There are 5 steps to a
full Oracle Applications Installation (as opposed to a "-techstack"
step 1 of 5: Command:
Restart File created: <Base
Database logfile: <RDBMS
Process 1: Installing
Database Oracle Home
This process creates
RDBMS ORACLE_HOME by uncompressing the zip files from the stage area into the
locations specified during the configuration steps
Log file:
Process 2: Copying the
Database Context template file
This process copies
adxdbctx.tmp and adxdbinf.tmp into :
Process 3: Registering
Database Technology Stack
This process
instantiates the required registration files and scripts and registers the
RDBMS ORACLE_HOME into the Global Inventory
Log files:
<RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/log/$CONTEXT_NAME/ApplyDBTechStack_<MMDDHHMM>.log
<RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/log/$CONTEXT_NAME/ohclone.log
OUI log files:
<Global Inventory>/logs/cloneActions<timestamp>.log
<Global Inventory>/logs/oraInstall<timestamp>.log
<Global Inventory>/logs/silentInstall<timestamp>.log
Process 4: Configuring
Database Technology Stack
This process
instantiates all the configuration files and scripts for the RDBMS ORACLE_HOME
Log files:
This process also
relinks the ORACLE_HOME exectuables
Log file:
Step 2 of 5: Command:
Process 1: Removing
unneeded install files and Install Database
This process performs a
cleanup of any existing datafile list and control file sql script and
uncompresses the datafile zip files from the stage area.
Log file:
Process 2: Registering
Process 3: Configuring
This process regenerates
the datafile list and control file recreation script, and executes it to
recreate the control files
Log files:
Process 4: Performing
database characterset conversion
This process executes
<RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/install/$CONTEXT_NAME/ to convert
the new Database into the chosen characterset.
Process 5: Running
AutoConfig on Database Node
This process executes
<RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/install/$CONTEXT_NAME/ to run
AutoConfig on the new Database tier.
Log files:
Step 3 of 5: Command:
Restart file created at $INST_TOP/temp/restart.xml
Appltop logfile: $INST_TOP/logs/<MMDDHHMM>.log
Process 1: Installing
Applications Technology Stack
This process creates
Developer Tools (10.1.2) and As10g (10.1.3) ORACLE_HOMEs by uncompressing the
zip files from the stage area into the locations specified during the
configuration steps.
Log file:
Process 2: Registering
Applications Technology Stack
This process
instantiates the required registration files and scripts and registers the
Developer Tools and As10g ORACLE_HOMEs into the Global Inventory
OUI log files:
<Global Inventory>/logs/cloneActions<timestamp>.log
<Global Inventory>/logs/oraInstall<timestamp>.log
<Global Inventory>/logs/silentInstall<timestamp>.log
This process also
relinks the executables for the Developer Tools and As10g ORACLE_HOMEs
Log Files:
Process 3: Configuring
Applications Technology Stack
This process
instantiates all the configuration files and scripts for the Applications
Log file:
Step 4 of 5: Command:
Process 1: Installing APPLTOP
This process
uncompresses the APPL_TOP and COMMON_TOP zip files from the stage area
Log file:
Process 2: Copying the
APPL_TOP Context template file
This process copies
adxmlctx.tmp, adctxinf.tmp and index.html into $AD_TOP/admin/template
Process 3: Registering
Log file:
Process 4: Run
AutoConfig on Apps Node
Log file:
Process 5: Executing
Service Startup Script on Apps Node
This process executes:
Step 5 of 5: System
Check Status
This steps performs a
series of checks to validate the Oracle Applications R12 Installation.
Database Availability
This runs two commands
to check for the RDBMS and Apps Homes to ensure the Database is running and
connections can be made from the Database and Application Tiers.
The Database Home test runs the command:
The Database Home test runs the command:
The log entries will be as follows: started at Thu Jul 26 15:06:41 BST 2007
Parameters passed are : <RDBMS $ORACLE_HOME>/$CONTEXT_NAME.env
The environment settings are as follows ...
