This Document intended to illustrate Step By Step Setup Steps for R12 Oracle Sourcing.
Table of Content:
1- About Oracle Sourcing.
2- EBS Application Implementation and Integration for Oracle Sourcing.
3- Implementing Oracle Sourcing.
About Oracle Sourcing
in Oracle R12 the P2P Cycle covers the entire process of product or service procurement to the final payment
P2P Phases:
The different phases of P2P life cycle involves:
- Souring.
· Create and Manage Negotiations ( RFx, Auctions).
· Supplier Management.
· Contract Negotiations and Awards.
· Catalog Content Management.
- Ordering.
· Requisition and Purchase Order generation.
· Purchase order management and fulfillments.
· Payment.
- Reporting.
- Analysis.
About Sourcing
Sourcing Offers Flexible negotiations capabilities for both buyers and
sellers, enabling them to efficiently obtain the best price for goods
and services.
Prices are established based on actual supply and demand at the time negotiation is transacted.
The following are the available Negotiation types (Document Types) in oracle sourcing:
RFI: Request for Information used to qualify supplier and their goods or services.
RFQ: enables Buyers to collect quotes for complex and hard defined goods or services.
Auctions: enables buyers to solicit Bids for goods and services that are clearly defined.
With oracle sourcing organizations can:
1- Source more for there spends.
2- Source for lowest total cost.
3- Create immediate and long-term saving.
EBS Application Implementation and Integration for Oracle Sourcing.
following setup steps are the steps needed to be implemented in other
Oracle E-business Suite Applications. These steps are required for
Oracle Sourcing to run.
Required Setup Steps:
- Setup system administrator.
- Setup accounting flexfields.
- Setup Calendar, currencies, and set of book.
- Define human resource key flexfields.
- Define locations.
- Define organizations and organizations relationship.
- convert to Multi- Org.
- Define Inventory Key flexfields.
- Define UOM.
- Define categories.
- Setup personnel.
- Open inventory and purchasing accounting periods.
- Define purchasing options.
- Define buyers.
- Define financial options.
- Define receiving options.
Optional Setup Steps:
- Setup Oracle workflow.
- Define Fright Carriers.
- Define Payment Terms.
- Define Lookups Codes.
Implementing Oracle Sourcing
Setup Profile Options:
PO: Allow Autocreation of Oracle Sourcing Documents
PO: Display the Auto created Document
PON: Enable Sourcing Award Approval
PON: Supplier Transaction History Time Period
Number indecaicts period of day in
PON: Automatically Default Catalog Attributes
PON:External Application Framework Agent
URL will be used for the links in notifications sent to suppliers.
POA: DBI Implementation
POS: External URL
URL used to construct the link to supplier registration page as
well as the external abstract page
Self-Service Accessibility Features
| |
Sourcing Default Responsibility for External User
Sourcing Supplier
Assigning Sourcing Responsibility:
Create Employee
Navigation Path:
HRMS ( R) è Pepoleè Enter and maintain.
When creating user profile make sure that each user profile contains the first name, last name and e-mail address.
Creating Application User and Assign responsibility
Navigation Path:
System Administrator (R) è Security è User è Define.
Defining Buyer Security ( Optional)
to enable buyers security:
1- run the replicate seeded data program.
soon as the program has been run, Oracle sourcing will use the security
levels of public as the default for all sourcing documents.
To change the security levels perform the following steps:
Navigation Path:
1- Purchasing ( R) è Setupè Purchasing è Document Type
2- Select the appropriate operating unit and click GO.
3- Click update for the document type used by Oracle Sourcing (Sourcing Buyer Auction, Sourcing RFQ, Sourcing RFI)
4- Select the new security level (Public, Private, or Hierarchy) from the security Level drop down menu.
5- Click Apply to add the new security Level.
Set Up Attribute Groups and Requirement Sections
Navigation Path:
Application Developer ( R) è Applications è Looks è Application Object Library.
1- Query PON%GROUPS.
