Q: Give the structure of the trigger?
A: Triggers are simply
stored procedures that are ran automatically by the database whenever some
event happens. The general structure of triggers is: CREATE [OR REPLACE]
DELETE ON tablename [FOR EACH ROW [WHEN (condition)]] BEGIN ... END;
Q: What is an autonomous transaction ?
A: An autonomous
transaction is an independent transaction that is initiated by another
transaction (the parent transaction). An autonomous transaction can modify
data and commit or rollback independent of the state of the parent
Q: What are the different cursors available in
A: Explicit Cursors,
Implicit Cursors, Ref Cursors
Q: How do you submit a concurrent program from
PL/SQL Procedure?
Q: What is the difference between View and
Materialized view?
A: Materialized view
will not be refreshed everytime you query the view so to have good
performance when data is not changed so rapidly we use Materialized views
rather than normal views which always fetches data from tables everytime you
run a query on it.
A: The
RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR is a procedure defined by Oracle that allows to raise
an exception and associate an error number and message with the procedure.
Q: What are the three files that are generated
when you load data using SQL Loader?
A: .log .bad .discard
Q: What is dynamic SQL?
A: Dynamic SQL allows
you to construct a query, a DELETE statement, a CREATE TABLE statement, or
even a PL/SQL block as a string and then execute it at runtime.
Q: What are the types of Exceptions?
A: System defined and
user defined Exceptions
Q: What are the differences between Function
and Procedure?
A: Function has to
return a value where procedure may or maynot return values. Function can be
used in SQL statements and procedures can not.
Q: What is the difference between TRUNCATE and
TRUNCATE will completely erase the data
where as in DELETE you have the option to delete only few rows. TRUNCATE is
DDL command where as DELETE is DML command
Q: What is the SQL statement used to display
the text of a procedure stored in database?
A: select text from
dba_source where name = 'Procedurename'
Q: Can you use COMMIT in a trigger?
A: Yes but by defining
an autonomous transaction.
Q: What is Ref Cursor?
A: A ref cursor is a
variable, defined as a cursor type, which will point to a cursor result. The
advantage that a ref cursor has over a plain cursor is that is can be passed
as a variable to a procedure or a function.
Ref Cursors are of 2
types: Weak and Strong. In the case of Strong type, the data type of the
returned cursor result is defined whereas in Weak type, it is not defined.
Eg:type erp_cursor is
ref cursor; -- weak
type erp_cursor is ref
cursor returning erp%rowtype; --strong
2 type erp_cursor is
ref cursor;
3 c1 erp_cursor;
4 r_c1
5 r2_c1
7 begin
8 open c1 for select *
from articles;
9 fetch c1 into r_c1;
10 close c1;
11 open c1 for select
* from scripts;
12 fetch c1 into
13 close c1;
14 end;
Q: Can triggers be used on views? If so How?
A: Yes only INSTEAD OF
trigger can be used to modify a view.
TRIGGER trigger_name
view name
begin ... end;
Q: Can you call a sequence in SQL Loader?
A: Yes
Q: How do you declare user defined Exception?
A: Declare ...
Excep_name exception; procedure Excep_name is begin raise some_exc; end
Excep_name; Begin .... end;
BACK;" To which save point will the changes be Rolled Back?
A: Updates done
wouldn't be Rolled Back as CREATE statement which is a DDL would issue a
COMMIT after the creation of the table.
Q: What is tkprof and the syntax?
A: When Trace option
is Enabled, the .trc file is created in Udump folder which is not in readable
format. Tkprof utility is used to convert this .trc file into a readable
format. syntax: tkprof trcfilename outputfilename
Q: How do you set profile options from PL/SQL
A: By calling the
standard fnd_profile procedure.
Q: Have you ever used TABLE datatype and what
is it used for?
A: TABLES are like
Arrays, used for temporary storage. The declaration of TABLE involves 2
steps: Declare the table structure using TYPE statement and then declare the
actual table.
Q: what is External table?
A: External tables can
be used to load flat files into the database.
First create a
directory say ext_dir and place the flat file (file.csv) in it and grant
read/write access to it.
Then create the table
as below:
create table
erp_ext_table (
i Number,
n Varchar2(20),
m Varchar2(20)
organization external
type oracle_loader
default directory
access parameters (
records delimited by
fields terminated by ,
missing field values
are null
location (file.csv)
reject limit
Q: What is global temporary table?
