Module Overview
Oracle Project Costing and Billing provides an
integrated cost management solution for all projects and activities within an
enterprise. With Project Costing you can manage costs across currency and
organizational boundaries Where as using Oracle Project Billing provides you
with the ability to simplify your client invoicing, improve your cash flow, and
measure the performance and profitability of your contract projects.
Oracle Project Billing, together with Oracle Project
Costing, provides a complete, integrated project billing solution.
· Create
Contract Project type, project template
· Create
Agreement against the customer
· Define Bill rate
· Enter time and
expenses against the project
· Generate Revenue
and Invoices
· Transfer to
Integration of Oracle Projects with other Oracle Modules:
Module is integrated with other Oracle Modules like Oracle Sales, Inventory,
Payables, Assets and General Ledger. Oracle Projects suite works together with
other modules to provide a complete enterprise project management solution.
A unit of work that
requires resources to produce measurable results. A project can be broken down
into one or more tasks.
Project/Task organization
The Organization that owns
the project or task. This can be any organization in the list of values for the
project setup. The Project/Task Organization LOV contains organizations of the
Project/Task Organization Type in the Organization Hierarchy and Version below
the Start Organization. You specify your Start Organization and Version in the
Implementation Options window.
A subdivision of project
work. Each project can have a set of top tasks and a hierarchy of subtasks
below each top task.
A contract with a customer
that serves as the basis for work authorization. An agreement may represent a
legally binding contract, such as a purchase order, or a verbal authorization.
An agreement sets the terms of payment for invoices generated against the
agreement, and affects whether there are limits to the amount of revenue you
can accrue or bill against the agreement. An agreement can fund the work of one
or more projects.
Project Template
A standard template you create for use in creating
other projects. You set up project templates that have features common in the
projects you want to create.
Invoice format
The columns, text, and
layout of invoice lines on an invoice.
Expenditure type
An implementation-defined classification of cost
that you assign to each expenditure item. Expenditure types are grouped into
cost groups (expenditure categories) and revenue groups (revenue categories).
Expenditure category
An implementation- defined grouping of expenditure
types by type of cost. For example, an expenditure category with a name such as
Labor refers to the cost of labor.
Auto Accounting
In Oracle Projects, a feature that automatically
determines the account coding for an accounting transaction based on the
project, task, employee, and expenditure information.
Auto Accounting Lookup Set
An implementation-defined list of intermediate
values and corresponding Accounting Flexfield segment values. AutoAccounting
lookup sets are used to translate intermediate values such as organization
names into account codes.
AutoAccounting parameter
A variable that is passed into AutoAccounting.
AutoAccounting parameters are used by AutoAccounting to determine account
codings. Example AutoAccounting parameters available
for an expenditure item are the expenditure type
and project organization. AutoAccounting parameters are predefined by Oracle
AutoAccounting Rule
An implementation-defined formula for deriving
Accounting Flexfield segment values. AutoAccounting rules may use a combination
of AutoAccounting parameters, AutoAccounting lookup sets, SQL statements, and
constants to determine segment values.
Bill rate schedule
A set of standard bill rates that maintains the
rates and percentage markups over cost that you charge clients for your labor
and non-labor expenditures.
Revenue category
A revenue category describes a source of your
organization's revenue. For example, a revenue category with a name such as
Labor refers to labor revenue.
First bill offset days
The number of days that elapse between a project
start date and the date that the project’s first invoice is issued.
Setups Overview
Setting up is the process
where the Oracle Applications Modules will be configured to meet the
requirements of an organization based on their requirements.
Following are the steps
involved in the setting up Oracle Projects Billing Module. However before configuring
the Project Billing ensure whether the following Prerequisites are complied
General Pre-requisites:
Ensure that
required organizations are setup
Create an Project
Super User responsibility for the Operating Unit (OU)
Attach relevant
Profile options (e.g. Set of Books) to the responsibility
Perform the
setups in the same order as suggested below
Project Billing Setups:
Step No.
Required / Optional
Set the profile option PA:
Licensed to Use Project Billing to ‘Yes’
Define Receivables System
Define and assign output
tax codes
Define Payment terms
Define Rate schedules
Define Invoice formats
Event types
Define Agreement types
Define Customers
Setup to AutoAccounting
Define Project Types
with project class ‘ Contract ’
Define Project Template
Enable Billing
Implementation Options
Invoice print method
Credit types
and assign billing assignments
percent complete revenue accrual and invoicing options
the profile option PA: Maintain Unbilled Receivables and Unearned Revenue
Billing Implementation Options
Navigate to the Implementation Options
NAVIGATION : PROJECTS -->Setup è System è
Implementation Options
Operating Unit: It’s a new feature in R12. You can define your
Implementation options based on your Operating Units. It means that from a
single responsibility you can Define/Query Multiple Operating Unit based
Implementation Options Set Ups. The same feature was not available in previous
Ledger: In R10.5.10 the same information was defined under
Set of Books Tab. In R12 the name has been changed to Ledger. If you are
implementing Oracle Projects for a single organization, then you must specify a
set of books to tell Oracle Projects which set of general ledger books to use.
If your implementation of Oracle Projects is for multiple organizations, Set of
Books is a display-only field. Its value defaults from the Legal Entity for the
operating unit.
Period Type: summarization period
type is used when updating project summary amounts.
Calendar Name: When you implement Oracle Projects, you can select
the calendar used to maintain PA periods.
PA Period
Type: Specify a Period Type, which is
used to copy Project Accounting Periods from the calendar associated with the
GL Set of Books.
Common PA and GL Periods: When this
option is enabled, the system automatically maintains PA period statuses as you
maintain the GL period statuses.
Default Asset
Book: Optionally, select a
default asset book from the list of values. The value that you select for this
field will be the default value for all project assets that you create. You can
override the default value at the asset level.
Reporting Organization Hierarchy: You
specify an organization hierarchy and version to indicate which organization
hierarchy you want Oracle Projects to use as the default reporting organization
Currency: This display-only field
shows the functional currency of your company’s set of books.
Rate Date Type: Specify a default
exchange rate date type for converting foreign currency transactions from the
transaction currency to the functional and project currencies.
Exchange Rate
Type: Select the GL Rate Type to
determine the rate. The system-defined rate types, such as Corporate, User, or
Spot, are defined in Oracle General Ledger.
Numbering: Specify whether you
want Oracle Projects to number projects automatically, or whether you plan to
enter project numbers manually.
Owning Organization Hierarchy: You
assign a project/task owning organization hierarchy to the operating unit to
control which organizations can own projects and tasks.
Version: Enter the version number.
Revenue to GL: If you
want to interface revenue with Oracle General Ledger, you need to enable the
system option for revenue interface.
Numbering Method: You specify whether
you want Oracle Projects to number invoices automatically, or whether you plan
to enter invoice numbers manually.
Next Number: If you want Oracle Projects to automatically number
each invoice, you specify a starting invoice number.
Invoice Processing: If you want
all of the project invoices for the operating unit to be processed using the
Oracle Projects seeded transaction types, leave the check box enabled. With
decentralized invoicing, you allow organizations to process their own invoice
Invoice Batch
Source: Oracle Projects provides a
predefined batch source name PROJECTS INVOICES. You must select this batch.
Multi-Currency Billing: Check this
box if you want to enter transactions in multiple currencies.
Require Rate
and Discount Reason: Oracle Projects
allows you to enter a reason for the rate or discount override to the standard
bill rate schedules. Check this box if you want to require users to enter the
rate and discount override reason.
