1. What is Data warehouse?
According to Bill Inmon,
known as father of Data warehousing. “A Data warehouse is a subject oriented,
integrated ,time variant, non volatile collection of data in support of
management’s decision making process”.
2. what are the types of data warehouses?
There are three types of
data warehouses
Enterprise Data
ODS (operational data
Data Mart
3. What is Data mart?
A data mart is a subset of data warehouse that is designed
for a particular line of business, such as sales, marketing, or finance. In a
dependent data mart, data can be derived from an enterprise wide data
warehouse. In an independent data mart can be collected directly from sources.
4. What is star schema?
A star schema is the simplest form of data warehouse schema
that consists of one or more dimensional and fact tables.
5. What is snow flake schema?
A Snowflake schema is nothing but one Fact table which is
connected to a number of dimension tables, The snowflake and star schema are
methods of storing data which are multidimensional in nature.
6. What are ETL Tools?
ETL Tools are stands for Extraction, Transformation, and
Loading the data into the data warehouse for decision making. ETL refers to the
methods involved in accessing and manipulating source data and loading it into
target database.
7. What are Dimensional table?
Dimension tables contain attributes that describe fact
records in the fact table.
8. What is data Modelling?
Data Modeling is
representing the real world set of data structures or entities and their
relationship in their of data models, required for a database.Data Modelling
consists of various types like :
Conceptual data modeling
Logical data modeling
Physical data modeling
Enterprise data modeling
Relation data modeling
Dimensional data
9. What is Surrogate key?
Surrogate key is a substitution for the natural primary
key. It is just a unique identifier or number of each row that can be used for
the primary key to the table.
10. What is Data Mining?
A Data Mining is the process of analyzing data from
different perpectives and summarizing it into useful information
11. What is Operational Data Store?
A ODS is an operational data store which comes as a second
layer in a datawarehouse architecture. It has got the characteristics of both
OLTP and DSS systems.
12. What is the Difference between OLTP and OLAP?
OLTP is nothing but OnLine Transaction Processing which
contains a normalised tables .
But OLAP(Online Analtical Programming) contains the history of
OLTP data which is non-volatile acts as a Decisions Support System.
13. How many types of dimensions are available in Informatica?
There are three types of
dimensions available are :
Junk dimension
Degenerative Dimension
Conformed Dimension
14. What is Difference between ER Modeling and Dimensional Modeling?
ER Modeling is used for normalizing the OLTP database
Dimesional modeling is used for de-normalizing the ROLAP / MOLAP
15. What is the maplet?
Maplet is a set of transformations that you build in the
maplet designer and you can use in multiple mapings.
16. What is Session and Batches?
Session: A session is a set of commands that describes the
server to move data to the target.
Batch: A Batch is set of tasks that may include one or more numbar
of tasks (sessions, ewent wait, email, command, etc).
17. What are slowly changing dimensions?
Dimensions that change
overtime are called Slowly Changing Dimensions(SCD).
Slowly Changing
Dimension-Type1 : Which has only current records.
Slowly Changing
Dimension-Type2 : Which has current records + historical records.
Slowly Changing
Dimension-Type3 : Which has current records + one previous records.
18. What are 2 modes of data movement in Informatica Server?
There are two modes of data movement are:
Normal Mode in which for every record a separate DML stmt will be
prepared and executed.
Bulk Mode in which for multiple records DML stmt will be preapred
and executed thus improves performance.
19. What is the difference between Active and Passive
Active Transformation:An active transformation can change
the number of rows that pass through it from source to target i.e it eliminates
rows that do not meet the condition in transformation.
Passive Transformation:A passive transformation does not change the
number of rows that pass through it i.e it passes all rows through the
20. What is the difference between connected and unconnected
Connected Transformation:Connected transformation is
connected to other transformations or directly to target table in the mapping.
UnConnected Transformation:An unconnected transformation is not
connected to other transformations in the mapping. It is called within another
transformation, and returns a value to that transformation.
21. What are different types of transformations available in
There are various types of transformations available in
Informatica :
Application Source
External Procedure
Sequence Generator
Source Qualifier
Stored Procedure
Transaction Control
Update Strategy
XML Generator
XML Parser
XML Source Qualifier
22. What are Aggregator Transformation?
Aggregator transformation is an Active and Connected
transformation. This transformation is useful to perform calculations such as
averages and sums (mainly to perform calculations on multiple rows or groups).