A: Global temporary
tables are session specific, meaning the users in other sessions cannot see
or manipulate the data in the temporary table you have created. Only you can
access or insert or delete or perform anything with the data in the temporary
table in your session and the other users cannot use or access this. Once you
end your session, the data in the temporary table will be purged.
Q: How do you retrieve the last N records from
a table?
A: The RANK() and
DENSE_RANK() functions can be used to
determine the LAST N
or BOTTOM N rows.
Q: What is difference between TRUNCATE &
A: TRUNCATE commits
after deleting entire table i.e., cannot be rolled back. Database triggers do
not fire on TRUNCATE
Q: What is ROWID?
A: ROWID is a pseudo
column attached to each row of a table. It is 18 characters long, blockno,
rownumber are the components of ROWID
Q: What are the advantages of VIEW?
A: To protect some of
the columns of a table from other users.
- To hide complexity
of a query.
- To hide complexity
of calculations.
Q: What are SQLCODE and SQLERRM and why are
they important for PL/SQL developers?
A: SQLCODE returns the
value of the error number for the last error encountered. The SQLERRM returns
the actual error message for the last error encountered. They can be used in exception
handling to report, or, store in an error log table, the error that occurred
in the code. These are especially useful for the WHEN OTHERS exception.
Q: What is tkprof and how is it used?
A: The tkprof tool is
a tuning tool used to determine cpu and execution times for SQL statements.
You use it by first setting timed_statistics to true in the initialization
file and then turning on tracing for either the entire database via the
sql_trace parameter or for the session using the ALTER SESSION command. Once
the trace file is generated you run the tkprof tool against the trace file
and then look at the output from the tkprof tool. This can also be used to
generate explain plan output.
Q: What is Blanket PO?
A: A Blanket PO is
created when you know the detail of the goods or services you plan to buy
from a specific supplier in a period, but you do not know the detail of your
delivery schedules.
Q: What are different types of PO’s ?
A: Standard, Blanket,
Contract, Planned
Q: How does workflow determines whom to send
the PO for approval?
A: It Depends on the
setup whether it is position based or supervisor based.
Q: Can you create PO in iProcurement ?
A: No
Q: Give me some PO tables
Q: Tell me about PO cycle?
A: Create PO
Submit it for Approval
Receive Goods against
the PO (when order is delivered by the vendor)
Close the PO after the
invoice is created in AP and teh payments have been made to the vendor.
Q: Explain Approval Heirarchies in PO.
A: Approval
hierarchies let you automatically route documents for approval. There are two
kinds of approval hierarchies in Purchasing: position hierarchy and
employee/supervisor relationships.
If an
employee/supervisor relationship is used, the approval routing structures are
defined as you enter employees using the Enter Person window. In this case,
positions are not required to be setup.
If you choose to use
position hierarchies, you must set up positions. Even though the position
hierarchies require more initial effort to set up, they are easy to maintain
and allow you to define approval routing structures that remain stable
regardless of how frequently individual employees leave your organization or
relocate within it.
Q: What functions you do from iProcurement?
A: Create Requisition,
Receive the goods.
Q: What is difference between positional
hierarchy and supervisor hierarchy?
A: If an
employee/supervisor relationship is used, the approval routing structures are
defined as you enter employees using the Enter Person window. In this case,
positions are not required to be setup.
If you choose to use
position hierarchies, you must set up positions. Even though the position
hierarchies require more initial effort to set up, they are easy to maintain
and allow you to define approval routing structures that remain stable
regardless of how frequently individual employees leave your organization or
relocate within it.
Q: What is the difference between purchasing
module and iProcurement module?
A: Iprocurement is a
self service application with a web shopping interface. WE can only create
and manage requisitions and receipts.
Purchasing module is
form based and also lets you create PO and many other functions are possible
other than requisitions and receiving.
Q: What is dollar limit and how can you change
A: An approval group
is defined which is nothing but a set of authorization rules comprised of
include/exclude and amount limit criteria for the following Object Types:
Document Total, Account Range, Item Range, Item Category Range, and Location
that are required to approve a PO.
You can always change
the rules by doing the below:
Responsibility > Setup > Approvals > Approval Groups
Query the Approval
group and change teh rules accordingly.
Q: What is Planned PO?
A: A Planned PO is a
long–term agreement committing to buy items or services from a single source.