Bill Rate Override: Check this box if you want to be able to override bill
rates for all the projects in the operating unit.
Allow Bill
Rate Discount Override: Check this
box if you want to be able to override the bill rate discount for all the
projects in the operating unit.
10. Share Bill Rate Schedules Across Operating Units: Check this box if you want to fund projects across
operating units. If you enable this functionality, the list of values for
project number includes active projects that are associated with the agreement
of the customer.
11. Require Credit Memo Reason: Enable this option if you require a user to select a
credit memo reason when releasing canceled invoices, write-offs, and credit
12. Save your work
Define Work Type
Work types are an implementation-defined
classification of work performed. Work types are used to classify both actual
and forecast amounts. Examples are Billable, Non-Billable, Training, and
Personal. Work types are grouped together by Utilization Categories.
NAVIGATION : PROJECTS -->Setup è UtilizatioNavigation : Projects -->Work Types
Enter Work Type
name in the Name field.
Enable the
Billable Check Box if you want the work type to be billable
Enter Description
if required
Enter the
Effective start and end dates for the work type.
Click on
Utilization Tab and select the utilization category from list of values
Enter the
Weighting Percentage as 100.
Select the
utilization category from list of values under the Organization Region.
Enter the
Weighting Percentage as 100
Define Expenditure Types
An expenditure type is a classification of cost
that you assign to each expenditure item you enter in Oracle Projects.
NAVIGATION : PROJECTS -->Setup è ExpendituresèExpenditure
Name: Enter a unique name for the expenditure type.
Category and Revenue Category: Enter
the expenditure category and revenue category you want to associate with this
expenditure type.
Unit of
Measure: Enter the unit of Measure
you want Oracle Projects to use when calculating the cost for this expenditure
type. You must enter Hours for labor expenditure types.
Classification Code: This is a new
feature in R12. You need to click Tax Classification Code and select the tax
classification code for customer invoice lines for this expenditure type and
operating unit. Oracle Projects uses this code as the default tax
classification code based on the Application Tax Options hierarchy that you
define in Oracle E-Business Tax for Oracle Projects and the specified operating
Rate Required: If this expenditure type requires a cost rate, check
the Rate required check box, then choose Cost Rate to navigate to the
Expenditure Cost Rates window and enter a cost rate and its effective date(s).
and Dates: In the Description, Dates
region, enter a description for the expenditure type. You can optionally enter
effective dates for the expenditure type.
7. Expenditure
Type Classes: In the Expenditure Type Classes region, enter the
Expenditure Type Class or classes you want Oracle Projects to associate with
expenditure type, to determine how to process the expenditure item.
Define Rate Schedules.
Oracle Projects determines rates from a combination
of rate schedules or rate overrides and uses these rates to calculate cost,
revenue, and bill amounts. We can define four types of rate
Resource Class
Define Billing and Non
Billing rate schedules
NAVIGATION : PROJECTS -->Setup è ExpendituresèRate
First Define Employee Bill Rate Schedule
To define a rate schedule:
1. Specify the Operating Unit. This is a new
feature in Release 12. Specify the operating unit to which your organization
and rate schedule belong. When you have access to only one operating unit, that
operating unit appears as a default value in this field.
2. Specify the organization that maintains the
The organization you enter can be any organization
from your organization hierarchy, regardless of whether the organization has
the Expenditure Organization classification, and regardless of the start and
end dates for the organization.
3. Enter a schedule name and a description of the
4. Specify a currency for the schedule.
Note: You can specify a different currency for your
Bill Rate Schedule if the Enable Multi Currency Billing option is enabled for
the operating unit. See: Enable Multi Currency Billing, Billing Implementation
Options, and Oracle Projects Implementation Guide.
4. Check the Share across Operating Units check box
to allow other operating units to use this schedule.
Note: To share bill rate schedules, you must also
enable the Share Bill Rate Schedules across Operating Units options in the
Billing tab of the Implementation Options window. See: Share Bill Rate Schedule
Across Operating Units, Billing Implementation Options, and Oracle Projects
Implementation Guide.
5. Select a schedule type.
Rates can be defined employee wise or Job wise. Incase of job wise rate Click
on the Job Tab and Select Job group.
7. Select Employee name against whom the rate need
to be defined.
8. Employee Number and UOM defaults.
9. Enter the Rate or Markup percent.
10. Enter the effective start and end date for the
define Job Bill Rate Schedule
update the Organization, Schedule Name and Currency and save your work.
define Non Labor Bill Rate Schedule
update the Organization, Schedule Name and Currency and save your work.
Define Invoice Formats
An invoice format determines how Oracle Projects
creates an invoice line. You can define different formats for labor,
non-labor, the columns, text, and layout of invoice lines on an
NAVIGATION : PROJECTS -->Setup è Billing è Invoice
Enter a unique, descriptive name for this invoice format.
Format Type. Select a format type. The format type controls the invoice formats you
see for labor, non-labor, retention, and retention billing when you enter
invoice formats using the Projects window.
Start and End. Specifies where you want this field to appear on the invoice line.
Enter numbers between 1 and 240.
Grouping: Enter a grouping option for this invoice format. You can choose any
grouping option available for this type of invoice. A grouping option specifies
what fields are the primary groupings of items into invoice lines, and is based
on the funding level of the project. A project budgeted at the top task will
have a top task grouping rule.
Use For: Select an option to indicate if you want to use this invoice
format for customer invoices, intercompany invoices, or both.
Field Name: Enter the name of the field that you want to appear on the invoice
line. You can choose any invoice line field available for grouping option or
the invoice format.
Right Justify
Select if you want this field value to appear right justified between the
specified start and end positions.
Define Billing Cycle
In Oracle Projects, user-defined cycles are used to
specify when certain actions and processes take place. Billing cycles
determine how often and on what dates a project is billed.
NAVIGATION : PROJECTS -->Setup è System è Cycles
Enter the name of
the billing cycle in the Name field.
Select the type
from list of values based on the requirement and enter days in the cycle day’s
value field.
Enter the
effective start and end dates
Define Event Types
An implementation-defined classification of events
that determines the revenue and invoice effect of an event. Typical event types
include Milestones, Scheduled Payments, and Write-Offs.
NAVIGATION : PROJECTS -->Setup è Billing è Event
1. Enter a unique,
descriptive name for this event type.
2. Revenue Category: Enter
the revenue category that you want to associate with this event type.
3. Class: Enter a classification for this event type
Automatic. An Automatic
classification generates an automatic event
for revenue or invoice amounts that may be
positive or negative, depending on your implementation of billing extensions.
Manual. A Manual classification
allows you to enter both a revenue amount and a bill amount. These two amounts
can be different. Classify an event type as manual when you
need to indicate different revenue and bill amounts.
4. Enter the effective start
and end dates.
5. Tax Classification Code. This is a new feature in
R12 .Optionally; click Tax Classification Code to select the tax classification
code for customer invoice lines created for this event type and operating unit.
Oracle Projects uses this as the default tax classification code based on the
Application Tax Options hierarchy that you define in Oracle E-Business Tax for
the Oracle Projects application and the project's operating unit. For more
information on setting up tax classification codes and the hierarchy of
application tax options, see the Oracle E-Business Tax User Guide.