This will returns the two Looks:
Set Up Negotiations Configuration
Setting the default ranking display
1- Navigate to Sourcing Super User ( R)è Negotiation Home pageè Administration Tabè Negation Setup Section è Negotiation Configuration URL
To choose a ranking indicator
the rank form the Rank Indicators which is displayed to negotiation
creators and respondents throughout the negotiation process
To allow creator to override the rank values check the allow box.
Specifying visibility in blind auctions and RFQs:
in blind auctions/RFQs are typically restricted from viewing
Information on other participant's responses. However, you can allow
them to see the response rankings by selecting the appropriate checkbox.
This will existing and affect future blind auctions and RFQs.
Identifying allowable cost factor types:
Cost factors identify additional costs that should be included when calculating total cost for a line.
Select the appropriate value from the Cost Factors menu.
Specifying default price break types:
Buyers have three choices when creating their negotiation:
• None - no price breaks are defined.
• Required - suppliers must respond to the price breaks and cannot modify them.
• Optional - supplier must respond to the price breaks but can also modify the
buyer's price break values.
Select the type form the Price Breaks section.
Allowing award approval to be required:
You can choose to have award decisions approved before a purchase order can be generated
Defining header scoring defaults:
can define defaults for header Requirement scores. You can choose to
allow buyers to weight scores when evaluating supplier responses, and
you can define a default maximum score value
the Negotiations Configuration page, Header Scoring Defaults Section
selects the appropriate check boxes and enters appropriate values.
Defining the default line attribute group
defined to a negotiation line or attribute list must be assigned to an
attribute group. Attribute groups allow control over how attributes are
displayed since you can specify the sequence of the attributes within
the group
On the Negotiations Configuration page, select a group from the list of predefined groups.
Defining the default UOM for amount-based line types:
based lines typically are not negotiated by unit. Instead, they
normally refer to services such as training or consulting. As such,
there is no unit of measure associated with them.
the Unit of Measure for Amount Based Line Items section, select the
value from the menu to be used as the default. The entries available
from this menu can be defined in Oracle Purchasing.
Enforcing response levels in multi-round negotiations
taking a negotiation to a subsequent round of responding, you can
choose to force the suppliers to respond in the new round with a price
that is lower than the price they offered in the prior round.
To require suppliers to respond in a new round of a negotiation with a lower price, select the checkbox.
Listing URLs for supplier discovery:
can define a list of URLs that carry information about suppliers'
external web sites. Buyers can use these links to access and browse the
supplier web sites from the Add Supplier page during negotiation
1-Scroll to the Supplier Discovery section of the Negotiations Configuration page.
Enter the Provider Name (this is the name used within the system. It
does not have to be the supplier's official name) and the URL to the
provider's site. 3-To allow your buyers to view and use the link, click
Enabled. You can control access to different sites by selecting and
deselecting the Enabled flag.
Specifying the supplier online window values:
The Live Console feature allows buyers to monitor negotiations in real time.
1- On the Negotiations Configuration page, scroll to the Supplier Online Window section.
2-Enter a number for the Supplier Online Window value. This is the number
of minutes that can elapse since a supplier's last action before that supplier is
to be no longer active. Also enter the number of seconds that should
elapse before the page is refreshed during the last hour of the
Specify concurrent processing values:
negotiations can sometimes have hundreds or thousands of lines.
Processing such negotiations can be time consuming and resource
To set the processing and error message thresholds, enter values in the appropriate fields.
Subscribe to Notifications
The Notification Subscription home page consists of two sections:
- Bury Notification Section.
- Supplier Notification Section
To select appropriate notifications:
1. From the Negotiations Home page, click the Administration tab.
2. On the Administration page, click "Notification Subscription."
3. On the Notification Subscription page, select which notifications apply to which negotiation types.
4. Click Apply.
Define Negotiation Terms and Conditions
Negotiation terms and conditions are presented to supplier users before they respond to a negotiation for the first time
To define negotiation terms and conditions:
1. On the Negotiations Home page, click the Administration tab.
2. Click Setup Negotiation Terms and Conditions.
Use the Setup Negotiation Terms and Conditions page to define the terms
and conditions that you want to display on negotiations. If multiple
languages are installed, select a Language and translate the terms and
conditions for each language if your suppliers use other languages.