You must specify tentative delivery schedules and all details for goods or
services that you want to buy, including charge account, quantities, and
estimated cost.
Q: What is backdated Receipt?
A: Creating a Receipt
with "Receipt Date" less than sysdate or today's date is referred
to as 'Backdated Receipt".
Q: Is it possible to create a backdated receipt
with a receipt date falling in closed GL period?
A: No. The receipt
date has to be with in open GL period.
Q: What is Receipt Date Tolerance?
A: The buffer time
during which receipts can be created with out warning/error prior or later to
receipt due date.
Q: How do we set the Receipt Tolerance?
A: Receipt Tolerance
can be set in three different places.
1. Master Item Form
(Item Level)
2. setup, organization
form (Organization Level)
3. Purchase Order,
Receiving controls. (shipment level).
Q: What are the Process Constraints?
A: Processing
Constraints allow Order Management users the ability to control changes to
sales orders, at all stages of its order or line workflows to avoid data
inconsistencies and audit problems.
Q: What is a Pick Slip Report?
A: Pick slip is a
shipping document that the pickers use to locate items in the warehouse/
inventory to ship for an order.
Q: At what stage an order cannot be cancelled?
A: If the order is
Pick Confirmed, it cannot be cancelled.
Q: When the order import program is run it
validates and the errors occurred can be seen in?
A: Order Management
Responsibility >Orders, Returns : Import Orders> Corrections
Q: What is the difference between purchase
order (PO) and sales order?
A: Purchase Order: The
document which is created and sent to supplier when we need to purchase
something. (Buying)
Sales Order: The
document which is created when customer places an order to buy something.
Q: What are primary and secondary price lists?
A: Price list contains
information on items and its prices. The pricing engine uses secondary price
lists when it cannot determine the price for an item using the price list
assigned to an order.
Q: Name some tables in shipping/order/move
Q: How is move order generated?
A: When the order is
pick released.
Q: What is ONT stands for?
Q: What does Back ordered mean in OM?
A: An unfulfilled
customer order due to non-existence of the ordered items in the Inventory.
Q: What are picking rules?
A: A user-defined set
of criteria to define the priorities Order Management uses when picking items
out of finished goods inventory to ship to a customer. Picking rules are
defined in Oracle Inventory.
Q: What is drop ship in OM?
A: A method of
fulfilling sales orders by selling products without handling, stocking,or
delivering them. The selling company buys a product from a supplier and has
the supplier ship the product directly to customers.
Q: What are Defaulting Rules?
A: While creating the
order,you can define defaulting rules so that the default values of the
fields pop up automatically instead of typing all information.
Q: What are validation templates?
A: A validation
template names a condition and defines the semantics of how to validate that
condition. Validation templates can be used in the processing constraints
framework to specify the constraining conditions for a given constraint.
Q: What are different Order Types?
A: Order Only, Mixed,
Q: Explain the Order Cycle?
A: Book the order
Pick Release
Pick Confirm
Ship Confirm
Close the order
Q: What is packing slip?
A: An external
shipping document that is sent along with a shipment itemizing in detail the
contents of that shipment.
Q: When an order cannot be deleted?
A: Order cannot be
delted if the Order is Pick Confirmed.
Q: What is pick slip?
A: Pick slip is a
shipping document that the pickers use to locate items in the warehouse/
inventory to ship for an order.
Q: What is Drop shipment?
A: Drop Shipment is a
process where the customer places a purchase order on a company and this
company instructs its supplier to directly ship the items to the customer.
Q: What are the 4 C's in Accounting?
A: In Oracle 11i 3c's
i.e Currency Calendar Char of Account
In R12 4c's include
sub-ledger account along the above
Q: What is delegation in iExpense?
A: You can authorize
an employee to enter expense reports for another employee. An employee who is
assigned the responsibility to enter expense reports for another employee is
an authorized delegate.
Q: What is the process/steps for Vendor
A: Insert the Vendor
info into the interface tables and perform the required validations:
Run the below programs
to load the data into the Base tables:
Supplier Open
Interface Import
Supplier Sites Open
Interface Import
Supplier Site Contacts
Open Interface Import
Q: What is Debit Memo & Credit Memo in
A: Credit Memo is a
negative amount invoice you receive from a supplier representing a credit.
Debit Memo is a negative amount invoice you send to notify a supplier of a
credit you recorded for goods or services purchased.