Define Resource List
Define the resource list as a hierarchy of
resources up to two levels. The top level is restricted to resource types, such
as organization, expenditure category, and revenue category. Use the resource
types Event Type, Expenditure Type, Revenue Category, and Expenditure Category
to define the second level of the hierarchy:
NAVIGATION : PROJECTS -->Setup è Budgetsè Resource
- Enter the Resource List name
and Description.
- Group Resources By: Choose
how you want to group the resource list. If you choose to group the
resource list, and then you enter resource groups. Select the resource
group, and override the alias and order if necessary.
- If the resource list is
job-based, then you must enter a job group to be used for summarization.
The Resources region then displays jobs that belong to the job group you
- In the Resources region,
enter the resources for each resource group. If you do not use grouping
for the resource list, then use the Resources region to enter resources
for the resource list.
- Select the resource type and
resource .Resource type could be Expenditure type, Event etc
- Alias and the Order number
defaults automatically .Override the values if required.
Define Agreement Types
Agreement types categorize the various kinds of
agreements you negotiate with clients. For example, you can define one
agreement type for all verbal agreements and another for all agreements using
purchase orders.
NAVIGATION : PROJECTS -->Setup è Billing è Agreement
Enter a unique,
name and description for this Agreement type.
If you want
payment terms to default when you enter an agreement with this agreement type,
enter the Default Terms.
Enable the
Default Revenue/Invoice Limit option if you want the Hard Limit option of the
Agreements widow to be enabled by default when you enter an agreement with this
agreement type.
4. Enter Effective Start and End Dates.
Define Budget Entry Method
Budget entry methods specify and control how you enter
a budget or forecast. You use budget entry methods when you create budgets and
forecasts that use budgetary controls and budget integration features.
NAVIGATION : PROJECTS -->Setup è Budgetsè Entry
Oracle Projects predefines three budget entry
You can define additional budget entry methods
during implementation.
Budget Entry Methods
1. Navigate
to the Budget Entry Methods window.
2. Enter a
name and description for the budget entry method.
3. Select an
entry level. The entry level can be Project, Top Tasks, Lowest Tasks, or Top
and Lowest Tasks.
4. Select
Categorized by Resources if you want to categorize amounts by resources.
5. Select a
time phased type. The choices are Date Range, GL Period, PA Period, or None.
6. Select
the enterable fields for cost and revenue using the displayed check boxes.
7. Save your
Define Project Type
The project type controls how Oracle Projects
creates and processes projects, and is a primary classification for the
projects your business manages. You must set up at least one project type to
create projects in Oracle Projects. There are three project classes:-
Contract: Collect and track costs, labor hours,
revenue, and billing for services performed for and reimbursed by a client.
Indirect: Collect and track expenditure item costs and labor
hours for overhead activities, such as administrative and overhead work,
marketing, and bid & proposal preparation.
Capital: Collect and track costs and labor hours for asset
development activities that you plan to capitalize as one or more assets.
NAVIGATION : PROJECTS -->Setup è Projects è Project
1. Operating Unit:
This is a new Feature R12. You can now define your Project
Types on an Operating Unit basis.
2. Enter a name
& Description for the Project type.
3. Class: Select
Contract to create a contract project type
4. Enter effective
start date of the project type
5. Service Type:
Select the required service type from the list of values.
6. Work Type: Select
the work type created above in the setup.
Click on the Billing Information Tab (Tab gets enables
only when the class is ‘Contract’)
1. Operating Unit: It’s a new feature in R12.
You can define your Project Types based on Operating Units. It means that from
a single responsibility you can Define/Query Multiple Operating Unit based
Implementation Options Set Ups. The same feature was not available in previous
2. Funding Level: The level at which you
allow funding for contract projects of this project type. You can choose from
the values of Project, Top Task, or Both.
3. Billing Job Group: Enter a default job group
for billing purposes. The job group you enter serves as the default Billing Job
Group when you define a contract project with this project Type.
4. Labor: Select Bill Rate Schedule
or Burden Schedule for labor billing.
5. Non-Labor: Select Bill Rate Schedule
or Burden Schedule for non-labor billing.
Organization: Select the default organization that owns the labor and
non-labor bill rate schedules.
Schedule: The default burden schedule for non-labor revenue and
6. Invoice Formats: Select the default labor
and Non labor invoice format created above
7. Select the default billing
cycle for projects of this type.
8. Baseline Funding without
Check this box if you want to automatically create a revenue budget when you
baseline your funding.
9. Revaluate Funding: Check this box if you
want to revaluate funding for the project type. This option cannot be unchecked
if the Revaluate Funding option is enabled at the Project level.
10. Funding Revaluation
includes Gains and Losses: This option can be enabled only if the Funding Revaluation includes
Gains and Losses option is enabled in the Implementation Options window and
Revaluate Funding is enabled for the project type. Check this box if you want
funding revaluation to include gains and losses. If you enable this
functionality you should define the project revenue realized gains and losses
event types for account reclassifications. If this functionality is not
enabled, the revaluation process only considers the funding backlog amount.
11. Realized Gains and Losses
Event Types:
If the Funding Revaluation Includes Gains and Losses functionality is enabled
at the Project Types level, define new gains and losses event types. These
event types record the realized gains and losses events while processing
funding revaluation.
Click on the Distribution Rules Tab
Name: You
select the distribution rules that can be allowed for any project of this
project type. You can choose any predefined distribution rule:
Cost/Cost: Accrue revenue and bill
using the ratio of actual cost to budgeted cost (percent spent)
Cost/Event: Accrue revenue using the
ratio of actual cost to budgeted cost (percent spent), bill based on events
Cost/Work: Accrue revenue using the
ratio of actual cost to budgeted cost (percent spent), bill as work occurs.
Event/Event: Accrue revenue and bill
based on events.
Event/Work: Accrue revenue based on
events, bill as work occurs.
Work/Event: Accrue revenue as work
occurs, bill based on events.
Work/Work: Accrue revenue and bill as
work occurs.
Click on the Project Status, Workflow Tab
Starting status for new projects and workflows to be
used for status changes
Define Project Template
è Projects è Project
1. Operating Unit: It’s a new feature in R12.
You can define your Project Types based on Operating Units. It means that from
a single responsibility you can Define/Query Multiple Operating Unit based
Project Template Set Ups. The same feature was not available in previous
Enter a name
and number for Project Template.
Type: Select
the project type to be used with this template.
Select the organization, to which the template belongs .This organization
defaults when a project is created, can be overridden as per requirement.
Long Name can
be same as your Template Name.
enter the Trans duration start and end dates.
can be same as your Long Name.
Checkbox: You can check the check box
if you wish the Options to get copied over to the projects that you create
using the same Template.
Oracle by
defaults enables standard project options. You can update a project template at
any time. All changes to a project template affect projects that are created
from the template after the changes are made.
Click on the
Setup Quick Entry: Quick Entry fields which specify fields to enter for the new
project when creating it from a template.
Save your
Auto Accounting
Oracle Projects creates many different accounting
transactions throughout its business cycle (when posting labor cost debits and
labor revenue credits, for example). You can use AutoAccounting to specify how
to determine the correct general ledger account for each transaction.
When you implement AutoAccounting, you define the
rules and circumstances that determine which general ledger accounts Oracle
Projects uses. Oracle Projects then uses the rules when performing accounting
Define AutoAccounting rules to generate account
combinations, and then assign a set of rules to each AutoAccounting transaction
you want to use for your company.