4. When you have finished entering your negotiation terms and conditions, click Apply.
Define Reusable Attribute Lists
Attributes are Attributes identify additional details that a supplier
should provide (beyond just response price) when responding to a
negotiation line.
To create line attribute lists:
1. On the Negotiations Home page, click the Administration tab.
2. On the Administration page, click "Reusable Attribute Lists."
3. On the Reusable Attribute Lists page, click Create Line Attribute List.
On the Create Line Attribute List page, enter a List Name and brief
Description for your attribute list. Choose the Status (Active or
Inactive). An Active list can be used immediately; an Inactive list will
be stored in the system, but will not be available for use unless you
edit the list and change its status to Active.
If this attribute is required and you wish to assign values to allowable entries and scores, click the Score icon.
Buyers can identify acceptable responses to line attributes and provide
a score for each response that indicates the desirability of that
response value. (suppliers must enter responses if the attribute has an
Attribute Type value of Required). Scoring the attribute allows you to
define which values you will accept for the attribute and indicate the
relative desirability of each response. Scores are also used by the
system to determine the best response in Multi-Attribute Scoring
the Enter Scoring Criteria page, you must specify the values you will
accept for this attribute and assign a score to each value.
For text attributes, you specify a list of acceptable values.
number and date attributes, you specify a numeric or date range (to
define a single number or date, set the From and To values to the same
number or date). Click the pop-up calendar icon to select a date value.
Note that URL attribute types can not be scored in this manner.
you have identified all the allowable values for this attribute, you
must define a score for each value (or range of values). Specify a
number that represents the desirability of that value - the higher the
number, the more desirable that response.
If you need to add and score more than five values, click Add 5 Rows to display five more entry rows.
7. After you have identified and scored your values, click Apply. You return to the Create Line Attribute List page.
8. Add and score any remaining attributes for this list.
Note that you can optionally sequence the display order of your line
attributes. Use the instructions above to specify the sequence of
10. When you are finished defining attributes to this list, click Apply.
Sequencing line attributes:
The line attributes appear in the order you define them. However you can alter the order if needed.
To define the order of line attributes:
1. Click Sequence.
2. On the Sequence Attributes page, the line attributes appear in the order in which you defined them and are given a number.
3. Modify the attribute numbers to reflect the new sequence.
When finished, click Apply. You are returned to the Create Line
Attribute List page with the attribute sequence modified accordingly.
Define Reusable Requirement Lists
You define Requirements to solicit high-level information about the suppliers who have responded to your negotiation.
Defining your Requirement List
To define your Requirement list:
1. From the Negotiations Home page, click the Administration tab.
2. Click "Reusable Requirement Lists."
3. On the Create Requirement List page,
1. Enter a name for your Requirement List
2. Enter a descriptions for your list.
3. Select a status for your list (Inactive lists cannot be used).
Defining Requirements
create collections of Requirements called Sections. You are provided
with a default section called Requirements. To begin defining your
1. In the Requirements area of the Create Requirement List page, select the entry for the default section called Requirements.
2. Click Add Section
3. To add a new section, accept the default, New Section, in the Add drop down menu.
4. Enter a name for your new section.
If you are ready to begin adding individual Requirements for this
section, click Apply and Add Requirement. If you need to create a
section after this section, click Apply and Add Section. You cannot
create a section within a section.
6.On the Create Requirement List: Add Requirement page, enter your Requirement question in the text box provided
7. Once you have defined your Requirement text, set the Properties for this
Requirement as necessary:
• Type Type describes how the Requirement is used within the negotiation.
Values can be:
• Display Only The Requirement is displayed to the supplier, but the
supplier cannot enter a response to it. If the type is display-only, Display
Target is set to Yes and Scoring Method is automatically set to None.
Display only Requirements merely notify suppliers of additional aspects in
which buyers are interested.