PATH : <RDBMS $ORACLE_HOME>/perl/bin:<RDBMS $ORACLE_HOME>/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:<RDBMS $ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/jre/bin:/usr/ccs/bin:/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/stage/Apps/12.0.0/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz/unzip/Linux:/usr/bin:/usr/kerberos/bin:/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/java/jdk1.5.0_01/bin:/home/oracle/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/java/jdk1.5.0_01/bin:/usr/java/jdk1.5.0_01/bin
LD_LIBRARY_PATH : <RDBMS $ORACLE_HOME>/lib:/usr/X11R6/lib:/usr/openwin/lib:<RDBMS $ORACLE_HOME>/lib:/usr/dt/lib:<RDBMS $ORACLE_HOME>/ctx/lib
PATH : <RDBMS $ORACLE_HOME>/perl/bin:<RDBMS $ORACLE_HOME>/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:<RDBMS $ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/jre/bin:/usr/ccs/bin:/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/stage/Apps/12.0.0/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz/unzip/Linux:/usr/bin:/usr/kerberos/bin:/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/java/jdk1.5.0_01/bin:/home/oracle/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/java/jdk1.5.0_01/bin:/usr/java/jdk1.5.0_01/bin
LD_LIBRARY_PATH : <RDBMS $ORACLE_HOME>/lib:/usr/X11R6/lib:/usr/openwin/lib:<RDBMS $ORACLE_HOME>/lib:/usr/dt/lib:<RDBMS $ORACLE_HOME>/ctx/lib
Executable : <RDBMS $ORACLE_HOME>/bin/sqlplus exiting with status 0
Database ORACLE_HOME connection test has succeeded
The Apps Home test runs the command:
The log entries will be as follows: started at Thu Jul 26 15:06:43 BST 2007
Parameters passed are : $INST_TOP/ora/10.1.2/$CONTEXT_NAME.env APPS/APPS
The environment settings are as follows ...
PATH : $ORACLE_HOME/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/ccs/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/stage/Apps/12.0.0/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz/unzip/Linux:/usr/bin:/usr/kerberos/bin:/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/java/jdk1.5.0_01/bin:/home/oracle/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/java/jdk1.5.0_01/bin:/usr/java/jdk1.5.0_01/bin
LD_LIBRARY_PATH : $ORACLE_HOME/lib32:$ORACLE_HOME/lib:/usr/X11R6/lib:/usr/openwin/lib:$ORACLE_HOME/jdk/jre/lib/i386:$ORACLE_HOME/jdk/jre/lib/i386/server:$ORACLE_HOME/jdk/jre/lib/i386/native_threads
PATH : $ORACLE_HOME/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/ccs/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/stage/Apps/12.0.0/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz/unzip/Linux:/usr/bin:/usr/kerberos/bin:/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/java/jdk1.5.0_01/bin:/home/oracle/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/java/jdk1.5.0_01/bin:/usr/java/jdk1.5.0_01/bin
LD_LIBRARY_PATH : $ORACLE_HOME/lib32:$ORACLE_HOME/lib:/usr/X11R6/lib:/usr/openwin/lib:$ORACLE_HOME/jdk/jre/lib/i386:$ORACLE_HOME/jdk/jre/lib/i386/server:$ORACLE_HOME/jdk/jre/lib/i386/native_threads
Executable : $ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus exiting with status 0
Configuration Upload
This step ensures the configuration file
"conf<SID>.txt" was uploaded to the FND_OAM_CONTEXT_FILES table
The log entry will be as follows:
The log entry will be as follows:
Configuration Upload
Uploading config file at /tmp/<MMDDHHMM>/config.txt
AppsConfig : 'config.txt' uploading...
AppsConfig : 'config.txt' uploading...
ADX Database Utility
ADX Database Utility
getConnectionUsingAppsJDBCConnector() -->
Trying to get connection using SID based connect descriptor
Trying to get connection using SID based connect descriptor
getConnection() -->
sDbHost : <hostname>
sDbDomain : <domain>
sDbPort : <Port>
sDbSid : <SID>
sDbUser : APPS
Trying to connect using SID...
sDbHost : <hostname>
sDbDomain : <domain>
sDbPort : <Port>
sDbSid : <SID>
sDbUser : APPS
Trying to connect using SID...
getConnectionUsingSID() -->
JDBC URL: jdbc:oracle:thin:@<hostname>.<domain>:<Port>:<SID>
Connection obtained
JDBC URL: jdbc:oracle:thin:@<hostname>.<domain>:<Port>:<SID>
Connection obtained
-------------------ADX Database Utility Finished---------------
Successful upload of config file at /tmp/<MMDDHHMM>/config.txt
Environment File
This verifies the
environment files were all created successfully from the templates and there
are no variables remaining.