Dening a Lookup Set
In lookup sets you specify pairs of values. For
each intermediate value, you specify a corresponding account segment value. One
or more related pairs of intermediate values and segment values form a lookup
set. Use the Segment Value Lookup Region zone to specify an intermediate value,
and then map that intermediate value to a specific segment value of your
Accounting Flexfield.
Dening AutoAccounting Rules
AutoAccounting rule you define supplies one
Accounting Flexfield segment value at a time. Thus, you need to specify one
AutoAccounting rule for each segment in your Accounting Flexfield for each
AutoAccounting transaction you want to use. Some of the AutoAccounting rules
you define can be quite simple, such as always supplying a constant company
code or natural account. Others can draw upon context information (parameters),
such as the revenue category for a particular posting or the organization that
owns a particular asset. You can even use multiple parameters to provide a
segment value. You can reuse the same AutoAccounting rules for many different
functions and their transactions.
Assigning Rules to Transactions
AutoAccounting function consists of several
distinct transactions; you assign rules to each transaction you want to use.
These rule assignments then determine which general ledger account
AutoAccounting uses to process that transaction. After you enable a
transaction, you match each segment in your Accounting Flexfield with the
appropriate AutoAccounting rule. For example, if you have a two-segment
Accounting Flexfield containing a Company segment and an Account segment, you assign
one rule to the Company segment and one rule to the Account segment.
Profile Options
Set of Books Name
Operations (USA)
Operating Unit
Licensed to use Project Billing
Licensed to use Project Collaboration
Licensed to use Project Costing
Licensed to use Project Management
Licensed to use Project Resource Management
Time: Allow Entry of Negative Hours
Time: Enable Business Message
Allow Project Time and Expense Entry
Auto Approve Timesheets
Debug Log Directory
Debug Mode
Default Burden Schedule Type
Default Calendar
Default Public Sector
Display Find Tasks Window
Enable Budget Integration and Budgetary Control Feature
Enable Enhanced Period Processing
Expenditure Items Per Set
Global Week Start Day
Highlight Starting Tasks: Number of Days
Require Work Type Entry for Expenditures
Starting Assignment Status
Tasks to Display for Expenditure Entry
Transaction Billability derived from Work Type
Project Initiation
Project Creation
click on the projects menu in the Navigator
1. The Projects screen will be
2. Select the project template using
which you need to create project and click on find button
3. Select” Copy To” Button
4. Enter the project details in the
quick entry fields, fields marked as ‘Required’ are to be mandatory
5. Click OK to complete project
creation process.
the Project
need to be approved before any transactions are raised against it. Click on the
Change Status button and select the status approve.
You specify project and
task options to control how Oracle Projects processes your projects. Project
and Task options are available at various levels of your financial and/or work
plan structure. Use the Projects and Tasks windows to specify project and task
and Contacts: Enter the customer and
contact information of the project. You can define multiple customers for one
- Name/Number: Choose a project customer. You can choose any
active customer in the Oracle Receivables customer database.
- Relationship: The relationship between this customer and
your project, such as Primary, or Non-Paying.
- Contribution: The percentage of this project’s revenue and
billing you expect this customer to contribute. If you enter more than one
customer for this project, the total customer contributions towards
revenue and billing must sum to 100% before you can accrue revenue or bill
invoices against this project.
- Bill to Name: Enter the name of the customer who will
receive the project invoices. Depending on the Customer Relationships
setting in the Implementation Options window, you can choose the project
customer, a related customer, or any customer defined in Oracle Receivables
- Billing Address: The address where you want to send this
customer’s invoices. You can choose any active billing address defined for
the Bill To customer in Oracle Receivables.
- Shipping Address: The address where work will be performed for
this project. You can choose any active Ship to address defined for the
Ship To customer in the Oracle Receivables database.
- Bill another Project: Select if you want to identify a project as a
provider project for purposes of inter-project billing.
- Receiver Project / Receiver
Task: Enter the numbers of the
projects and tasks that will receive the work performed on this project.
Valid receiver projects and tasks belong to receiver operating units that
have identified the current operating unit as a provider
- Invoice Currency: If you want to invoice the project customer
in a currency different from the project currency.
- Allow Rate Type
"User": Enable this option if you
want to allow the rate type "User" for invoicing this project
- Code: The default invoice currency code for the
- Rate Date: The default exchange rate date. If this field
is left blank, the system will use the Bill Through date for the exchange
rate date.
- Rate Type: The default rate type.
- Contacts Type: A contact type, such as Billing or Shipping,
to identify a contact. The billing contacts are limited to the contacts
defined for the Bill To customer and billing address. The shipping
contacts are limited to the contacts defined for the Ship To customer and
shipping address.
- Name: Choose any active contact name defined
for the Bill To customer
Billing Information:
Billing Setup
- Revenue Accrual Method and
Invoice Method: The project type determines
which distribution rule appears as the default value for these fields. The
revenue accrual method and invoice method you enter determines how revenue
is calculated and how invoices are generated for this project.
Work/Work: Revenue and the Bill or Invoicing is based on as the work
Work/Event: Accrue revenue as work occurs, and Bill based on events.
Event/Event: Accrue revenue and
Bill based on events.
- By Default Distribution Rule
set for the Project Type gets defaulted on to the project. The Other
attributes which get defaulted in the billing section from the Project
Type are Billing Cycle, Next Billing Date. Invoice Formats
- Invoice Method at Top Task: Check this box if you want the ability to
override the project level invoice method at the top task. If you enable
this option you can use multiple invoice methods for a project.
- Baseline Funding without
Budget: Check this box if you want
to automatically create an approved revenue budget and baseline you’re
funding for this project.
Rates and Discount Overrides: Select and expand Bill Rates and Discount
Overrides Options in Project Window
Billing Schedules
- Enter a Labor or Non-Labor
billing schedule (see the rate schedule setup Topic), you must choose
whether to use a Bill Rate Schedule or a Burden Schedule
- Enter a Non-Labor Bill Rate
Schedule; enter the Organization, Schedule Name, Fixed Date, Discount %,
and Discount Reason.
Rate can be
defined Employee wise, Job wise, Non labor wise. This rate can be overridden
for each of these levels.
- Employee Bill Rates and
Discount Overrides: You can override an employee’s standard bill rate by
rate or discount when there is an override the new bill rate or discount
rate of the employee takes precedence over the job bill rate and discount
override you define at the project level and task level.
- Job Bill Rate and Discount
Overrides: You can override a job’s standard bill rate for a project or
lowest task by rate or discount. When you override a job’s standard bill
rate by rate override, the new job bill rate becomes the job’s bill rate
for this project or lowest task.
- Non-Labor Bill Rate and
Discount Overrides You can override a non-labor standard bill rate for
non-labor expenditure types and non-labor resources. When you override a
usage expenditure type, the override applies to all non-labor resources
within that usage expenditure type.
An agreement provides the funding for projects and
tasks. Oracle Projects allows you to define agreements, projects, and tasks to
organize your project work.
: PROJECTS -->PROJECTS --> Billingè
1. Select the customer name
2. Operating Unit: It’s a new feature in R12. You can
define your Implementation options based on your Operating Units. It means that
from a single responsibility you can Define/Query Multiple Operating Unit. The
same feature was not available in previous releases.
3. Enter a Number to identify this
agreement, such as the customer’s purchase order number.
4. Select agreement Type.
5. Enter the Amount of this agreement.
6. Enter the payment terms (defined in
Oracle Receivables) for any invoices funded by this agreement.