• Internal Internal Requirement can only be seen by buyers. If an internal
Requirement is weighted, the total weight value seen by the supplier will
not add up to 100. For example, if a Requirement is internal and has a
weight of 10, the supplier sees no information on the internal Requirement
and sees the sum of all weighted Requirements as 90. If unweighted, new
internal Requirements can be added while the negotiation is in progress. If
weighted, new internal Requirements can be added if they are given a
weight of zero or if their weight amount is subtracted from another internal
Requirements. Internal Requirements have Display Target set to No.
• Optional Suppliers do not have to respond to this Requirement.
• Required Suppliers must respond to this Requirement.
• Value Type Select the type of characters suppliers can enter for this
Requirement when responding: Text (letters/words, digits), Number (digits
decimals allowed), Date (the format you or the supplier select as your
date preference), or URL (Web site addresses that begin with a valid URL
protocol for example, http://, https://, and ftp://. Values with a URL
type display as links; for example a Web site address entered as a Text
type will display simply as text). Value Type also governs the
characters you can enter in the Target field.
• Target Enter a target value for the Requirement (for example: 30 or more years in business) .
• Display to Supplier Indicate whether you want suppliers to see your Target
• Scoring Method Select the method by which you wish to score responses to this Requirement.
• None - Responses can not be scored.
• Automatic - The system will assign a score based on scoring information
you define. If you choose Automatic, you must define the allowable values
(or value ranges) and the score for each.
• Manual - evaluators will enter scores for a particular response manually
when scoring a participant's response.
You can define which response values (or range of values) are
acceptable for this Requirement. If you define acceptable response
values for text type Requirements, those values are displayed to the
responder, who must select a value from the predefined list of values.
To define acceptable values:
1. Click the Add 5 Rows button under Acceptable Values.
2. Enter values for the following fields:
• Response Value
Enter an acceptable value for this Requirement. You may enter as many
separate values as is necessary to identify all possible acceptable responses.
The values you enter should reflect the Value Type (text, number, date) you
specified for this Requirement.
• Value From/Value To (number and date type Requirements only)
If your Requirement has a value type of number or date , you can enter
specific numbers/dates or you can define ranges of numbers/dates. If you
wish to define a single value, enter the number in both the From and the To
fields. Otherwise, to define a range, enter the beginning value in the From
field and the ending value in the To field.
Define Cost Factors and Cost Factor Lists
factors allow you to identify and negotiate on additional costs related
to a line. You can use cost factors to obtain a more realistic idea of
the total cost of an item or service by factoring in any additional
costs beyond just price. Such costs could include additional costs such
as consulting or training, or internal costs such as switching costs.
1. On the Negotiations Home page, click the Administration tab.
2. Click "Cost Factors."
3. On the Cost Factors page, click Create.
4. On the Create Cost Factor page, enter the following information:
• A unique code .
• The name of the new price factor.
• A short text description for the price factor.
A pricing basis value to determine how this price factor is calculated.
You can define: a fixed amount for the line, a fixed amount for each
unit of the line, or a percentage amount of the line cost.
Once you have entered your information, click Apply. The information
you entered is validated. If your code is not unique, you are prompted
to enter a different one.
To define a cost factor list:
1. On the Negotiations Home page, click the Administration tab.
2. Click "Reusable Cost Factor Lists."
3. On the Reusable Cost Factor Lists page, click "Create Cost Factor List."
4. On the Create Cost Factor List page, enter the following information:
• Name of the new list
• A short text description of the new list
• The status of the new list. Active lists can be used immediately. Inactive lists cannot be used
5. From
the Price Factor drop down list, select a price factor for this list
and click Add to List. Repeat as necessary to add any remaining price
factors to the list.
6. When you are finished adding cost factors, click Apply.
Define Reusable Invitation Lists
an invitation list can help standardize your business practice by
ensuring that all appropriate people are invited to targeted
negotiations and can help streamline the negotiation process. Buyers can
add invitation list(s) when creating a new negotiation
To create a new invitation list:
1. On the Negotiations Home page, click the Administration tab.
2. Click "Reusable Invitation Lists."
3. On the Reusable Invitation Lists page, click Create Invitation List.
4. On the Create Invitation List page,
enter a list name, description, and select an Access type. All buyers
can view and use Public lists. Buyers can create their own private lists
that are available only to them. The lists you create are immediately
available for use. If, at some time in the future, you no longer need a
list, you can deactivate it.
