object Types form launches
Ø  Enter a name for the Drilldown Module Object type in the Name field
Ø  Enter a description in the Description field
Ø  Enter a value in the Object Code field, a value that begins with CSC_, for example CSC_PROF_CSDREPLN
Ø  Enter the Function Name in the corresponding field in the Launch Details tab
Ø  Enter the parameters
Ø  Select application name Depot Repair in the Application field and save
Ø  Entries in the Usage tab are optional

Profile variables, ratings, and rating labels must already be defined.

To define Profile Checks
Ø  Navigator > Service Request > Set up > Customer Management > Customer Profiles
Ø  Go to the Profile Checks tab
Ø  Enter a name for the Profile Check in the Name field. The Code field defaults to the name entered. Either this can be retained or a new unique code can be entered in the Code field
Ø  Select a level for the Profile Check from the list of values. This is based on the information that is summarized by the Profile Check.
Ø   Enter a description for the Profile Check in the Description field
Ø  Enter the activity dates in the Active region
Ø  Choose the type of Profile Check desired from the Type list of values. The choices here are Variable or Boolean (Yes or No) and define the settings for the type of Profile Check selected
Ø  In the Ratings region define value ranges and the corresponding labels. For each range enter a lower and upper number, with no overlap with other ranges. Select the appropriate label and save
Ø  Oracle Teleservice has several predefined Profile Checks

Profile Checks previously defined have to be grouped for display in the Customer Profile window. Associating Profile Groups with application modules and responsibilities enables providing different groups of agents with different customer views in the Profile window.

Profile Checks must be defined before Profile Groups are created

To set up Profile Groups
Ø  Navigator > Service Request > Set up > Customer Management > Customer Profiles
Ø  Go to the Profile Groups tab
Ø  Enter a name for the Profile Group in the Name field. The Code field gets populated with the name entered
Ø  Enter the description of the Profile Group in the Description field
Ø  Select the customer type from the Customer Type list of values
Ø  Enter the date range of activity in the Active region
Ø  Select the relevant Profile Check from the Profile Checks column and add them to the Group Checks column
Ø  Check the Display on Threshold checkbox only if the Profile Check has been set up with a threshold and save

Defining Dashboard groups helps in enabling varied Dashboard tab views for agents based on the application module and responsibility. It creates different views for customers, individual accounts, and for customer contacts.

Profile checks and categories must be defined prior to defining dashboard groups

To define Dashboard Groups
Ø  Navigator > Service Request > Set up > Customer Management > Customer Profiles
Ø  Go to the Dashboard Groups tab in the Customer Profile setup window
Ø  Enter a name for the Dashboard Group in the Group field. The Code field defaults whatever that has been entered in the Group field
Ø  Enter a description in the Description field
Ø  Select the customer type from the Customer Type dropdown list
Ø  Select the level at which the information is to be displayed – Customer, Account or Contact. The selection made here restricts the Profile Checks that can be selected for the group
Ø  Set the dates of activity in the Active region
Ø  Select the categories to be displayed by adding them to the Dashboard Categories column using the arrow buttons. The order in which they should be displayed in the Dashboard can be decided by moving them up or down using the arrow buttons
Ø  Save changes made
Ø  Select the Dashboard Category from the Category field list of values in the Checks region
Ø  Move the Profile Checks to be included from the Profile Checks column to the Group Checks column. The order of display can be altered by using the Up and Down arrow buttons
Ø  Profile Checks defined with thresholds can be restricted by checking the Display on threshold checkbox
Ø  Save changes made

The Profile Groups and Dashboard Groups have to be associated to application module, customer type, and responsibility.

Profile groups and dashboard groups should be created prior to associating Profiles to modules.

To associate Profiles with Modules and Responsibilities
Ø  Navigator > Service Request > Set up > Customer Management > Customer Profiles
Ø  Go to the Preferences tab in the Customer Profile setup screen
Ø  In the Module Groups region choose a Module from the list values. Only modules which use Profile window and Dashboard tabs can be enabled
Ø  For Dashboard Groups available in Oracle Teleservice, Contact Center should be selected
Ø  For Customer Profile Groups available in Oracle Teleservice and Depot Repair, the Override Customer Criticality window in Oracle TeleService, the Service Request window of Oracle TeleService or the Repair Order window in Oracle Depot Repair should be selected
Ø  Access (to customer information) can be restricted to agents by selecting the responsibility in the Responsibility list of values. More than one responsibility can be mapped by creating multiple records
Ø  Select a Profile Group and/or a Dashboard Group to be associated with the module/responsibility and save Run Customer Profile Engine
The Customer Profile Engine, a concurrent program has to be run after completing the Customer Profile setup to generate the appropriate profile values.