7. Choose the Revenue Hard Limit or/and
Invoice Hard Limit check box to impose a hard limit on revenue accrual and
invoice generation for projects funded by this agreement. Otherwise, Oracle
Projects imposes a soft limit.
8. Optionally enter the date this
agreement expires.
9. Enter the name of the organization
that owns the agreement.
10. Note: You can choose any project
owning organization (in the project owning organization hierarchy assigned to
the operating unit) as the organization that owns the agreement.
11. Save your work.
Project Funding
You must fund a project before the project can
accrue revenue and be billed. Funding is the step that allocates an amount
associated with a customer agreement to a specific project. The total amount of
allocated project funding must equal the current approved project revenue
budget amount in order to successfully baseline the project.
Project Number: Enter the number of the project you want to fund
with this agreement.
Task Number: Enter the number of the top-level task you want to
fund with this agreement. If you do not want to restrict funding for a
particular task, leave this field blank.
Date Allocated: Enter a Date to record when you allocated agreement
funds to this project or task. The Date Allocated is used as the rate date to
determine the exchange rate when the Rate Date Type for the project's funding
currency attribute is PA/Invoice Date.
Amount: Enter the Amount you want to allocate to this
project or task.
Classification: Enter the Funding
Classification to indicate the nature of the allocations. Funding lines can be
aggregated by funding classification and reported accordingly using Project
Project Budgets
A budget is the estimated cost or revenue for a
project or task. You track project status and performance by comparing budgeted
amounts to actuals using reports and Project Status Inquiry.
Budget can be tracked at various levels like Top
Task or Lowest Task level, Project level. Each budget can have detailed or
summary information in the following areas, as appropriate for each project.
We can enter a budget for the duration of the
project or tasks (also known as budget at completion), or you can enter time–phased
budgets which contain budget amounts by time period. We can enter time–phased
budgets at the project, top task, or lowest task levels by organization and
then by expenditure category within that organization. The Budget Entry Method
selected for each budget determines the duration of the budget.
We can have multiple Budget versions created for a
project. Each budget has a draft, which is a working area for an
in–process budget. The draft will not appear in any project status tracking
inquiries or reports. (Note that draft is not a budget type, since any type of
budget can have a draft.) For each budget, you can create and save many budget
versions. Each time you baseline a draft, you create a new version. To help
identify budget versions, you can give each version a unique name and specify a
change reason. You can view summary and detail information for all budget
Each budget version has one of the following
Original Budget: The first time you baseline a draft, the
version is marked as the Original Budget.
Revised Original Budget: You may need to revise
your Original Budget due to budget entry errors or changes in the project
scope. When you baseline a draft, you can identify the new baselined version as
a Revised Original. In calculations and displays that use the Original Budget,
the most recent Revised Original is used (or the Original Budget, if there is
no Revised Original).
Current Budget: The most recent baselined version of the
budget is the Current Budget. You can have only one Current Budget for each
budget type. Current Budget amounts are shown in the Project Status Inquiry
Historical Baselined Versions: Any baselined budget that
is not the Current Budget is considered an historical version of the
Budget types identify the different kinds of
budgets that you enter for your projects. For cost budget types, you can enter
quantities, raw cost, and burdened costs. For budget using revenue budget
types, you can enter quantities and revenue amounts.
Oracle Projects predefines four budget types:
Approved Cost Budget
Approved Revenue Budget
Forecast Cost Budget
Forecast Revenue Budget
Budget Creation-Cost Budget
Navigate: Budgets
Choose the project for which you want to enter or revise budget amounts.
Choose the budget type. The budget type field enables you to have more
than one series of budgets for a project. The budget type determines whether
the budget is a revenue budget or cost budget.
Version Name: Enter the version name.
Budget Status :The budget status will be displayed, indicating where the
budget is
in the working/submission/baselining process.
Change Reason: Enter a change reason. The change reason identifies the
reason for changing a budget version from a previous version.
Budget Entry Method You can accept or override the default budget
entry method (BEM), which determines the level of detail for the budget.
If you are entering the first draft for the budget type, the default BEM is
determined by the project type of the project. If a prior version of the
budget type exists, the default BEM is the budget entry method of the project’s
current budget for the budget type.
Resource List: The resource list is the set of resources that can be
used as budget categories for a categorized (detail) budget. These resources
will be displayed on the list of values for resource when you are entering
budget lines.
Choose the Details button to open the Budget Lines window.
1. Select the Resource against
which you want to budget
2. Select the Amount Type,
amount types are dependant upon the Resource selection.
If you are entering a project level budget, the
Budget Lines window will open. If you are entering a task level budget, the
Task Budgets window will open. Select a task, and then choose Budget Lines to
open the Budget Lines window.
If you are entering a budget that is period–phased
(time–phased by PA period or GL period), the matrix entry Budget Lines window
will be displayed for budget lines entry. The matrix entry window opens automatically
when you navigate to the Budget Lines window for a period–phased budget. The
type of time–phasing of the budget is determined by the Budget
Entry Method selected for the budget.
When you complete budget entry, you need to submit
your draft budget to indicate that it is ready for review and baselining.
Baselining is the process of approving a budget for
use in reporting and accounting. When the baselining function is called, the
system copies the draft amounts into a new baselined budget
Version. The most recent baselined version is named
the Current Budget, which is used for reporting. All previously baselined
budgets are historical baselined versions. The Current Budget, and all other
baselined budget versions, has a status of Baselined.
Budget Creation- Revenue Budget
For contract projects in Oracle Project Billing,
the baseline function verifies that the budget amounts for the budget type
Approved Revenue Budget equals the total funding for the project within the
project. If this check is successful, a new budget version is created. If the
amounts are not equal, Oracle Projects displays an error and does not create a
new budget version.
You must enter and submit an approved revenue
budget and allocate funds to the project or task before you can baseline it or
automatically create a baseline budget when you baseline funding
Expenditure Entry
You charge expenditures to a project to record
actual work performed or cost incurred. Actual expenditure could be timecards,
expense reports, usage logs, and supplier invoices.
Expenditure on the project can be through various
1. Preapproved Batches
Preapproved Batches can be entered for
• Timecards
• Expense
• Usage logs
• Miscellaneous
• Burden
• Inventory
• Work in
process transactions
2. Events
3. Import from other modules:
Purchasing and Payables: - Oracle Projects
fully integrates with Oracle Purchasing and Oracle Payables and
allows you to enter project–related Requisitions, purchase orders, and supplier
invoices using those Products
Receivables : - Oracle Projects generates
draft invoices and uses Oracle Receivables features to create invoices and
interface the Accounting transactions to Oracle General Ledger.
Assets : - Oracle Projects integrates with Oracle Assets,
allowing you to Manage capital projects in Oracle Projects and update
your fixed assets records when assets are ready to be placed in
Project Manufacturing: Oracle Project
Manufacturing is a solution for companies that manufacture products using
projects or contracts. When used as a part of the Project Manufacturing functionality,
Oracle Projects acts as a cost repository for manufacturing-related activities
Project Expenditure- Preapproved Batch-Time Cards
: PROJECTS -->ExpendituresàPre-Approved
Batchesà Enter
1. Operating Unit: This is a new feature in
R12. It gets defaulted from Profile Options.
It’s a new feature in R12. You can define your Implementation options based on
your Operating Units. It means that from a single
responsibility you can Define/Query Multiple Operating Unit based Implementation
Options Set Ups. The same feature was not available in previous releases.