The log file entry is as follows:
The log file entry is as follows:
Environment File
Database ORACLE_HOME environment file passes instantiated variables test:
File = <RDBMS
Apps ORACLE_HOME environment file passes instantiated variables test:
File =
iAS ORACLE_HOME environment file passes instantiated variables test:
File =
APPL_TOP environment file passes instantiated variables test:
File =
ADOVARS environment file passes instantiated variables test:
File =
APPSCONFIG passes instantiated variables test:
File =
DBC File
This ensures the DBC
file was generated successfully from the template and contains no uninstantiated
The log entry will be as follows:
The log entry will be as follows:
DBC File
DBC file passes
instantiated variables test:
File =
This checks the HTTP listener
The log entry is as follows:
The log entry is as follows:
checking URL = http://<hostname>.<domain>:<port>
HTTP Listener is
Help Page
This tests the iHelp pages
The log entry will be as follows:-
The log entry will be as follows:-
Help Page
checking URL =
Page is responding
Virtual Directory
This verifies the response on the Web Virtual
The log entry will be as follows:-
The log entry will be as follows:-
Virtual Directory
checking URL =
Page is responding
checking URL =
Page is responding
checking URL =
Page is responding
The ensures the JSP is responding
Log entry will be as follows:-
Log entry will be as follows:-
checking URL =
JSP is responding
Login Page
This ensures the Apps Login page is available
The log entry will be as follows:
The log entry will be as follows:
Login Page
checking URL = http://<hostname>.<domain>:<port>/OA_HTML/AppsLogin
Page is responding
checking URL = http://<hostname>.<domain>:<port>/OA_HTML/AppsLogin
Page is responding
NOTE: Results of the all the System Checks will be in
the log file:
Inventory Registration
Rapid Install will
update the Global Inventory with the locations of the new ORACLE_HOMEs
The global inventory is found by checking the Inventory Pointer file.
The default locations are :
The global inventory is found by checking the Inventory Pointer file.
The default locations are :
AIX and LINUX under :
Other UNIX machines : /var/opt/oracle/oraInst.loc
This Inventory pointer file points to the location of the Global Inventory.
NOTE: With Oracle Applications 11.5.x, if the
Inventory Pointer file did not exist, it would need to be created by running
/tmp/ as the "root" user. This script would create the
oraInst.loc in the above default location.
With Oracle Applications
Release 12, this is no longer the case.
All dependencies to
execute external scripts with root were removed with R12 as part of the design.
If the Inventory Pointer file does not exist or is not writable by the user running rapidwiz, a new oraInst.loc will be created in the following locations:-
If the Inventory Pointer file does not exist or is not writable by the user running rapidwiz, a new oraInst.loc will be created in the following locations:-
Database Tier:
<RDBMS $ORACLE_HOME>/oraInst.loc
<RDBMS $ORACLE_HOME>/admin/oui/$CONTEXT_NAME/oraInst.loc
<RDBMS $ORACLE_HOME>/admin/oui/$CONTEXT_NAME/oraInst.loc
The Database Global
Inventory location will then be:
<RDBMS $ORACLE_HOME>/admin/oui/$CONTEXT_NAME/oraInventory
Apps Tier:
Tools $ORACLE_HOME/oraInst.loc
Tools $ORACLE_HOME/oraInst.loc
The Apps Global
Inventory location will then be:
location for logs and other not useful files on applmgr side:
Forms dump files : $INST_TOP/logs/ora/10.1.2/formsReports Cache : $INST_TOP/logs/ora/10.1.2/reports/cache
Apache logs : $INST_TOP/logs/ora/10.1.3/Apache
OPMN Logs : $INST_TOP/logs/ora/10.1.3/opmn
Its advisable not to remove any logs under $INST_TOP/logs/ora/10.1.3/j2ee directory since these are very important logs and are required frequently for debugging.