Click Add Suppliers.
5. Search
for and select suppliers to add to your invitation list. Note that you
can use the advanced supplier search features to build lists of
suppliers based on the commodities or items they provide.
6. When the Search Suppliers page displays the search results, select the supplier(s) you want to add to the list and click Add to Invitation List.
7. You
see that the suppliers appear in the Invitation List box in the upper
right-hand corner of the page. Use the instructions in the previous
steps to continue adding suppliers. Click Apply to return to the Create Invitation List page.
8. You return to the Create Invitation List page.
For each supplier, ensure there is a value for Supplier Contact field.
If you wish to send a notification to an additional supplier contact and
you know the contact's e-mail address, you can enter that in the
Additional Contact Email field. This is especially useful if the
supplier has set up a broadcast e-mail.
Define Negotiation Styles.
To define a Negotiation style:
1. From the Negotiations Home page, click the Administration tab.
2. Click "Negotiation Styles."
3. On the Negotiation Styles page, click "Create Negotiation Style."
4. On the Create Negotiation Style page,
• Give your style a name.
• Optionally give your style a description.
• Accept the default status of Active (Inactive status styles are not available for use).
• Select the features that are available from the style.
• Identify which document types this style can be used with.
• When you are finished, click Apply.
Define Negotiation Templates
your negotiations use many of the same elements (bid/quote controls,
item attribute lists, or invitation lists), you can create templates for
each negotiation type (RFI, RFQ, auction). Sourcing Super Users can
create public templates that are available for use by all Sourcing
Buyers. (Sourcing Super Users and Sourcing Buyers can both create their
own private templates that only they can use.)
To create a negotiation template:
1. On the Negotiations Home page, click the Negotiations tab.
2. In the Templates column of the Quick Links section, click the link for the type of negotiation template you wish to create.
The available type in the column for which we can create a template are
- RFI.
- RFQ.
- Auctions.
3. On the Templates page, click "Create New Template."
4. On the Step 1: Create Template Header page, give your template a name and optionally a description. Be sure to accept the default Access value of Public.
5. Continue by using the instructions in the online help describing how to define templates.
Create Abstracts and Forms
abstract is a summary or synopsis of a negotiation. It usually contains
information such as the goods or services being purchased, whom to
contact for more information, and the open and close date. An abstract
can even contain a PDF version of the negotiation for the supplier to
download. Abstracts are presented to suppliers on the buying
organization's external website. Suppliers can view the details about
negotiations and determine if they are interested in participating
without having to log in to the sourcing application.
form captures information from the buyer in a similar fashion as an
abstract but rather than publishing data to the buying organization's
website, this information is captured in an XML file that can be
transferred to a third party system. The forms that are created with
Oracle Sourcing typically are modeled after the third party systems so
that the data collected matches their requirements. The buyer can then
generate the appropriately formatted XML file and send it for publishing
on the third party system.
Creating Abstracts and Forms
and forms are composed of fields and sections. These are the building
blocks that are used to create a form or abstract. When creating a form
or abstract, first create these building blocks in the application. You
can then use these building blocks to construct your form or abstract.
General Steps to Using the Abstract Feature:
1. (Super User) Create any new fields or sections (building blocks) desired on the Abstract.
2. (Super User) Modify and activate the existing Abstract definition.
3. (Super User) Set up and customize external website.
4. (Buyer) Add Abstract to negotiation and complete required information.
5. (Buyer) Publish the Abstract for a specific negotiation to an external website.
General Steps to Using the Forms Feature:
1. (Super User) Create fields and sections.
2. (Super User) Create a new form or modify an existing form.
3. (Super User) Add any new fields or sections on the form.
4. (Super User) Activate the form.
5. (Super User) Map to third-party XSD/DTD file
6. (Buyer) Complete the form and generate XML.
7. (Super User) Update form as requirements change.
Using Abstracts and Forms:
Oracle Sourcing is seeded with a draft abstract and two forms.
may, however, decide that you want to capture different information
than what the abstract or the forms are seeded with. To capture new
information, you can create new sections and/or fields and use them in
your abstract and forms definition.