2. Batch. Enter a unique Batch name
to identify this set of expenditures.
3. Ending Date. Enter the expenditure
Ending Date for the batch. If you enter a date that is not the last day of an
expenditure week, the system automatically updates the date to the next valid
week ending date.
4. Description. Optionally enter a
Description of the batch, or leave the field blank to use the name of the
expenditure type class.
5. Class. Choose the expenditure
type class for this batch.
6. Amounts. Optionally enter Control
Totals and Control Count in the Amounts region. Use the Running Totals and
Counts and the Difference column to verify actual versus entered totals.
7. Employee and Organization. In the Expenditures
window, enter the employee or organization that incurred the cost.
For each expenditure item, enter the following
1. Expenditure Item Date. The date of the
expenditure item.
2. Project Number.
The Project Number to charge for this expenditure item.
3. Task Number. The lowest level Task
Number to charge for this expenditure item.
4. Assignment Name.
When Oracle Project Resource Management is installed, you can associate labor
and expense report expenditures to scheduled work assignments.
5. Work Type. You can choose any active
work type.
6. Expenditure Type. You can choose any
expenditure type within the current expenditure type class.
7. Non-Labor Resource and
Non-Labor Organization. If the expenditure type class for the batch is Usages, enter the
non-labor resource and its owning organization. This enables you to track usage
of company-owned assets.
8. Currency Fields. You can optionally
display and enter the currency fields.
9. Quantity. The quantity of units
(the unit of measure is determined by the expenditure type). For example, on a
timecard, you enter the quantity for professional labor in hours. You can enter
a mixture of units, such as currency and miles, for an expense report.
Project Expenditure – Preapproved Batch-
Miscellaneous Transactions
Miscellaneous Transactions are similar to a journal
entry in the GL. They are used to make entries that may or may not have
an employee or non-labor resource attached to them.
Miscellaneous Transactions are used to track
miscellaneous project costs. This expenditure type class is similar to usages.
The difference is that, for miscellaneous transactions expenditure items, you
are not required to specify a non–labor resource or a non–labor resource
organization, as you
are for usage expenditure items. Miscellaneous
transactions may be used for the following costs:
– Fixed assets depreciation
– Allocations
– Interest charges
Navigate to Expenditure à Preapproved Batchesà Enter
1. Batch: Enter a unique Batch name
to identify this set of expenditures.
2. Ending Date: Enter the expenditure
Ending Date for the batch. If you enter a date that is not the last day of an
expenditure week, the system automatically updates the date to the next valid
week ending date.
3. Class: Choose the Miscellaneous
type class
4. In Expenditure entry screen
window, enter the employee or organization that incurred the cost.
5. Organization: It is the
organization that is ordering or has ordered the goods or services, which may
be different from the project owning organization.
Enter the Project, Task, Expenditure and quantity Information
Submit and Release the Batch.
Generate Cost
In order to compute various expenditures that are
booked for a project Oracle Projects uses Distribution Processes.
Distribute Labor Costs: The process computes the
labor costs for timecard hours and determines the GL account to which to post
the cost.
Distribute Usage and Miscellaneous Costs: The process computes the
costs and determines the GL account to which to post the cost for expenditure
items with the following expenditure type classes:
Usages, Miscellaneous Transactions, Inventory and
WIP transactions not already costed or accounted
Distribute Expense Report Costs: The process computes the
costs of expense report expenditure items, including adjustments, and
determines the account to which to post the cost.
Project Expenditure- Supplier Invoices
We can record project information on supplier
invoices for the purchases made for a specific project
For each transaction, Payables records the project
name, task, and expenditure information. The Account Generator creates a charge
account for each invoice distribution that has project information.
Project-related transactions are interfaced back to Projects where the
transactions are recorded and associated with particular projects.
Project information can also be captured at the
purchased order level .When you match an invoice to a purchase order in Oracle
Payables, the project information from the purchase order is copied to the
invoice. When you enter new project–related invoices in Oracle Payables, you
only need to enter project information on the source i.e. the invoice. If you
use distribution sets with project information, Oracle Payables automatically
supplies project information for your supplier invoice distribution lines.
Create Project Related Supplier Invoice
When we specify project-related information in the
Project fields region of the Invoice distribution lines. The account
information will automatically be created by the Account Generator, based on
the project-related information you enter. Make sure the Account
Generator is enabled.
Enter Project , Task and Expenditure
Type information.
Expenditure Type is an expenditure type classified
with an expenditure type class of Supplier Invoices.
Expenditure Organization is the organization that
is ordering or has ordered the goods or services, which may be different from
the project owning organization.
The Expenditure Item Date is the date that you
expect to incur the expense for the goods or services that you are requesting
for a requisition or purchase order, or the date that you incur the charge for
an invoice. This date is used during online validation against project
transaction controls, and becomes the expenditure item date on the expenditure
item in Oracle Projects. This date defaults to the current date each time you
create a new Accounting Flexfield combination.
Validate and Account the Invoice
Interface Costs
To load invoices and receipt accruals from Oracle
Payables to Oracle Projects, use the
PRC: Interface Supplier Costs process in Oracle
The process selects transactions based on the
parameter values entered. It first retrieves all eligible accounted,
project-related receipt accrual information, supplier invoice distributions
(including non-recoverable tax lines) and all payment discounts that are
distributed to project-related distributions. The process then interfaces the
To Oracle Projects.
Note : All invoice distributions, excluding
non-recoverable tax lines, are included in one batch.
tax lines are grouped into a second batch,
discounts are included in a third batch,
Receipt accruals for project related items with a destination type of Expenses
are grouped
the fourth .
Within each batch, expenditure is created for each
invoice and an expenditure item is created for each invoice or discount
Expenditure Inquiry
Use the Expenditure Items window to review a project's
expenditure items. Use the Find Expenditure Items window to enter search
criteria for expenditures and expenditure items . You can search expenditures
based on Various Attributes like Project ,Expenditure Type, Task ,Employee ,
Billability etc.
Navigate to the Find Project Expenditure Items or
Find Expenditure Items window and enter project number
Click on the Item Details to select a window
for reviewing the details of this expenditure item. The Inquiry Options window
will be displayed, from which you can choose one of the following options:
• Choose Cost
Distribution Lines to view individual transactions and the debit and credit
GL accounts charged for raw and burdened costs for each expenditure item. You
can also view other information about the cost lines, such as PA and GL period
and interface status and the rejection reason if transactions could not be
• Choose Revenue
Distribution Lines to view the revenue transactions generated for a
specific expenditure item. The GL account credited for the revenue is
displayed. You can also see the GL and PA posting period for the revenue and
the interface status. The rejection reason will be displayed for any
transactions that are rejected during the interface to GL.
• Choose AP Invoice
to drill down to the Invoice Overview form in Oracle Payables. (This option is
only enabled for expenditure items whose expenditure type class is either
Supplier Invoices or Expense Reports.)
Project Status Inquiry
Oracle Projects provides a default configuration
for the displayed columns in Project Status Inquiry (also known as PSI). With
Project Status Inquiry (PSI), you can review the current status of your
projects and then drill down to commitments, actuals, and events detail for
tasks and resources for more detailed review of a project and its tasks.
Run the Update Project Summary Amounts
process for your projects. The Project Status window uses the data that is
summarized by this process.
