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Monday, July 13, 2015

API to Upload Oracle Value set Values

   v_enabled_flag        VARCHAR2 (2)                  := 'Y';
   v_summary_flag        VARCHAR2 (2)                  := 'Y';
   v_start_date_active   DATE                          := SYSDATE;
   v_error_msg           VARCHAR2 (1000)               := NULL;
   v_who_type            fnd_flex_loader_apis.who_type ;
   v_request_id          NUMBER;
   v_rec_success         NUMBER;
   v_rec_error           NUMBER;
   v_rec_cnt             NUMBER                        := 0;
   v_user_id             NUMBER                        := fnd_global.user_id;
   v_login_id            NUMBER                        := fnd_global.login_id;
   v_req_id              NUMBER                        := fnd_global.conc_request_id;
   v_value_set_name      VARCHAR2 (50)                 := 'Your Value set';
   v_value_set_value     VARCHAR2 (50)                 := 'your value';
   v_who_type.created_by := v_user_id;
   v_who_type.creation_date := SYSDATE;
   v_who_type.last_updated_by := v_user_id;
   v_who_type.last_update_date := SYSDATE;
   v_who_type.last_update_login := v_login_id;

                                 (x_flex_value_set_name             => v_value_set_name,
                                  x_parent_flex_value_low           => NULL,
                                  x_flex_value                      => v_value_set_value,
                                  x_who                             => v_who_type,
                                  x_enabled_flag                    => v_enabled_flag,
                                  x_summary_flag                    => v_summary_flag,
                                  x_start_date_active               => v_start_date_active,
                                  x_end_date_active                 => NULL,
                                  x_parent_flex_value_high          => NULL,
                                  x_structured_hierarchy_level      => NULL,
                                  x_hierarchy_level                 => NULL,
                                  x_compiled_value_attributes       => NULL,
                                  x_value_category                  => NULL,
                                  x_attribute1                      => NULL,
                                  x_attribute2                      => NULL,
                                  x_attribute3                      => NULL,
                                  x_attribute4                      => NULL,
                                  x_attribute5                      => NULL,
                                  x_attribute6                      => NULL,
                                  x_attribute7                      => NULL,
                                  x_attribute8                      => NULL,
                                  x_attribute9                      => NULL,
                                  x_attribute10                     => NULL,
                                  x_attribute11                     => NULL,
                                  x_attribute12                     => NULL,
                                  x_attribute13                     => NULL,
                                  x_attribute14                     => NULL,
                                  x_attribute15                     => NULL,
                                  x_attribute16                     => NULL,
                                  x_attribute17                     => NULL,
                                  x_attribute18                     => NULL,
                                  x_attribute19                     => NULL,
                                  x_attribute20                     => NULL,
                                  x_attribute21                     => NULL,
                                  x_attribute22                     => NULL,
                                  x_attribute23                     => NULL,
                                  x_attribute24                     => NULL,
                                  x_attribute25                     => NULL,
                                  x_attribute26                     => NULL,
                                  x_attribute27                     => NULL,
                                  x_attribute28                     => NULL,
                                  x_attribute29                     => NULL,
                                  x_attribute30                     => NULL,
                                  x_attribute31                     => NULL,
                                  x_attribute32                     => NULL,
                                  x_attribute33                     => NULL,
                                  x_attribute34                     => NULL,
                                  x_attribute35                     => NULL,
                                  x_attribute36                     => NULL,
                                  x_attribute37                     => NULL,
                                  x_attribute38                     => NULL,
                                  x_attribute39                     => NULL,
                                  x_attribute40                     => NULL,
                                  x_attribute41                     => NULL,
                                  x_attribute42                     => NULL,
                                  x_attribute43                     => NULL,
                                  x_attribute44                     => NULL,
                                  x_attribute45                     => NULL,
                                  x_attribute46                     => NULL,
                                  x_attribute47                     => NULL,
                                  x_attribute48                     => NULL,
                                  x_attribute49                     => NULL,
                                  x_attribute50                     => NULL,
                                  x_attribute_sort_order            => NULL,
                                  x_flex_value_meaning              => v_value_set_value,
                                  x_description                     => v_value_set_value
         DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Error is ' || SUBSTR (SQLERRM, 1, 1000));


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