Creating New Sections/Fields
1. From the Negotiations Home page, click the Administration tab.
2. On the Administration page, click "Abstract and Forms."
3. The Abstract and Forms page
displays the abstract and the forms that exist in the system (initially
you should see only one abstract and two forms that are seeded with the
4. On the Abstract and Forms page, click Manage Sections and Fields.
5. On the Manage Sections and Fields page, click Create Section to define a new section, or click Create Field to define a new field.
Creating New Fields
1. On the Create Field page, enter values for the following fields:
• Code. This is a required, user-defined value that uniquely identifies the field.
Field code and only be up to 30 characters and can only have
alphanumeric characters (Underscores are allowed within the code). If
this field will be used on a form, to facilitate easy mapping, this
value should match the code from the XSD/DTD to which you will be
Name. This is a required field, user-defined value that will be
associated withthe field. This value will appear next to the entry
field/poplist/List of Values on the form that will be presented to the
buyer. Enter a value that is meaningful to the buyer.
• Description. This is an optional field that is presented to the buyer as a tip if
is entered. You can use this to enter any additional information that
you Feel the buyer needs to have to correctly complete this field.
• Value Type. This specifies the type of data value the buyer can enter in the field.
Possible data types are: text, number, date, date/time, and amount.
List of Values. To limit the field's data input to only a predefined
set of values, click the flashlight and select the Value Set. The
flashlight will query all value sets that are defined for Oracle
Sourcing. To create a new value set, click on the Manage Value Sets
button at the top of the page. You can also create a value set on the
Administration page (see the section below for instructions on creating
value sets). The following types of value sets are supported:
• Table
• Independent
• Translatable independent
Status. When you initially enter the page, the values in this poplist
will be Draft (selected), and Active. Only active fields can be added to
a section or form.
the field is draft status, you can edit the Code Name and other
properties of the field. You can also delete the field. Once you change
the status to Active, you can no longer modify the Code of the Value
Type. Also, you can no longer delete the field. You will only be allowed
to make the field inactive.
2. Once you have finished defining your new field, click Apply
Creating New Sections
1. On the Create Section page, enter values for the following fields:
Code. A required, user-defined value that uniquely identifies the
section. The section code can only be up to 20 characters and can only
have alphanumeric characters (Underscores are allowed within the code).
If this section will be used on a form, for ease of mapping, this value
should match the code from the XSD/DTD to which you will be mapping.
• Version. This is a display only field that is updated when a new version of the section is created.
• Name. A required, user-defined value that will be associated with the section.
This value appears above the section when the form is presented to the buyer.
Enter a value that is meaningful to the buyer.
• Description. A required field used to describe the section. It is not displayed to the buyer.
Section Contains repeating Data. Identifies this section as a repeating
section. Repeating sections are displayed to the buyer as a table. If
the section contains repeating data, no system fields can be defined to
• Text Tip. This text is presented to the buyer as a tip below the section header.
Use this to give specific instructions to the buyer for this section.
• Status. When you initially enter the page, the values in this poplist are Draft
and Active. Only active sections can be added to an abstract, section,
or form. While the section is in draft status, you can edit Code, Name,
and other properties of the section. You can also delete the section.
Once you change the status to active, you can no longer modify Code or
make the section repeating.
Also, you can no longer delete the section. You can only make the section inactive
2. To add a field to the section, click Add another Row.
3. Click the flashlight icon.
4. Search
for and select the field or section you wish to add (you can add a
section within a section). After you have added the field or section,
specify whether it requires a response from the supplier.
5. Once you have added all the fields and/or sections to the section, click Apply.
Set Up Document Print Layouts
To Assign Layout Templates:
1. Log into Oracle Purchasing as a Purchasing Super User.
2. Navigate to the Document Types page. Set Up > Purchasing > Document Types.
3. Click Update for any Sourcing document type (Buyer Auction, RFQ, RFI).
4. For
each document type, select a Document Type Layout.. (If you have Oracle
Procurement Contracts licensed and installed, also select a Contract
Terms lay
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