Project and Task PSI Columns
Column Prompt
Column Description
Project or Task
Project Number or Task Number
Over Bgt
Over Budget: Displays an asterisk (*) if the ITD
actual burdened cost is greater than 110% of the ITD burdened cost
budget amount; if not over budget, column is blank.
ITD - Rev Bgt
ITD (Inception-to date) revenue budget amount
ITD - Act Rev
ITD actual revenue
ITD - Cost Bgt
ITD current burdened cost budget amount
ITD - Act Cost
ITD actual burdened cost
PTD - Cost Bgt
PTD current burdened cost budget amount
PTD - Act Cost
PTD actual burdened cost
ITD - Bgt Hrs
ITD current labor hours budget amount
ITD - Act Hrs
ITD actual labor hours
PTD - Bgt Hrs
PTD current labor hours budget amount
Fin % Complete
Financial percentage complete: ITD actual
burdened cost / total current
burdened cost budget amount * 100
Hrs % Complete
Hours percentage complete: ITD actual labor hours
/ (Total current budget
labor hours * 100)
Est. to Complete
Estimate to Complete: Total current burdened cost
budget amount - (ITD actual burdened cost + PTD commitment burdened cost)
1. Navigate to
the Project Status window.
2. Enter the
search criteria to find the project(s) you want to review.
3. Choose the
Find button.
4. To view totals for the
project rows returned based on your search criteria, Choose Totals.
Oracle Projects displays only the projects with a
current budget that is summarized or with summarized actuals and commitments.
This window displays the Current Period as the current reporting period by
which Oracle Projects calculates the values for projects. Amounts for all
summarization brackets (period–to–date, prior period, year–to–date, and inception–to–date)
are calculated as of the current reporting period.
To review actuals details for a task or resource:
1. Navigate to the Project
Status window.
2. Find the project(s) you
want in the Find Project Status window.
3. Choose the Actuals
button from either the Task Status or Resource Status window.
By default, Project Status Inquiry displays
expenditure items incurred in the last period that was summarized for the
project. To view expenditure items from prior periods in the Expenditure Items
window, change the default date range using the Find Expenditure Items window.
You can set the start date to the earliest possible date by choosing the Clear
To drill down to the Oracle Payables Invoice
Overview window:
1. Navigate to the Project
Status window.
2. Find the project(s) you
want in the Find Project Status window.
3. Choose the Actuals
button from the Task Status window. Use the Find Expenditure Items window to
reduce the number of expenditure items that appear in the Expenditure Item
Details window.
4. Choose the AP Invoice
button to view the related invoice in the Oracle Payables Invoice Overview
The AP Invoice button is only enabled (1) for
expenditure items whose expenditure type class is either Supplier Invoices or
Expense Reports and (2 if function security is
implemented in such a way that the user is able to see the button.
Adjusting Expenditures
Oracle Projects provides powerful features that
allow you to:
• adjust expenditure items
on your projects
• interface the adjustments
to other Oracle applications
• report the audit trail of
the adjustments
We can make adjustments to expenditure items after
the items have been costed, revenue distributed, and invoiced. Oracle Projects
automatically processes the adjusted items and interfaces the adjusting
accounting transactions to other Oracle Applications.
You can correct the following attributes of an
approved expenditure item using the Pre-Approved Expenditure Entry windows:
• Date
• Expenditure
• Project
• Task
• Amount
Other attributes which can be adjusted
Billable Status
Recalculate Raw Cost
Recalculate Cost and Revenue
Change Work Type
Split Item
Transfer Item
You make the corrections by reversing the original
item and then creating a new item using the correct information. You cannot
correct these items using the Expenditure Items window.
You cannot correct the amount, date, expenditure
type, or supplier of supplier invoice items in Oracle Projects. You must
correct these attributes of supplier invoice item in Oracle Payables.
Batch -Adjustment
After you submit a batch, you can add, delete, and
revise expenditures and expenditure items. You also must correct a batch if
your supervisor rejects and returns a submitted batch to you. If the batch has
a status of Submitted, locate the batch, return its status to Working, and
change the expenditure or expenditure item before resubmitting the batch.
If the batch has a status of Released, correct the
individual expenditure items by reversing the full amount of the original item
and then entering the correct information. For example, if you entered six
hours on a timecard expenditure item when the correct number of hours is four,
create a reversing item equal to a negative six hours, then add a new
expenditure item of four hours. To enter the corrected items, create a
new batch and then follow the normal steps for submitting and releasing
Preapproved Batch Adjustment can be done at two
Batch Level
Adjusting at Batch Level
To correct a released expenditure item:
Create a new batch for the correction items. The
Expenditure Ending date must identify the week that includes the expenditure
item you are reversing.
Expenditure Batch
To reverse the entire batch click on the Reverse
Button of the Actual Batch. This reverses the Entire batch
This creates a new batch reversing all the
expenditure lines
Submit and Release the Reversed Batch.
Adjusting at Batch Line Level
To reverse specific lines
in the Batch.
Create a new batch and
Click on Expenditures Button
Click on the Reverse Original Button to search for
the expenditure batch lines relating to that resource
Select the required lines to be reversed and Click
on Reverse Button.
Submit and Release the Expenditure Batch
Use the adjustment actions Billable to Non–Billable
and Non–Billable to Billable to change the billable status of an expenditure
• A billable item accrues
work–based revenue and can be invoiced.
• A non–billable item does
not accrue work–based revenue and is not invoiced.
You may want to check the setup of the billable
status of your project to reduce the number of items you need to adjust for
billable classification.
Navigate to the
Expenditure Inquiry Screen.
Query for the
project on which the expenditure adjustment need to be made
Select the
expenditure line and navigate to Tools > Non Billable
Billing Hold
You can place an expenditure item on billing hold.
An item on billing hold is not included on an invoice until you release the
billing hold on the item.
One–Time Hold
You can place an expenditure item on one–time
billing hold. An item on one–time billing hold is not billed on the current
invoice but is eligible for billing on the next invoice. The one–time billing
hold is released when you release the current invoice.
You can split an item into two items so that you
can process the two resulting split items differently.
For example, you may have an item for 10 hours, of
which you want 6 hours to be billable and 4 hours to be non–billable. You would
split the item of 10 hours into two items of 6 hours and 4 hours, marking the 6
hours as billable and 4 hours as non–billable. The resulting split items are
charged to the same project and task as the
Original item.
NAVIGATION : PROJECTS -->Expenditures à Expenditures Inquiry à Enter Project
You can transfer an item from one project and task
to another project and task. Oracle Projects provides security as to which
employees can transfer items between projects.
Expenditure is transferred to new project
Adjusting the Supplier Invoices
Invoice before adjustment
Making an adjustment on the project by Transferring
the Cost from one project to other
Process the adjustment by running the PRC:
Distribute Supplier Invoice Adjustment Costs process Cost is transferred to new
Please Note: The Adjusted Entries will only be visible in
Expenditure Inquiry Screen in Projects. However, in Payables in the Invoice
Batches it will still show the original Entry being charged to Original Project
If there is any adjustments that needs to be done
to the Payables Invoice in Payables, then a new line item will need to be
created with the negative amount which is being charged to the original Project
and a new Line Item will need to be created with the Positive Amount which is
being charged to the New Project in Payables.
Then, the adjusted Line items need to be interfaced
to Projects in order for the same to reflect in Projects.