23. What are Expression transformation?
Expression transformation is a Passive and Connected
transformation. This can be used to calculate values in a single row before
writing to the target.
24. What are Filter transformation?
Filter transformation is an Active and Connected
transformation. This can be used to filter rows in a mapping that do not meet
the condition.
25. What are Joiner transformation?
Joiner Transformation is an Active and Connected
transformation. This can be used to join two sources coming from two different
locations or from same location.
26. Why we use lookup transformations?
Lookup Transformations can access data from relational
tables that are not sources in mapping.
27. What are Normalizer transformation?
Normalizer Transformation is an Active and Connected
transformation. It is used mainly with COBOL sources where most of the time
data is stored in denormalized format. Also, Normalizer transformation can be
used to create multiple rows from a single row of data.
28. What are Rank transformation?
Rank transformation is an Active and Connected
transformation. It is used to select the top or bottom rank of data.
29. What are Router transformation?
Router transformationis an Active and Connected
transformation. It is similar to filter transformation. The only difference is,
filter transformation drops the data that do not meet the condition whereas
router has an option to capture the data that do not meet the condition. It is
useful to test multiple conditions.
30. What are Sorter transformation?
Sorter transformation is a Connected and an Active
transformation. It allows to sort data either in ascending or descending order
according to a specified field.
31. Name four output files that informations server creates during
session running?
Session Log
Workflow Log
Errors Log
32. Why we use stored procedure transformation?
A stored procedure transformation is an important tool for
populating and maintaing databases.
33. What are the difference between static cache and dynamic cache?
Dynamic cache decreases the performance in comparision to
static cache.
Static cache do not see such things just insert data as many times
as it is coming
34. Define maping and sessions?
Maping: It is a set of source and target definitions linked
by transformation objects that define the rules for transformation.
Session : It is a set of instructions that describe how and when
to move data from source to targets.
35. What is a command that used to run a batch?
pmcmd is used to start a batch.
36. What is Datadriven?
The informatica server follows instructions coded into
update strategy transformations with in the session maping determine how to
flag records for insert, update, delete or reject.
37. What is power center repository?
The PowerCenter repository allows you to share metadata
across repositories to create a data mart domain.
38. What is parameter file?
A parameter file is a file created by text editor such as
word pad or notepad. U can define the following values in parameter file.
Maping parameters
Maping variables
session parameters.
39. What are the types of lookup caches?
Static cache
Dynamic cache
Persistent cache
Shared cache
40. What are Stored Procedure transformation?
Stored Procedure transformation is an Passive &
Connected or UnConnected transformation. It is useful to automate
time-consuming tasks and it is also used in error handling, to drop and
recreate indexes and to determine the space in database, a specialized
41. What is fact table?
The centralized table in
a star schema is called as fact table. Fact tables are three types
semi additive
42. What is Data warehouse?
According to Bill Inmon, known as father of Data
warehousing. “A Data warehouse is a subject oriented, integrated ,time variant,
non volatile collection of data in support of management’s decision making
43. What is Data Transformation Manager(DTM)?
After the load manager performs validations for the
session, it creates the DTM process. The DTM process is the second process
associated with the session run.
44. How can you define a transformation?
A transformation is a repository object that generates,
modifies, or passes data. The Designer provides a set of transformations that
perform specific functions.
45. What are Lookup transformation?
Lookup transformation is Passive and it can be both
Connected and UnConnected as well. It is used to look up data in a relational
table, view, or synonym. Lookup definition can be imported either from source
or from target tables.
46. What are Source Qualifier transformation?
Source Qualifier transformation is an Active and Connected
transformation. When adding a relational or a flat file source definition to a
mapping, it is must to connect it to a Source Qualifier transformation. The
Source Qualifier performs the various tasks such as overriding default SQL
query, filtering records; join data from two or more tables etc.
47. What is difference between maplet and reusable transformation?
Maplet consists of set of transformations that is reusable.
A reusable transformation is a single transformation that can be
48. What are Update Strategy transformation?
Update strategy transformation is an active and connected
transformation. It is used to update data in target table, either to maintain
history of data or recent changes. You can specify how to treat source rows in
table, insert, update, delete or data driven.
