You can use min-max planning to maintain inventory levels for all your items or selected items.
With min-max planning, you specify minimum and maximum inventory levels for your items.
the inventory level for an item drops below the minimum, Oracle
Inventory suggests a new requisition or job to bring the balance back up
to the maximum.
Inventory performs min-max planning for your items at either the
organization level or the subinventory level. When you min-max plan at
the organization level, you can optionally include open sales orders and
work in process component requirements as demand in the min-max
planning calculation. Purchase requisitions for buy items and WIP
unreleased jobs for make items for the suggested replenishment
quantities can be optionally created. You can then turn these
requisitions into purchase orders or internal orders and the unreleased
jobs into jobs for the
required items.
you min-max plan at the subinventory level, you can optionally include
only open sales orders as demand in the min-max planning calculation.
Requisitions for the suggested replenishment quantities can be
optionally created. Also, subinventory level planning cannot generate
jobs and does not consider WIP jobs as supply or WIP components as
demand. You can
then turn these requisitions into purchase orders or internal orders for the required items.
Organization Level Min-Max Planning
you min-max plan at the organization level, Oracle Inventory looks at
inventory balances, purchase orders and WIP jobs as supply and sales
order and WIP job component requirements as demand.
use min-max planning at the organization level you must set the item
attributes used by minmax planning. You can start by setting the
Inventory Planning Method item attribute to Min-max
You establish your minimum and maximum levels used in the calculation
using the Min-Max Minimum Quantity and the Min-Max Maximum Quantity item
attributes. You can
set the order quantity modifier item attributes (Minimum Order
Quantity, Maximum Order Quantity, and Fixed Lot Size Multiplier) to
further control the suggested order quantities
generated by min-max planning. Set the Make or Buy flag to Make to optionally generate unreleased jobs and to Buy to optionally generate requisitions.
repetitive items, since you cannot generate repetitive plans, you have
the option of generating requisitions, unplanned jobs, or a report only.
planning is performed by running the Min-Max Planning Report. By
selecting organization level planning, you run min-max planning for your
organization. In addition to the planning level option, Oracle
Inventory offers the options to Net Reserved Orders, Net Unreserved Orders, Net WIP Demand, and Include Non-nettable Inventory Quantities when
calculating availability. You also specify a Demand Cutoff Date and a Supply Cutoff Date. If you choose No to all the net demand options, Oracle Inventory performs the following calculation:
you run the Min-max planning report, you can have Oracle Inventory
create requisitions for Buy items and unreleased jobs for Make items by
answering Yes to Restock. You must also
a location to serve as the default deliver to location on the
requisitions. Oracle Inventory creates purchase requisitions for Buy
items when the item attribute Replenishment Source Type is set to Supplier.
Oracle Inventory creates internal requisitions for internal sales
orders for Buy items when the item attribute Replenishment Source Type
is set to Inventory. For internal
Oracle Inventory uses the item attribute Source Organization to
determine the organization from which the internal requisition sources
the item. For Repetitive Items you
optionally create requisitions or unreleased jobs.
following example shows you how Oracle Inventory performs min-max
planning. Assume an item has the following quantity values and item
attribute settings:
Create an Item and apply Purchasing Template
Enter the List Price in Purchasing Tab
Go to General Planning Region
Inventory Planning Method as Min Max Planning
Enter the Minim and Max Quantity
Enter the Order Quantity
Select Source Type if Min Max is Organization Level we can choose Inventory or Supplier
Fix Lot Multiplier it the quantity where the Orders are created multiple of Fixed lot Multiplexer
With this the Setup is completed
we run the Min Max Report It will Calculate if the Inventory Level is
Less than Min Quantity It will raise the Purchase Requisitions Up to the
Max Level
Inventory Quantity
Min Quantity is 60
Max Quantity is 300
Order Quantity
Fixed Lot Multiplexer is 15
Minimum Quantity 100
Maximum Quantity 150
Inventory Quantity is Less than 60 it will raise PR up to 300 Quantity To Run the Min Max Report
Navigation Planning: Max Planning: Run Min Max Planning
1. Navigate to the Min-Max Planning window.
2. Enter Request in the Type field.
3. Enter Min-max planning report in the Name field.
4. Navigate to the Parameters field. The Parameters window appears.
Indicate whether the planning level is set for the entire organization
or a specific subinventory. At the subinventory level, the report cannot
generate jobs and does not
consider WIP jobs as supply or WIP components as demand. If you select Subinventory, enter the name of the subinventory.