Logs for service management : $INST_TOP/logs/appl/admin/log
Concurrent Manager logs : $INST_TOP/logs/appl/conc/log
Concurrent Manager out files : $INST_TOP/logs/appl/conc/out
How to locate the log
files and troubleshoot RapidWiz for R12
For Release 11.5.x, refer to Note.329985.1
The Rapidwiz
Configuration File is saved in 3 locations:-
<RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/conf_<SID>.txt
<RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/conf_<SID>.txt
Database Tier:
RDBMS $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/log/$CONTEXT_NAME/ohclone.log
RDBMS $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/log/$CONTEXT_NAME/installdbf.log
RDBMS $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/log/$CONTEXT_NAME/adcrdb_<SID>.log
RDBMS $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/log/$CONTEXT_NAME/ApplyDatabase_<MMDDHHMM>.log
RDBMS $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/log/$CONTEXT_NAME/<MMDDHHMM>/adconfig.log
RDBMS $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/log/$CONTEXT_NAME/<MMDDHHMM>/NetServiceHandler.log
RDBMS $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/log/$CONTEXT_NAME/ohclone.log
RDBMS $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/log/$CONTEXT_NAME/installdbf.log
RDBMS $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/log/$CONTEXT_NAME/adcrdb_<SID>.log
RDBMS $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/log/$CONTEXT_NAME/ApplyDatabase_<MMDDHHMM>.log
RDBMS $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/log/$CONTEXT_NAME/<MMDDHHMM>/adconfig.log
RDBMS $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/log/$CONTEXT_NAME/<MMDDHHMM>/NetServiceHandler.log
Applications Tier(s):
NOTE: All log entries for the above steps are all in
the Rapidwiz log:-
AutoConfig is a tool that supports automated configuration
of an Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 instance. All the information required
for configuring an Applications instance is collected into two local
repositories, called the Applications context file and the database context
file. When AutoConfig runs on the application tier, it uses information from
the Applications context file to generate all configuration files and update
database profiles. When AutoConfig runs on the database tier, it uses
information from the database context file to generate all configuration files
used on the database tier
context file :
INST_TOP as <INST_TOP>/appl/admin/<CONTEXT_NAME>.xml.
On Applications Tier:
On Database Tier:
On Database Tier:
On Applications Tier:
On Database Tier:
On Database Tier:
On Applications Tier:
<FND_TOP/patch/115/bin On Database Tier: <RDBMS_ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/bin |
On Applications Tier:
<AD_TOP>/bin On Database Tier: <RDBMS_ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/bin |
On Applications Tier:
<AD_TOP>/bin |
. Previewing Effects of Running AutoConfig
Before running
AutoConfig, the Check Config utility may be run to review the changes that
would occur in the file system as well as the database in the next AutoConfig
run. This step is optional.
Execute the following command to run the Check Config utility.
Execute the following command to run the Check Config utility.
- On the Database tier:
- On Unix:
sh <RDBMS_ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/bin/
- On the Applications tier:
- On Unix:
sh <AD_TOP>/bin/ contextfile=<CONTEXT_FILE>
sh <INST_TOP>/admin/scripts/
Reviewing AutoConfig Log Files
AutoConfig logfiles are stored under:
. Rolling Back an AutoConfig Session
Each AutoConfig run of creates a rollback script
you can use to revert to the previous configuration settings if necessary. The
script and all backup configuration files from each AutoConfig session are
stored in:
where:<MMDDhhmm> = (month, day, hour, minute of AutoConfig run)
To roll back an
AutoConfig session, execute the following commands:
- Generate the Database Context File
Execute the following command to create your Database Context File:
- Run AutoConfig on the Database tier
Run AutoConfig on the Database tier by executing the below command: - On Unix:
Note: instantiates the templates into
the following location:
On the application tier:
On the database tier:
On the database tier:
) How do I recover the Applications context file if it is lost or
deleted accidentally?
The Applications context file can be retrieved by running the script.
The Applications context file can be retrieved by running the script.
To retrieve the
applications tier context file,
- Execute the following command on the applications tier.
<COMMON_TOP>/clone/bin/ retrieve
- On being prompted for the context file to be retrieved, select the option of retrieving the applications tier context file that has been lost and retrieve it to the default location specified by the script.
The above command can be
used only when the <INST_TOP> is still intact. In case the
<INST_TOP> has also been lost accidentally, the applications tier context
file may be retrieved as follows:
- Execute the following command on the database tier:
<ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/clone/bin/ retrieve
- On being prompted for the context file to be retrieved, select the option of retrieving the applications tier context file that has been lost.
- While confirming the location for the context file, set it to any existing directory with write permission.
- Once the context file has been generated in the specified location, move it to the location specified for the context file in the context variable 's_contextfile'.