The Customer Profile Engine, when executed, performs the following operations in the sequence below:
Ø  Evaluates the results of all the effective profile variables
Ø  Evaluates the results of all effective profile checks based on the profile variables
Ø  Evaluates the results for all the customers, accounts, and contacts

The Customer Profile Engine must be run to:
Ø  Retrieve profile values for new customers
Ø  Retrieve the latest profile values for all customers
Ø  Reflect changes made to the profile setup
Ø  Retrieve values for new profiles

The Customer Profile Engine can be run in two ways:
Ø  As a concurrent program
Ø  When agents click the Refresh button available in the Profile section or the Dashboard tab of the Contact Center or the E-Business Center in Oracle TeleSales. This manual method fetches the latest data for the displayed customer
The parameters for running Customer Profile Engine are:
Ø  Party Name
Ø  Group Name


2.2.6 Set up Diagnostic Codes in Depot Repair

Diagnostic Codes are used in Oracle Depot Repair while processing a Repair order. A Diagnostic Code is associated with a repair problem while a Service Code is associated with a potential resolution to the problem. A complete set up of Diagnostic Codes involves procedures in Oracle Knowledge Management module as well. The steps involved in Oracle Depot Repair are given below.

To Set Up Diagnostic Codes
Ø  Navigator > Setup > Diagnostic Codes
Ø  Enter the Diagnostic Code, Name and Description of the code
Ø  Enter the start dates and end dates of the Code in the Active from and Active to fields
Ø  Each Diagnostic Code has to be associated with a domain – an Item or Category. The domain to which the Diagnostic Code is being associated has to be selected and depending on whether it is an Item or Category, the corresponding item code or category name is to be selected in the respective fields


2.2.7 Set up Service Codes in Depot Repair

Service Codes are used to associate potential resolutions to repair problems and can be used with or without Diagnostic Codes. A complete set up of Diagnostic Codes involves procedures in Oracle Knowledge Management module as well. In Oracle Depot Repair, when you create a Service Code, you can associate it with one or more items, one or more item categories, one or more reference bills, one or more alternate bills, one or more reference routings, one or more alternate routings and one or more task template groups.

To Set Up Service Codes in Oracle Depot Repair
Ø  Navigator > Setup > Service Codes
Ø  Enter the Service Code, Name and Description of the code
Ø  Enter the start dates and end dates of the Code in the Active from and Active to fields
Ø  If the Service Code is to be associated to a Domain
Ø  Click on the Domain Tab
Ø  Enter the Domain – Item or Category to which the new Service Code is to be associated
Ø  Depending on whether an Item or Category is selected, the corresponding item code or category name is to be selected in the respective fields
Ø  Repeat for as many categories or items that the Service Code has to be associated to

Ø  Alternately if the Service Code is to be associated to a Bill or Routing
Ø  Click on the Bills and Routings tab
Ø  Select the organization from the List of Values
Ø  To associate the Service Code to a Bill, select from the list of values in the Bill Reference fields. Select Alternate bill if required from the corresponding field
Ø  To associate a Service Code to a Routing, select from the list of values in the Routing Reference fields. Select Alternate Routing if required from the corresponding field
Ø  Repeat for as many Bills or Routings that the Service Code has to be associated to

Ø  If the Service Code is to be associated to one or more task template groups
Ø  Click the Task Template Groups tab
Ø  Select the Task Template Group from the list of values and save. The Description field is automatically populated


2.2.8 Define Depot Repair Lookup Codes

Lookup codes for Oracle Depot Repair are defined from the Application Developer responsibility. Each Lookup Code has a Meaning, Description and effectivity dates

To define a Depot Repair Lookup Code (from Application Developer responsibility)
Ø  Navigator > Application > Lookups > Application Object Library
Ø  Query for an existing Lookup Type under which the new Lookup Code has to be defined. (The list of pre-seeded Lookup Types is given in the table below)
Ø  Click New on the toolbar to insert a new row for the new Lookup Code.
Ø  Enter the Code, Meaning, Description and effectivity dates
Ø  Check the Enabled checkbox and save
List of pre-seeded Lookup Types in Oracle Depot Repair
Lookup Type
Repair Approval Status (Approved, Rejected)
Estimate Status (Accepted, Bid, Closed, Draft, Hold, Rejected)
Estimate Billing Type (Expense, Labor, Material)