Q: Explain the set up used for Automatic or
Manual Supplier Numbering.
A: In the Financials
Options window, you can set the Supplier Number entry option to either
Autimoatic or Manual • Automatic: The system automatically assigns a unique
sequential number to each supplier when you enter a new supplier. • Manual:
You enter the supplier number when you enter a supplier
Q: What is Contract PO?
A: Contract PO is
created when you agree with your suppliers on specific terms and conditions
without indicating the goods and services that you will be purchasing.
Q: What is a Payable Document?
A: A medium you use to
instruct your bank to disburse funds from your bank account to the bank account
or site location of a supplier.
Q: In which table we can find the vendor
Q: Give the cycle from creating an invoice to
transferring it to GL in AP.
A: 1)Create Invoice
2)Validate Invoice 3)Create Accounting entries using Payables Accounting
Process 4)Submit the Payables Transfer to General Ledger program to send
invoice and payment accounting entries to the General Ledger interface.
4)Journal Import (GL) 5)Journal Post (GL)
Q: What are the different types of Invoices in
A: Standard, Credit
Memo, Debit Memo, Expense Report,PrePayment, Mixed, PO Default
Q: You have created a new SOB. How will you
attach this SOB to AP?
A: Go to Payables
Manager for the appropriate Operating Unit.
of Books--->choose.
Q: How many key flexfields are there in
A: No Key Flexfields
in AP
Q: What is the Distribution Type while entering
the Invoice?
A: Item, Tax,
Miscellaneous,Freight, Withholding Tax
Q: What are the Prepayment types?
A: Temporary and
Q: What is Aging Periods?
A: Aging Periods
window are the time periods for the Invoice Aging Report. The Invoice Aging
Report provides information about invoice payments due during four periods
you specify.
Q: Whats the difference between the
"Payables Open Interface Import" Program and the "Payables
Invoice Import" program?
A: Payables Open
Interface -- for importing regular invoices Payables Invoice Import -- for
importing expense reports. In 11i renamed as Expense Report Import.
Q: What is prepayment & steps to apply it
to an Invoice?
A: Prepayment is a
type pf invoice that you enter to make an advance
payment to a supplier
or employee.
To Apply it to an
Invoice ,in the Invoices window, query either the prepayment or the invoice
to which you want to apply it. Choose the Actions button and select the
Apply/Unapply Prepayment check box. Click OK.
Q: Can you hold the partial payment if
yes then how?
A: Yes.
1.Go to the Invoice
window. Go to the scheduled payments tab.
"Split" to split the scheduled payment into as many
payments as you wish.
"Hold" against the Payment line you wish to hold.
Q: How you will transfer payables to general ledger?
A: Create Accounting.
Transfer the transactions to GL_Interface Import the Journals Post the
Q: What program is used to transfer AP
transactions to GL?
A: Payables Transfer
to General Ledger Program
Q: What is use of AP Accounting Periods?
A: In Payables
accounting periods have to be defined to enter and account for transactions
in these open periods. Payables does not allow transaction processing in a
period that has never been opened. These periods are restricted to Payables
only. The period statuses available in Payables are Never Opened,
Future,Open, Closed, and Permanently Closed.
Q: What are the different interface programs in
A: Payables Open
Interface Import to load Invoices and other transactions.
Supplier Open
Interface Import to load Suppliers.
Supplier Sites Open
Interface Import to load Supplier sites.
Supplier Site Contacts
Open Interface Import to load Supplier Site contacts.
Q: What is Invoice Tolerance?
A: We can define the
matching and tax tolerances i.e how much to allow for variances between
invoice, purchase order, receipt, and tax information during matching. You
can define both percentage–based and amount–based tolerances.
Q: What will accrue in Payables?
A: Expenses and
Q: What is a Hold? Explain the types of Hold.
A: Payables lets you
apply holds manually on an invoice, Payments etc to prevent the payment from
being made or to prevent the accounting entries to be created etc. Some of
the Payable holds are -- Invoice Hold, Accounts Hold, Funds Hold, Matching
Hold, Variance Hold, Misc hold.
Q: Which module is the owner of Vendor/Supplier
A: Purchasing
Q: What is Payment Terms?
A: Payment Terms let
you define the due date or the discount date , due amount or discount amount.
Once the payment terms are defined, you can attach these to the suppliers and
supplier sites and these terms will be automatically populated once the
invoice is entered for a supplier site.
