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Saturday, November 12, 2011

AR Statements

Statements are available ‘on demand’ and can be printed off whenever you need them.
  1. Use the AR Cashier responsibility
  2. Navigate to the ‘Print Documents’ window
  1. In the ‘Option’ field, click onto the LOV and choose ‘Reprint Statements’
  2. In the ‘Bucket’ field, click onto the LOV and ‘Statement’ should default in
  3. Type in your search criteria in either the ‘Customer Name’ or ‘Customer Number’ field
  4. When you click into the ‘Cycle’ field, the default cycle for that customer profile should default in
  5. Click into the ‘Statement Date’ field and choose the nearest date to the date you are running the statement i.e. the beginning of the month
  6. Click ‘Submit’
  7. Close the window
  8. You are taken back to the Navigator
  9. Click ‘View on the menu and choose ‘Requests’
  1. Click ‘Find’
  2. On the next screen, if your print has not completed yet, hit the ‘Refresh Data’ button until the process is complete
  1. Click ‘View Output’
  2. You can now view the statement on your screen

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