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Monday, August 31, 2015

Notepad ++ Tips and Tricks for Technical Developers

Add "," comma to end of lines
Notepad made life is easier for user to add comma at the end of the each row.
1) Keep the cursor at the end of the column (See below image)

2) Press SHIFT + ALT + DOWN ARROW KEY till you reach last row or drag till the rows you wish to add comma (See below image)

3) Press "," comma and you see comma is added to end of all rows,
- You can also use this feature for indenting as well. In the above example, you just have to use SPACE or TAB instead of COMMA.

Box Selection:
Box Selection (aka column selection, block selection, or rectangular selection) exists in Notepad++. You need to hold down the Alt key while doing a selection; you can select a block horizontally.

Add Line Numbers or any Text in front of the line or end of the line :
-->Edit > Column Editor > Number to Insert > Set Initial Number and Increase By >OK (ALT+C)

Initial Number : 1 (Starting number)
Increased by : 1 (Number incremental)
Repeat : 2 (Number of lines for repeat the number )
Leading Zero : Adding the 0 before the number like 0001, 0010, 0100

You can add any text also.

Convert the Multiple Rows into Single Row
-->Edit > Blank Operations > Remove Unnecessary Blank and EOL

Convert the Multiple Rows into Single Row with COMMAS ( , )
Press Ctrl+H , Select the 'Extended Search Mode'. Use \r in find what and COMMA ( , ) in replace with textbox. Click Replace All button

Convert the Single Row into Multiple Rows based on COMMAS ( , )
Press Ctrl+H , Select the 'Extended Search Mode'. Use COMMA ( , ) in find what and ,\n in replace with textbox. Click Replace All button

Sorting the Rows
--> TextFX > TextFX Tools >Sort lines case sensitive

1 comment:

Nicola said...

Hi, good tips, I already use them and find them very useful...
Editing at a column level gives one more reason to diligently indent your code!

I wanted to ask you if you have ever managed to configure the Function List feature (once a plug-in) to use it with pl/sql code. I find it very useful, once I made to put the right regexp rules, but then its version changed ant they didn't work anymore. Very bad (they are poorly documented and I have not much time to uderstand them!)

Also, a collegue of mine, using Emacs, could somehow easily put text in columns, i.e. having this text:

insert into tab1 values (1, 'hjfhdjh');
insert into tab1 values (2, 'cdsk dkjf ksjk');
insert into tab1 values (10, 'cd');

it easily become

insert into tab1 values ( 1, 'hjfhdjh' );
insert into tab1 values ( 2, 'cdsk dkjf ksjk');
insert into tab1 values (10, 'cd' );
(with Courier font you see them in column)

Do you think it is possible to use this trick with Notepad++?

Thank you,

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