Q: In AP the suppliers didn’t visible in India
Creditors Ledger Report Parameter?
A: pls check whether
that particular supplier is available in Suppliers addition inforamtion or
Q: What kind of transactions can be created
using AutoInvoice?
A: Invoices, credit
memos, debit memos, and on–account credits can be imported using AutoInvoice.
Q: What are the underlying tables and
validations required during AutoInvoice Interface?
A: Interface tables:
Concurrent Program: Auto invoice master program Validations: check for
amount, batch source name, conversion rate, conversion type. Validate
orig_system_bill_customer_id, orig_system_bill_address_id, quantity. Validate
if the amount includes tax flag.
Q: Explain the different steps in implementing
A: Import, Validate,
Post Quick Cash
Q: What are the different Invoice matching
A: 2-way matching:
2-way matching verifies that Purchase order and invoice quantities must match
within your tolerances 3-way matching: 3-way matching verifies that the
receipt and invoice information match with the quantity tolerances 4-way
matching: 4-way matching verifies that acceptance documents and invoice
information match within the quantity tolerances
Q: What are the different Transaction types in
A: Invoice, Credit
Memo, Debit Memo,Charge back, commitments
Q: Tell me about TCA?
A: TCA canbe used to
import or modify Customers related data.
Q: Name some Flexfields in AR.
A: Sales Tax Location,
Q: Explain the steps involved in Transfer to GL
from AR.
A: Transfer the
transactions to GL_Interface Import the Journals Post the Journals
Q: What is the dbnumber of a particular
cusotmer TCA?
A: It is a unique
number used to identify the Customers.
Q: Where can you find the Customer payment terms?
A: In the table
Q: What is the link between OM and AR?
A: To relate the Order
Number (ONT) to the Invoice (AR) we use the LINE TRANSACTION FLEX FIELDS. In
INTERFACE_HEADER_ATTRIBUTE15 store this Information that uniquely identifies
Information that uniquely identifies the Sales Order.(LINE INFO)
Q: What is Blanket PO?
A: A Blanket PO is
created when you know the detail of the goods or services you plan to buy
from a specific supplier in a period, but you do not know the detail of your
delivery schedules.
Q: What are different types of PO’s ?
A: Standard, Blanket,
Contract, Planned
Q: How does workflow determines whom to send
the PO for approval?
A: It Depends on the
setup whether it is position based or supervisor based.
Q: Can you create PO in iProcurement ?
A: No
Q: Give me some PO tables
Q: Tell me about PO cycle?
A: Create PO
Submit it for Approval
Receive Goods against
the PO (when order is delivered by the vendor)
Close the PO after the
invoice is created in AP and teh payments have been made to the vendor.
Q: Explain Approval Heirarchies in PO.
A: Approval
hierarchies let you automatically route documents for approval. There are two
kinds of approval hierarchies in Purchasing: position hierarchy and
employee/supervisor relationships.
If an
employee/supervisor relationship is used, the approval routing structures are
defined as you enter employees using the Enter Person window. In this case,
positions are not required to be setup.
If you choose to use
position hierarchies, you must set up positions. Even though the position
hierarchies require more initial effort to set up, they are easy to maintain
and allow you to define approval routing structures that remain stable
regardless of how frequently individual employees leave your organization or
relocate within it.
Q: What functions you do from iProcurement?
A: Create Requisition,
Receive the goods.
Q: What is difference between positional
hierarchy and supervisor hierarchy?
A: If an
employee/supervisor relationship is used, the approval routing structures are
defined as you enter employees using the Enter Person window. In this case,
positions are not required to be setup.
If you choose to use
position hierarchies, you must set up positions. Even though the position
hierarchies require more initial effort to set up, they are easy to maintain
and allow you to define approval routing structures that remain stable
regardless of how frequently individual employees leave your organization or
relocate within it.
Q: What is the difference between purchasing
module and iProcurement module?
A: Iprocurement is a
self service application with a web shopping interface. WE can only create
and manage requisitions and receipts.
Purchasing module is
form based and also lets you create PO and many other functions are possible
other than requisitions and receiving.
Q: What is dollar limit and how can you change
A: An approval group
is defined which is nothing but a set of authorization rules comprised of
include/exclude and amount limit criteria for the following Object Types:
Document Total, Account Range, Item Range, Item Category Range, and Location
that are required to approve a PO.
