If you do personalization at both FUNCTION level and Responsibility level, which personalization has higher precedence? |
Responsibility level. Responsibility level will override FUNCTION level personalizations. |
Say you have done a lot of Personalizations to Self Service Screens. |
But all these Personalizations were done in DEVELOPMENT environment. |
How will you migrate these personalizations to PRODUCTION environment? |
Before 11.5.7…Use AKLoad |
This is a java program given by Oracle. This is the only way you can script it. |
In DEV you will do è akdload DOWNLOAD ( & other parameters) |
In PRD you will do è akdload UPLOAD ( & other parameters) |
On or after 11.5.10 Use responsibility “Functional Administrator”, then click |
on Personalization Tab, and then click on Import/Export. |
Next select the documents to be exported. |
Go to the unix box and tar the personalizations into a .tar file. |
On the Production environment unzip this tar file in location as entered in profile “FND: Personalization Document Root Path”. |
Setting up of this profile is mandatory or else Oracle Framework would’nt know where to search for the files to be imported. |
What are the minimum classifications to create a Business Group? |
(i) Business Group |
(ii) GRE/Legal Entity |
(iii) HR Organization |
What are the Pre-Requisites for creating a Business Group? |
(i) Value Sets |
(ii) Key Flexfields |
(iii) Location |
What is the use of HR Organization? |
If we want to assign the employee information to a Business Group then we need to have HR Organization classification under a Business Group. |
What is People Group? |
(i) It is a Flexible area for holding user-defined assignment data. |
(ii) Data can be used for Grouping sets of assignment together. |
(iii) People group can be used for Element eligibility. |
(iv) This information is used by the Payroll Run. |
(v) The data will be held in PAY_PEOPLE_GROUPS. |
(vi) GROUP_NAME field holds the concatenation of Segment data. |
What is the KFF structure for SIT? |
Personal Analysis Flexfields. |
What is the DFF structure for EIT? |
(i) Extra Person Information |
(ii) Assignment Extra Information |
(iii) Extra Location Information |
(iv) Extra Position Information |
(v) Extra Job Information |
(vi) Organization Developer DF |
How to enable EIT? |
Switch Responsibility to ‘Human Resources, Vision Enterprises’ |
Double click on ‘Security’ |
Click on ‘Information Types’ |
Create your own ‘Information Types’ under your ‘Responsibility Name’. |
How to enable SIT? |
Switch Responsibility to ‘Human Resources, Vision Enterprises’ |
Double click on ‘Other Definitions’ |
Click on ‘Special Information Types’ |
What is the use of Date Track? |
1) It is used to maintain the record history by creating a new record when the date track mode is UPDATE and override on the existing record when the Data track mode is CORRECTION. |
2) The value of the Data Track record depends on the date. |
3) Tables ending with _F are date track tables. |
4) To control data tracked rows, every Date Track table must include Effective_start_date & Effective_end_date. |
5) The Effective_Start_Date indicates when the record inserted. |
6) The Effective_End_Date indicates when the record updated or deleted. |
What is the use of Object Version Number? |
1) It is used to capture the latest record from the data base table. |
2) When a row is inserted its number is set to 1. |
3) If any updates performed on the row then the OVN is incremented. |
4) Every API has the OVN parameter. |
5) For create API this parameter is defined as an OUT parameter. |
6) For update API this parameter is defined as an IN OUT parameter. |
7) The APIs use it to check a row has been updated by another user, to prevent overwriting their changes. |
What is the Element? |
It is a Data Structure which is used to hold information for both Human Resources and Payroll. |
In Human Resources elements may represents compensation types including Earnings such as Salary, Hourly Wages and Bonuses. |
In Payroll, elements constitute all the items in the Payroll run process. |
What are the Classification Priorities? |
(i) Information |
(ii) Non-Payroll |
(iii) Earnings |
(iv) Pre-Tax Deductions |
(v) Tax Deductions |
(vi) Employer Tax |
(vii) Voluntary Deductions |
(viii) In Voluntary Deductions |
What the Element can represent? |
Earnings --> such as Salary, Wages & Bonuses |
Benefits --> such as employee stock & pension plans |
Non-Payroll items --> such as Expenses |
Absences from work |
Voluntary and In-Voluntary deductions |
Employer Taxes and other Liabilities. |
What are the pre-defined Elements? |
UK Payroll legislation provides many predefined elements |
--Tax |
--National Insurance (Employee/Employer) |
--Court Orders |
These Elements cannot be modified. |
What are the Element Entry Concepts? |
Recurring à Recurring Entries can exists over many Payroll periods |
Non-Recurring à Non-Recurring Entries are valid for single Payroll period only. |
What are the types of Element Entry? |
There are four types |
Normal Entry |
Override Entry |
Additional Entry |
Adjustment Entry |
--Additive Adjustment |
--Replacement Adjustment |
--Balance Adjustment |
How can we add a new input value to an existing Element? |
We can add an additional input values to an existing Element if the element has not been processed in a Payroll run and the Effective data is the same date of creation of the Element. |
What is the use of ID_FLEX_NUM? |
It is used to define the Structure Definition. |
The Structure Definition is held in FND_ID_FLEX_STRUCTURES |
The Structure Segment Definition is held in FND_ID_FLEX_SEGMENTS |
What is the Element Link? |
Links identify one or more assignment components that must be included in an employee's assignment for them to be eligible.Elements can, but they don’t have to, be linked by: Organization GroupJob PositionGrade LocationEmployment Category (i.e., Fulltime-Regular, Part-time-Regular) |
Payroll Salary Basis |
What is API? |
Ø API is packaged procedure which can be used as an entry point into Application. |
Ø The advantage of using an API is we can enter new information or alter the existing data without manual enters the information into the Application. |
Ø APIs allow users to maintain HRMS information without using Oracle Application forms. |
How do i use an API to upload the data? |
Ø API package contains many procedures to insert/update/delete the application data. |
Ø The API is not executed on its own, the API must be called or executed by other pl/sql program. |
Ø The API package should never be modified for custom use, if modified Oracle will not be able to support them. |
Ø None of the HRMS APIs issue commit, the calling module should manage the commit of the transaction. |
How do i identify the Package name and version of the API? |
SELECT text |
FROM all_source |
WHERE name like ‘HR_EMPLOYEE_API%’ |
AND text LIKE ‘%Header%’; |
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Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Oracle HRMS Self Service Interview Questions
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