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Sunday, August 18, 2013

Purchase Order Interview Questions?

What are different types of PO's?
Standard, Blanket, Contract, Planned

What is dollar limit and how can you change it?
An approval group is defined which is nothing but a set of authorization rules comprised of include/exclude and amount limit criteria for the following Object Types: Document Total, Account Range, Item Range, Item Category Range, and Location that are required to approve a PO. You can always change the rules by doing the below: Navigation: Purchasing Responsibility > Setup > Approvals > Approval Groups Query the Approval group and change teh rules accordingly.

Can any on give me tha detailed tables & theire detail....

What is backdated Receipt?
Creating a Receipt with "Receipt Date" less than sysdate or today's date is referred to as 'Backdated Receipt".

Is it possible to create a backdated receipt with a receipt date falling in closed GL period?
No. The receipt date has to be with in open GL period.

What is Receipt Date Tolerance?
The buffer time during which receipts can be created with out warning/error prior or later to receipt due date.

How do we set the Receipt Tolerance?
Receipt Tolerance can be set in three different places.
1. Master Item Form (Item Level)
2. setup, organization form (Organization Level)
3. Purchase Order, Receiving controls. (shipment level).


Tell me about PO cycle?
Create PO Submit it for Approval Receive Goods against the PO (when order is delivered by the vendor) Close the PO after the invoice is created in AP and teh payments have been made to the vendor.

Explain Approval Heirarchies in PO.
Approval hierarchies let you automatically route documents for approval. There are two kinds of approval hierarchies in Purchasing: position hierarchy and employee/supervisor relationships. If an employee/supervisor relationship is used, the approval routing structures are defined as you enter employees using the Enter Person window. In this case, positions are not required to be setup. If you choose to use position hierarchies, you must set up positions. Even though the position hierarchies require more initial effort to set up, they are easy to maintain and allow you to define approval routing structures that remain stable regardless of how frequently individual employees leave your organization or relocate within it.

How does workflow determines whom to send the PO for approval?
It Depends on the setup whether it is position based or supervisor based.

What is Planned PO?
A Planned PO is a long¿term agreement committing to buy items or services from a single source. You must specify tentative delivery schedules and all details for goods or services that you want to buy, including charge account, quantities, and estimated cost.

What functions you do from iProcurement?
Create Requisition, Receive the goods.

What is difference between positional hierarchy and supervisor hierarchy?
If an employee/supervisor relationship is used, the approval routing structures are defined as you enter employees using the Enter Person window. In this case, positions are not required to be setup. If you choose to use position hierarchies, you must set up positions. Even though the position hierarchies require more initial effort to set up, they are easy to maintain and allow you to define approval routing structures that remain stable regardless of how frequently individual employees leave your organization or relocate within it.

What is the difference between purchasing module and iProcurement module?
Iprocurement is a self service application with a web shopping interface. WE can only create and manage requisitions and receipts. Purchasing module is form based and also lets you create PO and many other functions are possible other than requisitions and receiving.

What is Blanket PO?
A Blanket PO is created when you know the detail of the goods or services you plan to buy from a specific supplier in a period, but you do not know the detail of your delivery schedules.
Order Management

Can there be any step/procedure of Expiry of a Sales Order whether all shipments have been made or not?
Not available

Purchase Order: The document which is created and sent to supplier when we need to purchase something. (Buying) Sales Order: The document which is created when customer places an order to buy something. (Selling)

What are the Process Constraints?
Processing Constraints allow Order Management users the ability to control changes to sales orders, at all stages of its order or line workflows to avoid data inconsistencies and audit problems.

What is a Pick Slip Report?
Pick slip is a shipping document that the pickers use to locate items in the warehouse/ inventory to ship for an order.

At what stage an order cannot be cancelled?
If the order is Pick Confirmed, it cannot be cancelled.

When the order import program is run it validates and the errors occurred can be seen in?
Order Management Responsibility >Orders, Returns : Import Orders> Corrections

What are picking rules?
A user-defined set of criteria to define the priorities Order Management uses when picking items out of finished goods inventory to ship to a customer. Picking rules are defined in Oracle Inventory.

What does Back ordered mean in OM?
An unfulfilled customer order due to non-existence of the ordered items in the Inventory.

What is ONT stands for?

How is move order generated?
When the order is pick released.

Name some tables in shipping/order/move order/inventory?

What are primary and secondary price lists?
Price list contains information on items and its prices. The pricing engine uses secondary price lists when it cannot determine the price for an item using the price list assigned to an order.

Explain the Order Cycle?
Book the order Pick Release Pick Confirm Ship Confirm Close the order

What is packing slip?
An external shipping document that is sent along with a shipment itemizing in detail the contents of that shipment.

What are validation templates?
A validation template names a condition and defines the semantics of how to validate that condition. Validation templates can be used in the processing constraints framework to specify the constraining conditions for a given constraint.

What are different Order Types?
Order Only, Mixed, RMA

What are Defaulting Rules?
While creating the order,you can define defaulting rules so that the default values of the fields pop up automatically instead of typing all information.

What is drop ship in OM?
A method of fulfilling sales orders by selling products without handling, stocking,or delivering them. The selling company buys a product from a supplier and has the supplier ship the product directly to customers.

When an order cannot be deleted?
Order cannot be delted if the Order is Pick Confirmed.

What is Drop shipment?
Drop Shipment is a process where the customer places a purchase order on a company and this company instructs its supplier to directly ship the items to the customer.

What is pick slip?
Pick slip is a shipping document that the pickers use to locate items in the warehouse/ inventory to ship for an order.


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Anonymous said...

Very nice

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