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Thursday, July 16, 2015

Oracle Applications 11i Account Payables Check Payments

Creating Check Payments
Payment batches are used to generate checks for batch of invoices from many vendors. There is a series of steps to follow to print checks with a Payment Batch. Most steps are initiated from the Payment Batch Actions window. The steps are:
· Initiate Payment Batch
· Select Invoices/Verify Payment Register
· Modify Payments
· Format Payments
· Print Checks
· Confirm Payment Batch

Initiating Payment Batches
Navigate to:
Payments>Entry>Payment Batches

Batch Name:
Enter the Payment Batch Name.  The recommended naming convention is User_Initials-Date (MMDDYY)-Daily_Sequence_No. (e.g. CSA-113100-1).  This name will appear on your reports and will help you locate the batch online.  If you file physical documents by batch name, a systematic naming convention will facilitate retrieval.
Payment Date:
Verify the Payment Date.  This is the date that Payables will print on the payment.
Pay Group:
Optionally select a Pay Group.  Payables will select invoices with this Pay Group.
Bank Account:
Optionally change the Bank Account.
Payment Document:
Select the Payment Document
Pay Through Date:
Verify the Pay Through Date.  Payables will select invoices with a discount or due date on or before this date.
Payment limits:
Optionally review or adjust the payment limits.  The Maximum/Minimum Payments define the range of payment amounts allowed for a single payment in a payment batch.  Payables will not pay any invoices for a supplier site if the total of the invoices for the supplier is more or less than the Maximum/Minimum Payment.  There are other options available such as maximum outlay, allow zero payments, and hi & low payment priorities to assist in further constraining the batch. 

Selecting Invoices /Verify Payment Register is correct

Actions Button
Select Invoices & Build Payment & Print Preliminary Register
OK Button

Payables will initiate three concurrent processes, AutoSelect, Build Payments  and Preliminary Payment Register.

The Preliminary Payment Register is printed when the invoices are selected and the payments are built. It should be used to review the payments Payables will create when you format payments for the invoices in a Payment Batch. 

You should review the Preliminary Payment Register to see which invoices and vendors will be paid, the discounts taken, and the total amount paid to each vendor.
§ Payables groups the invoices by vendor site and prints the total for each payment for a site.
§ Payables prints asterisks and a non-payment reason for the invoices selected for payment in the payment batch, but that do not meet payment requirements.
§ Payables does not create payments for a vendor site's invoices if the total of the selected invoice(s) exceeds the maximum payment amount or is less than the minimum payment amount that you specified for the payment batch, or the total payment amount for a vendor site is less than or equals zero.

Check the Preliminary Payment Register to ensure that all the invoices needing payment are included on the register.  You should also check to ensure that no payments will be generated for invoices that should not be paid.

After the concurrent request are finished you need to requery the Payment Batch form, when the Status field changes to Built and the Payments button becomes active you may proceed to the next step.

To requery the form you may use one of the following methods: 
Select :
View, Find

Enter search criteria
Find Button
Select :
Tools, Refresh Status


Modify Payments

Then after reviewing the Preliminary Register you can modify the Payment Batch by:
§ Changing the payment amount of an invoice
§ Preventing payment to a supplier
§ Preventing payment of a particular invoice
§ Adding an invoice that Payables did not select.
In order to modify a Payment Batch the status must be built.  (i.e. The Payment Batch must be initiated but cannot have formatted payments).

Navigate to:
Payments -->Entry -->Payment Batches
View, Find
Select the appropriate Payment Batch
Payments Button

You can navigate between the various suppliers selected to be paid, by clicking the PgUp/PgDn keys while the cursor is in the Supplier field.

§ Clear the form and then enter the Supplier name and Site. 
§ Select Yes for Pay supplier. 
§ Payables displays the approved invoices for the supplier site. 
§ Select Yes for Pay invoice for each invoice you want to add to the payment batch.

§ Query the Supplier name and Site. 
§ Payables displays the invoices for the supplier site which were selected for the payment batch. 
§ Select No for Pay invoice to remove it from the Payment Batch.

§ Query the Supplier name and Site. 
§ Select a Non-Payment Reason for your records (Optional). 
§ Select No for Pay supplier.

§ Query the Supplier name and Site. 
§ Payables displays the invoice(s) for the supplier site which were selected for the batch. 
§ Alter the payment or discount amounts for the invoice.

Build Button to save your work
Payables will initiate the Build Payments concurrent process.

Once the Build Payments process is complete you should review your changes by printing a new Preliminary Payment Register

To print the Preliminary Payment register:
Navigate to:

View, Find
Select the appropriate Payment Batch
Actions Button
Format Payments checkmark
Print Preliminary Payment Register
OK Button

Formatting and Printing Payments

Once the Preliminary Payment Register has been verified the payments can be formatted for printing. 

Navigate to:
Payments>Entry>Payment Batches
View, Find
Select the appropriate Payment Batch
Actions Button
Format Payments & Print Now
OK Button

Note: If for some reason you prefer to first format the payments, you may do so by checking only the Format Payments check box . After the format is successfully completed you may print the check using the following way:

View, requests, Find
The Format Payments Request
Tools, reprint

Load the check stock into the check printer.   
OK Button


Confirm Payment Batch

After the Formatting and Printing are finished you need to requery the Payment Batch form, when the Status field changes to Formatted you may proceed to the next step.
Now you need to confirm whether all the checks were printed correctly, or is there any skipped or
spoiled stock paper.

Actions Button
Confirm Payment Batch
OK Button

In the Confirm Payment Batch window Enter the range of Checks : 
§ Printed
§ Skipped – if there any
§ Spoiled – if there any

Confirm Button

Payables  initiates two concurrent processes, Confirm Payment Batch and Final Payment Register.

Now your Payment Batch process is completed , and Payables releases the Payment Document that was used by this batch. Other Payment Batches or Expedited payments may now use this Payment Document.

Payment Batch Sets

A new  R11i functionality that allows the user to initiate more than one  payment batches with a single payment batch submission.  You set up a payment batch which groups several payment batches together so you can simultaneously submit the selection, build, or format process for each payment batch in the set.   This streamlines the process of submitting multiple payment batches for your bank accounts.  This feature also supports the multi currency payment needs.

Note: For each payment batch set, define a separate payment document in the Payment Documents window.  Each payment batch in the set must use a unique payment document.

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