Repair Event (Customer Approved, Charges Recorded, Repair Diagnosed, Repair Job Completed)
Product Transaction Action Code for Repair Orders (Customer Item, Exchange, Loaner, Replacement, Defective, Usable)
Depot Repair Order Product Transaction Action Types (Return, Ship, Move In, Move Out)
Product Transaction Status (Booked, Entered, Received etc.)
Reason for current status of repair process (Customer Approves the Estimate, Estimate Approved, Repair On Hold)
Estimate Reject Reasons (Customer Reject, Machine Unavailable, Resource shortage)
Repair Mode for the depot repair processes (WIP, Tasks, None, All)
Repair Status (Closed, Open, On Hold)
Depot Repair Types (Advance Exchange, Walk-In with Return and Repair etc.)
Repair Order Transaction Status (OM Booked, OM Received, OM Released etc.)
Lead Time Unit of Measure (Hour, Week, Day)
Repair Job Status (Released, Unreleased)

2.2.9 Set up Depot Repair Profile Options

Depot Repair Profile Options are defined from the System Administrator responsibility. A detailed list of Oracle Depot Repair Profile Options are given in Section 2.4 Depot Repair Profile Options

To define Depot Repair Profile Options (from System Administrator)
Ø  Navigator > Profile > System
Ø  Search for the Profile Option by entering the name of the Profile Option in the Profile field and click the Find button. (The list of Depot Repair Profile Options is given in a table below)
Ø  Make necessary changes to the values to define/change Profile Options at four levels - Site, Application, Responsibility, and User.

2.2.10 Set up Message Action Codes

Message action codes help in specifying the action that the recipient of the message should take. They are useful in organizations where workflow based messaging is in use.

To setup Message Action Code
Ø  Navigator > Setup > Service Request > Action Request
Ø  Enter a Message Action code in the Code field
Ø  Enter the brief description of the code in the Meaning field
Ø  Enter a full description of the code in the Description field
Ø  Enter the effectivity dates
Ø  Check the enabled checkbox and save

2.3 Integration Points and data flow



2.4 Depot Repair Profile Options

List of Depot Repair Profile Options
Profile Name
Default Value (at Site Level)
Possible Values
CSD: Add to Order Num
Within Repair Order
Yes or No
When the new item transaction is created, the Add to Order Number is derived based on this profile and CSD: Add to Order Num Within Service Request Default.
CSD: Add to Order Num
Within Service Request
Yes or No
When the new item transaction is created, the Add to Order Number is derived based on this profile and CSD: Add to Order Num Within Repair Order Default. This profile takes the precedence over CSD: Add to Order Num Within Repair Order Default. Setting this profile will cause it to use the order number of the Service Request.
CSD: Allow Charge Override for Actuals
Yes or No
Determines whether to allow overriding of the Charge field for Actuals lines.
CSD: Allow Charge Override for Estimates
Yes or No
Determines whether to allow overriding of the Estimated Charge field for Estimate lines.
CSD: Allow Creating WIP Job Without RMA
Yes or No
Determines whether the creation of a WIP Job without an RMA is allowed.
CSD: Allow Price Override for Logistics Lines
Yes or No
Determines whether to allow overriding of the Price field in the Logistics Tab. Cannot be updated by a User, only by Sysadmin. If not set, the value is taken as No.
CSD: Close SR When All
Repair orders are Closed
Yes or No
When set to Yes, automatically closes the Service Request when the last Repair Order is closed.
CSD: Currency Conversion Type
Daily conversion types available in
GL (gl_daily_
Conversion type to use when converting a cost to the currency of an estimate charge line.
CSD: Customer Approval
Yes or No
Determines whether customer approval of the estimate is required for creating a Repair Job.
CSD: Debug Level
1 to 10
Determines the Debug level for Depot Repair transactions.
CSD: Default Category Set for Diagnostic Codes and Service Codes

<Category Set>

Determines the default Category Set for setting up Diagnostic Code and Service Code domains.
CSD: Default Country Code (Phone)

< free text >

Specifies the Default Country Code for phone number fields.
CSD: Default Job Name
<Any user  entered value is allowed>
Specifies the Default Job Name Prefix used while submitting a Repair Job for creation. This profile is applicable only when the profile CSD: Use CSD as Job Name Prefix is set to No.
CSD: Default Labor Item for Estimate Line From Tasks
Eligible labor items from Inventory
Labor item to use when auto-creating estimate labor lines from tasks.
CSD: Default Pick Release Rule for Sales Orders
Standard, etc.

