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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Update an existing Oracle User in R12 Oracle Apps using API

Update an existing Oracle User in R12 Oracle Apps using API -- FND_USER_PKG.UPDATEUSER
We will try to update the email address for an existing user OPerations using the API. There was no email_address populated to the user Operations prior to running the API.

   v_user_name     VARCHAR2 (100)    := 'OPERATIONS';
   v_email_address  VARCHAR2 (100) := '';
                           (x_user_name                               => v_user_name,
                            x_owner                                        => NULL,
                            x_unencrypted_password         => NULL,
                            x_session_number                      => 0,
                            x_start_date                                 => NULL,
                            x_end_date                                   => NULL,
                            x_last_logon_date                       => NULL,
                            x_description                                => NULL,
                            x_password_date                         => NULL,
                            x_password_accesses_left         => NULL,
                            x_password_lifespan_accesses => NULL,
                            x_password_lifespan_days        => NULL,
                            x_employee_id                             => NULL,
                            x_email_address                          => v_email_address,
                            x_fax                                               => NULL,
                            x_customer_id                             => NULL,
                            x_supplier_id                               => NULL,
                            x_user_guid                                  => NULL,
                            x_change_source                        => NULL
   DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('User ' || v_user_name || ' is Updated successfully');
      DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Error encountered while updating the user and the error is '|| SQLERRM);

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