Indicate the type of item to include on the report. You can report on
items under the minimum quantity, items over the maximum quantity, or
all min-max planned items.
7. Enter the category set for the report.
8. You can optionally restrict the report to a range of categories, item, planners, or buyers.
Enter the sorting criterion for the report. You can choose to sort by
inventory item, category, planner, or buyer. If you choose Category, enter the category set.
Enter the demand cutoff date and, optionally, the demand cutoff date
offset. The report includes demand on or before this date. If you do not
check Net Demand this
calculation is for display purposes only.
Enter the supply cutoff date and, optionally the supply cutoff date
offset. The calculation includes open supply orders on or before this
12. Enter Yes or No to indicate whether to restock. If you have set the Planning Level to Organization, the report generates requisitions or jobs according to the item's Make/Buy
flag. If you have set the Planning Level to Subinventory, the report generates only requisitions.
13. If you are using the Organization Planning Level, choose one of the following For Repetitive Item options: Create Requisitions for items under minimum quantity, Create
Discrete Jobs for items under minimum quantity or run the Report Only without creating jobs or requisitions.
14. Enter the default delivery location.
15. Indicate whether to net reserved and unreserved orders.
Indicate whether to Net WIP Demand in the available quantity
calculation. Net demand is the unshipped sales quantity for the selected
organization or subinventory. You cannot set this to Yes if you are
using subinventory level planning.
17. Indicate whether to include PO, WIP, and Interface supply and non-nettable subinventories.
18. Choose one of the following Display Format options: Display All Information, Don't Display Supply/Demand Details (The report does not display the Minimum Order
Quantity, Maximum Order Quantity, and Multiple Order Quantity columns.), or Don't Display Order Constraints (The report does not display the On Hand Quantity column).
19. Indicate whether to to Display Item Information.
20. Choose the Submit button to launch the report.
Click on View Output
Note: It
will update the PR Details in Requisition Import table but it wont
raise any PR we need to Run the Requisition Import to raise the PR
Login to PO Responsibility à Submit a New Request
Go to Requisition Summary to Find out our PRs
It Generated 2 Lines each 150 because our Order Quantity Level is 150
Subinventory Level Min-Max Planning
you min-max plan at the subinventory level, Oracle Inventory looks at
inventory balances, purchase order and internal order supply, and
optionally, sales order demand for a single
only. In addition, rather than using item attribute planning modifiers,
Oracle Inventory uses values and parameters set at the
item/subinventory level.
perform min-max planning at the subinventory level, you establish the
following values at the subinventory level using either the Subinventory
Items or the Item Subinventories windows:
Create an Item
Apply Purchasing Template
Navigate Setup: Organization: Subinventory
Query Subinventory which we are planning Min Max Planning
Click On Item/Subinventory
Select the Item and Enable the Min Max Planning
Enter the Min and Max Qty
Go to Order Modifiers
Enter the Fixed Lot Multiple, Min Order Qty and Max Order Qty
Sourcing Tab
Lead Time is not mandatory for Min Max Planning
Save the Changes
Make a miscellaneous Receipt because the Subinventory Min Max Planning generates Move Orders.
Make a sufficient Qty in any one or our Subinventory in the same Inventory Org
Navigation Inventory: Transactions: Miscellaneous Transaction
Run the Min Max Report
Select the Planning Level as Subinventory and Select the Subinventory
Note : Remaining Parameters as same as Org Parameters
Quantity in Our Subinventory Is Less than Min Qty it will trigger the
Min Max Plan and generates the Move Orders for Max 120 Qty
Inventory Qty
Min Qty 24
Max Qty 120
Order Modifiers
Min Order Qty 18
Max Order Qty 30
Fixed Lot Multiple 6
Check for the Move Orders
Navigation Inventory:Move Orders
Transact the Move Order
Check On-hand Qty
Navigation On-hand Availability : On-hand Qty
Query the Item
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