Determines default Pick Release Rule for Repair Order related sales orders.

CSD: Default Price List
< Price List >
Sets the default price list for the Depot Repair application.
CSD: Default Repair Job
Released or
Determines the default Repair Job status.
CSD: Default Repair Type
<Repair Types>
Determines default Repair Type for new Repair Orders.
CSD: Default Return Reason Code for RMAs
Damaged Product
Damaged Product, etc.
Determines default Return Reason Code for item transaction: RMAs.
CSD: Default Program Created Service Request Severity
<List of Incident

When creating Service Requests from RMA lines via concurrent manager, this severity will be used for the Service Request.
CSD: Default Program Created Service Request Status

<List of Incident Statuses>

1. When creating new Service Requests for internal order refurbishments, this status will be used for the Service Request.
2. When creating Service Requests from RMA lines via concurrent manager, this status will be used for the Service Request.
CSD: Default Program Created Service Request Type

<List of Service Request Types for Depot Repair>

When creating Service Requests from RMA lines via concurrent manager, this type will be used for the Service Request.
CSD: Default Program Created Service Request Urgency

<List of Incident Urgencies>

1. When creating new Service Requests for internal order refurbishments, this urgency will be used for the Service Request.
2. When creating Service Requests from RMA lines via concurrent manager, this urgency will be used for the Service Request.
CSD: Default Program Created Service Request Work Summary

< free text >

When creating Service Requests from RMA lines via concurrent manager, this work summary will be used for the Service Request.
CSD: Default SR Severity for Internal RO

<Service Request Severity>
When creating new Service Requests for internal order refurbishments, this severity will be used for the Service Request. List of values displays all active Service Request severities.
CSD: Default SR Type for Internal RO
<Service Request
When creating new Service Requests for internal order refurbishments, this type will be used for the Service Request. List of values displays all active Service Request types.
CSD: Default WIP MRP Net Qty to Zero
Yes or No

Determines if the net quantity for a WIP job should be defaulted to zero.If it is set to null or No, then the net quantity will be set to job quantity.
CSD: Directory for Depot
Repair Log Files
No predefined set of values. The value is specified at the time of implementation.
Determines directory for Depot Repair log files. This is a mandatory profile option.
CSD: Enable Costing

Yes or No
Enables/disables cost fields and buttons for estimates.
CSD: Enable Estimates
Yes or No
This determines whether the Repair Estimate tab will be enabled or disabled.
CSD: Enable Knowledge
Yes or No
If the user sets this option to No, the applicable Knowledge Management area in the Diagnostics tab will be grayed out. If this profile option is not set, Knowledge Management will be enabled.
CSD: Number of Days to
Rollback Currency Conversion
<Integer value>

Number of Days to rollback currency conversion when converting a cost from GL currency to currency of estimate charge line.
CSD: Printer Name
<Printer Name>
Determines printer for printing repair estimate report.
CSD: Printer Required
Yes or No
Determines whether a printer is required.
CSD: Repair Mode for Depot Repair Orders
Work In Process

Work In Process,  Task, None/ Not Applicable, All
Determines Repair Mode for Depot Repair Processes - site level.
CSD: Repair Type Internal Repair Order
List of values displays all Repair Types where Repair Type Ref is Refurbishment and Internal Order flag is checked.
List of values will display at least one value, as Oracle Depot Repair seeds one Refurbishment Repair Type. Customer can add more Repair Types with Refurbishment set for the Repair Type Ref and Internal Order flag checked, for example, one each for Task and WIP mode. A value for this profile is required to create internal Repair Orders from Spares Management.
CSD: Require Item For Service Request
Yes or No
Makes the item and related fields required/not required in the Service Request header.
CSD: Use CSD as Job Name Prefix
Yes or No
If set to Yes, CSD is used as the Job Name Prefix while submitting a Repair Job and the prefix value cannot be updated in the Submit Repair Jobs window. If set to No, the Job Name Prefix defaults to the value specified for the profile CSD: Default Job Name Prefix and the prefix value can be updated in the Submit Repair Jobs window.
CSD: Use Tasks from Knowledge Management
Yes or No
When set to Yes, auto-creates estimate lines from tasks that are linked to applicable solutions (even if they are not linked via a service code), when you click Add Lines from Diagnostics in the Repair Estimate tab.

Please note that there are other profile options which do not under Oracle Depot Repair, but still may provide certain application functionality.

1 comment:

Anand Jaisawal said...

It is very helpful blog on Oracle Service depot repair understanding.

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