Revenue and Invoice Generation
Oracle Projects generates revenue based on the
transactions that you charge to your projects. When you generate revenue,
Oracle Projects calculates revenue and expenditure item revenue, determines GL
account codings, and maintains funding balances. You can generate revenue for a
range of projects or for a single project.
Distribution Rules defined on the project determine
how and when you can generate revenue
For projects that use as-work-occurs revenue
accrual, the total potential revenue is simply the sum of the revenue of all
expenditure items plus events. For Milestone based projects where the revenue
needs to be accrued on a fixed date the potential revenue would be the amount
raised using a Project Event.
Project Events
Event in Projects are a summary level transaction
assigned to a project or top task that records work completed and generates
revenue and/or billing activity, but is not directly related to any expenditure
items. For example, unlike labor costs or other billable expenses, a bonus your
business receives for completing a project ahead of schedule is not
attributable to any expenditure item, and would be entered as an event. We Use
the Event Details window to enter and review events for a project or top task. Examples
of events include an invoice reduction, a performance bonus, revenue write-off,
or adjusting revenue.
NAVIGATION : PROJECTS -->Billingà Eventsà Projects
Using Event Details window we can enter, or review
all of the information for a single event on one screen.
1. Enter the details of the
project, task, and event.
2. Enter number of the event.
3. Select the event type.
4. Enter the organization of
the event. Default value would Project Organization.
5. Enter a description for the
event. In the currency field. Click on the Currency button
review or override the currency conversion attributes defined for the project
6. Revenue amount in project
functional currency or the project currency that is calculated during the
revenue generation process
7. Bill amount in project
functional currency and the project currency that is calculated during the
invoice generation process
Generate Revenue
To generate revenue for a single project Submit the
PRC: Generate Draft Revenue for a Single Project process from the Submit
Request window
Navigate to
Submit Request window.
-->PROJECTS --> Others è Requests è Run
A Parameters window automatically appears if you select a request that
requires parameter values.
Select the project number for which the revenue need to be generated
Accrue Through Date: Enter the period for which you need the revenue to
be accrued.
Select the Submit button
Review and Release
Using the Revenue Review window to review detailed
information about project revenue.
Revenue Review
Enter the project name or the project number and
click on find
Click on the Lines to view the expenditure item
wise revenue lines.
The Revenue Lines window displays the task, revenue
source, revenue category, and amount for the revenue lines that comprise a
draft revenue item.
Select ‘Release’ Button.
Submit PRC: One-Step Interface
Streamline Processes to GL to transfer the Revenue lines to General Ledger
The Revenue Status will change to Accepted.
Generate Invoice
When you generate invoices, Oracle Projects
calculates bill amounts, creates formatted invoices for printing and posting,
and maintains funding balances.
Submit ‘PRC: Generate Draft Invoice process ‘to
generate project Invoice. When you generate an
Invoice, Oracle Projects first selects projects,
tasks, and their associated events and
Expenditure items those are eligible for billing.
You need to specify an Invoice Date as well as a Bill through Date as process
parameters. The Bill through Date is the date through which you want system to
process all eligible expenditure items and events.
The Invoice Date parameter is used as the AR
Invoice Date for all the invoices generated. You can override the AR Invoice
Date when you manually release an invoice.
Approve and Release Invoice
After you review invoices and make any necessary
adjustments, you need to approve them before you can release them for
interfacing to Oracle Receivables.
Invoice Review
Enter the project number or project
Select Approve Button
Select the Release Button
.Optionally you can change the Invoice Date in the release invoice window.
Submit PRC: Interface Invoices to
Receivables to transfer the invoice lines to receivables module.
When you interface invoices to Oracle Receivables,
system collects all eligible released draft invoices in Oracle Projects and
interfaces them to Oracle Receivables interface tables. This process also
maintains project balances of unbilled receivables and unearned revenue and
creates accounting transactions for these amounts.
After you run the Auto Invoice program to create
invoices in Oracle Receivables, you tieback successfully interfaced invoices as
well as rejected invoices using PRC: Tieback Invoices from Receivables.
Review the Invoice in the Receivables
Source of these invoices would be
Accounting Entries
Oracle Projects runs AutoAccounting to determine
the appropriate general ledger accounts. AutoAccounting selects all of the
AutoAccounting parameters for each item or event, determines the account
coding, validates the account coding against the general ledger, and updates
each revenue and invoice distribution line with The appropriate account.
Accrue prior to billing
Revenue transaction entry prior to billing:
Unbilled Receivables To Revenue
Invoice transaction entry prior to billing:
Receivables To Unbilled Receivables
Invoice prior to accrual
Invoice transaction entry prior to accrual:
Receivables To Unearned Revenue
Revenue transaction entry prior to accrual:
Unearned Revenue To Revenue
Expenditure Entry Labor Cost Transaction Labor
Expense To Payroll Clearing
Supplier Expense Transaction Expense To Payables
Projects gives various standard reports to provide a detailed view of the cost,
revenue, and invoice activities of your projects. Use them to review your
project expenditures, revenues, invoices, and expenditure item adjustments.
Revenue, Cost, Budgets by Resources (Project Level): report to review project revenue and costs broken
down by resources for a particular PA Period and for the project-to-date. This
report also displays budgeted revenue and cost amounts broken down into the
same resources, but only under the project-to-date column since budgets are
independent of PA Periods.
Transfer Activity report to review
the expenditure item transfers into and out of a particular project. You can
use this report as an audit tool to control project costs by identifying
incorrect or unauthorized transfers for a project. You can also use this report
to verify any expenditure item transfers that you perform.
Cost Audit Report to review labor and
usage cost distribution lines interfaced from Oracle Projects to Oracle General
Ledger. This report displays items by the expense account number.
Information about the item and the liability account are also displayed.
Revenue Audit Report to review a listing of the
revenue distribution lines interfaced from Oracle Projects to Oracle General
Distribute Labor Costs The process
computes the labor costs for timecard hours and determines the default GL
account to which to post the cost. The process also identifies if a transaction
is cross-charged and determines the processing it may need. This process is a
required prerequisite for the generation of revenue and invoices for timecard
Distribute Expense Report This
process computes the burden costs associated with expense report expenditure
items and determines the account to which to post the raw costs. The process
also identifies if a transaction is cross-charged and determines the processing
it needs. This process is a prerequisite for the generation of revenue and
invoices for expense report expenditure items
Distribute Usage and Miscellaneous Costs the process computes the costs and determines the default GL account to
which to post the cost for expenditure items with the following expenditure
type classes: Usages, Burden Transactions, Miscellaneous Transactions &
Inventory and WIP transactions not already costed or accounted
process also identifies if a transaction is cross-charged and determines the
processing it may need. The Distribute Usage and Miscellaneous Costs process is
a prerequisite for the generation of revenue and invoices for assets usage
expenditure items and miscellaneous transactions.
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Hello Raju.
Wow wow great job. What a Explanation, really impressed.
I am new to Oracle PA and this blog very helpful fro me. Explained in detail with screen shots and proper definition.
Keep it up...!!
Hi Raju,
wonderful document. Thank you for your efforts.
Hi Raju ,
Nice document thanks much for your sharing.
Siva Prasad Reddy
Hi Raju,
Its really a great job.
First time I got in so detail explanation.
Thank you so much.
keep it up!!!
very useful document.
Thank you for your great effort
What a narration and summing up of the topics.
For new Project entrants this document is priceless
Great explanation & impressive presentation
Well explained. Provide a bird's eye view of the project's module
Amazing write-up - thanks so much !!
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