You can always change
the rules by doing the below:
Responsibility > Setup > Approvals > Approval Groups
Query the Approval
group and change teh rules accordingly.
Q: What is Planned PO?
A: A Planned PO is a
long–term agreement committing to buy items or services from a single source.
You must specify tentative delivery schedules and all details for goods or
services that you want to buy, including charge account, quantities, and
estimated cost.
Q: What is backdated Receipt?
A: Creating a Receipt
with "Receipt Date" less than sysdate or today's date is referred
to as 'Backdated Receipt".
Q: Is it possible to create a backdated receipt
with a receipt date falling in closed GL period?
A: No. The receipt
date has to be with in open GL period.
Q: What is Receipt Date Tolerance?
A: The buffer time
during which receipts can be created with out warning/error prior or later to
receipt due date.
Q: How do we set the Receipt Tolerance?
A: Receipt Tolerance
can be set in three different places.
1. Master Item Form
(Item Level)
2. setup, organization
form (Organization Level)
3. Purchase Order,
Receiving controls. (shipment level).
Q: Name the report triggers.
A: 1. Before Parameter
2. After Parameter 3. Before Report 4. Between Pages 5. After Report
Q: What are bind parameter and lexical
parameter used for?
A: A bind reference
replaces a single value or expression.To create a bind reference in a query,
prefix the parameter name with a colon (:). A lexical reference is a text
string and can replace any part of a SELECT statement, such as column names,
the FROM clause, the WHERE clause, or the ORDER BY clause. To create a
lexical reference in a query, prefix the parameter name with an ampersand
Q: How do you print barcode in the reports?
A: By installing the
Barcode Font and using the Chart field in the Layout.
Q: What are the different sections in the
A: Header, Main,
Q: What is SRW package and some procedures in
A: It is the standard
reports package and it has many procedures like USER_EXITS, DO_SQL,
Q: What are user exits in reports and name a
A: User exits provided
a way to pass control from Reports Builder to a program you have written,
which performs some function, and then returns control to Reports Builder.
Q: How do you display only one record on each
page in a report?
A: Give Page Break in
the Format trigger of the repeating frame.
Q: How do you write the report output to Excel
file or text file?
A: 1.Use TEXT_IO
package 2.Use SPOOL in After Report trigger 3.Use UTL Package
Q: Give an example of the implementation of
"between pages trigger" in reports.
A: The total printed
at the bottom of first page has to be carried to the top of the next page.
Q: Where in reports do you set the context
information (like org_id)?
Q: What is Anchor in reports?
A: Anchors fasten an
edge of one object to an edge of another object, ensuring that they maintain
their positions relative to its parent.
Q: What is the difference between Conditional
Formatting and format trigger?
A: Both provide the
same functionality, used to format the output based on particular conditions.
Format triggers provide a wide variety of options when compared to
conditional formatting(GUI). In format Triggers we have the option to write
PL/SQL code where as conditional formatting is GUI based which provide
limited options.
Q: How do you call a concurrent program or
another report from a report?
A: Use
FND_SUBMIT.REQUEST() to call a concurrent program or a report. Use
SRW.RUN_REPORT() to run a report directly without registering it as a
concurrent program.
Q: How do you mail the output of a report?
A: 1. Use UTL_SMTP
(refer to Scripts tab for more details) 2. Use MAILX called in a shell script
registered as a concurrent program with parameters File name and path.
Q: How can you grey out/ highlight/hide some
records based on conditions in a report?
A: Use Conditional
Q: What is Report Busting?
A: Reports bursting
offers you to deliver a single report to multiple destinations
simultaneously. It offers you to create multiple reports out of one single
report model.
For example, you can
create just one employee report for all your departments and send an email
with a PDF-attachment containing the report to each manager. Each report
would contain only the relevant department information for that particular
manager. Using the reports bursting functionality will reduce the overhead
since you will only have a single data fetch and report format.
Q: Is it possible to change the margins for
oracle report?
A: Yes.
Q: What is the difference between "AFTER
PARAMETER FORM" trigger and "BEFORE REPORT" trigger?
FORM trigger is fired immediately after the report parameter form is
submitted. BEFORE REPORT trigger is fired after the report queries are parsed
and data is fetched.
Q: What are the mandatory parameters given in
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Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Oracle Applications Interview Questions and Answers
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