49. How many types of dimensions are available in informatica?
There are three types of
Star schema
Snowflake schema
Glaxy schema
50. What is difference between maplet and reusable transformation?
Maplet : one or more transformations.
set of transformations that are reusable.
Reusable transformation: only one transformation.
Single transformation which is reusable.
51. What are different types of parsing?
Quick parsing
Thorough parsing
52. What are Lookup and Fact Tables?
A lookup (Dimension) table contains information about the
entities. In general the Dimension and details objects are derived from lookup
tables. A fact table contains the statistical information about transactions.
53. What is Designer?
Designer is the Business objects product that is intended
to develop the universes. These universe is the semantic - layer of the
database structure that isolates from technical issues.
54. What is Surrogate Key?
Surrogate keys are keys that are maintained within the data
warehouse instead of keys taken from source data systems.
55. What are the pitfalls of DWH?
Limited value of data
(Historical data not current data)
DW solutions complicate
business processes
DW solutions may have
too long a learning curve
Costs of cleaning,
capturing and delivering data
56. How do you handle large datasets?
By Using Bulk utility mode at the session level and if
possible by disabling constraints after consulting with DBA; Using Bulk utility
mode would mean that no writing is taking place in Roll Back Segment so loading
is faster. However the pitfall is that recovery is not possible.
57. What are the limitations of handling long datatypes?
When the length of a datatype (e.g varchar2(4000)) goes
beyond 4000, Informatica makes this as varchar2(2000).
58. What are the types of OLAP?
ROLAP (Relational OLAP) - Users see their data organized in
cubes and dimensions but the data is really stored in RDBMS. The performance is
slow. A storage mode that uses tables in a relational database to store
multidimensional structures.
MOLAP (Multidimensional OLAP) - Users see their data organized in
cubes and dimensions but the data is really stored in MDBMS. Query performance
is fast.
HOLAP (Hybrid OLAP) - It is a combination of ROLAP and HOLAP. EG:
HOLOs. In this one will find data queries on aggregated data as well as
detailed data.
59. What is the difference between data mart and data warehouse?
Data mart used on a business division/department level
where as data warehouse is used on enterprise level.
60. What is Meta data?
Data about the data, contains the location and description
of data warehouse system components such as name, definitions and end user
61. How does the recovery mode work in informatica?
In case of load failure an entry is made in OPB_SERV_ENTRY(?)
table from where the extent of loading can be determined.
62. What is Aggregate Awareness?
Aggregate awareness is a feature of DESIGNER that makes use
of aggregate tables in a database. These are tables that contain pre-calculated
data. The purpose of these tables is to enhance the performance of SQL
transactions; they are thus used to speed up the execution of queries.
63. What is a difference between OLTP and OLAP?
It focus on day to day
Data Stability
Highly normalized.
Access Frequency High.
It focus on future
predictions and decisions
Static until refreshed
Demoralized and
replicated data
Medium to low.
64. When should you use a star schema and when a snowflake schema?
A star schema is a simplest data warehouse schema.
Snowflake schema is similar to the star schema. It normalizes dimension table
to save data storage space. It can be used to represent hierarchies of
65. What parameters can be tweaked to get better performance from a
DTM shared memory, Index cache memory, Data cache memory,
by indexing, using persistent cache, increasing commit interval etc.
66. What are the benefits of DWH?
Immediate information
Data Integration from
across, even outside the organization
Future vision of
historical trends
Tools for looking at
data in new ways
Enhanced customer
67. Is It Possible to invoke Informatica batch or session outside
Informatica UI?
68. Why we are going for surrogate keys?
Data tables in various
source systems may use different keys for the same entity.
Keys may change or be
reused in the source data systems.
Changes in
organizational structures may move keys in the hierarchy.
69. When is more convenient to join in the database or in
Definitely at the
database level
at the source Qualifier
query itself
rather than using Joiner
70. How do you measure session performance?
By checking Collect performance Data check box.
71. What is Dimension Table?
It contains data used to
reference data stored in the fact table.
Fewer rows
Primarily character data
One primary key
(dimensional key)
Updatable data
72. What is a database connection?
A connection is a set of parameters that provides access to
an RDBMS. These parameters include system information such as the data account,
user identification, and the path to the database. Designer provides three types
of connections: secured, shared, and personal.
73. What are all the types of dimensions?
Informational Dimension
Structural Dimension
Categorical Dimension
Partitioning Dimension
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