To retrieve the database
tier context file,
- Execute the following command on the database tier:
<ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/clone/bin/ retrieve
- On being prompted for the context file to be retrieved, select the database tier context file and retrieve it to the default location specified by the script.
The log file that AutoConfig creates is located at:
On the application tier:
On the database tier:
<RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/log/<CONTEXT_NAME>/<MMDDhhmm>/adconfig.log
<RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/log/<CONTEXT_NAME>/<MMDDhhmm>/adconfig.log
How can I roll back an AutoConfig session?
All backup configuration files from each AutoConfig session are stored in:
All backup configuration files from each AutoConfig session are stored in:
On the application tier:
On the database tier:
You can run to roll back an AutoConfig session.
Startup/Shutdown Log files for Application
Tier in R12
i) Startup/Shutdown error message text files like adapcctl.txt, adcmctl.txt… :
i) Startup/Shutdown error message text files like adapcctl.txt, adcmctl.txt… :
ii) Startup/Shutdown
error message related to tech stack (10.1.2, 10.1.3 forms/reports/web) :
(10.1.2 & 10.1.3)
$INST_TOP/apps/$CONTEXT_NAME/logs/ora/10.1.3/opmn/ (OC4J~…, oa*, opmn.log)
$INST_TOP/apps/$CONTEXT_NAME/logs/ora/10.1.2/network/ (listener log)
$INST_TOP/apps/$CONTEXT_NAME/logs/appl/conc/log (CM log files)
B. Log files related to cloning in R12
Preclone ( log files in source instance
$INST_TOP/apps/$CONTEXT_NAME/logs/ora/10.1.3/opmn/ (OC4J~…, oa*, opmn.log)
$INST_TOP/apps/$CONTEXT_NAME/logs/ora/10.1.2/network/ (listener log)
$INST_TOP/apps/$CONTEXT_NAME/logs/appl/conc/log (CM log files)
B. Log files related to cloning in R12
Preclone ( log files in source instance
i) Database
ii) Apps Tier - $INST_TOP/apps/$CONTEXT_NAME/admin/log/ (StageAppsTier_<time>.log)
ii) Apps Tier - $INST_TOP/apps/$CONTEXT_NAME/admin/log/ (StageAppsTier_<time>.log)
( log files in target instance
i) Database Tier- $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/log/$CONTEXT_NAME/ApplyDBTier_<time>.log
ii) Apps Tier - $INST_TOP/apps/$CONTEXT_NAME/admin/log/ApplyAppsTier_<time>.log
i) Database Tier- $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/log/$CONTEXT_NAME/ApplyDBTier_<time>.log
ii) Apps Tier - $INST_TOP/apps/$CONTEXT_NAME/admin/log/ApplyAppsTier_<time>.log
If your clone on DB Tier
fails while running ( Check metalink note - 415020.1)
During clone step on DB Tier it prompts for “Target System base directory for source homes” and during this you have to give like /base_install_dir like ../../r12 and not oracle home like ../../r12/db/tech_st_10.2.0
During clone step on DB Tier it prompts for “Target System base directory for source homes” and during this you have to give like /base_install_dir like ../../r12 and not oracle home like ../../r12/db/tech_st_10.2.0
C. Patching related log
files in R12
i) Application Tier-- adpatch log - $APPL_TOP/admin/<SID>/log/
i) Application Tier-- adpatch log - $APPL_TOP/admin/<SID>/log/
ii) Developer
(Developer/Forms & Reports 10.1.2) Patch -
iii) Web Server (Apache)
patch - $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/.patch_storage
iv) Database Tier opatch
log - $RDBMS_ORACLE_HOME/.patch_storage
D. Autoconfig related
log files in R12
i) Database Tier Autoconfig log :
i) Database Tier Autoconfig log :
ii) Application Tier
Autoconfig log -
E. R12 Installation Logs
Database Tier Installation logs:
$RDBMS_ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/log/$CONTEXT_NAME/installdbf.log $RDBMS_ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/log/$CONTEXT_NAME/adcrdb_<SID>.log
$RDBMS_ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/log/$CONTEXT_NAME/ApplyDatabase_<MMDDHHMM>.log $RDBMS_ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/log/$CONTEXT_NAME/<MMDDHHMM>/adconfig.log
Database Tier Installation logs:
$RDBMS_ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/log/$CONTEXT_NAME/installdbf.log $RDBMS_ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/log/$CONTEXT_NAME/adcrdb_<SID>.log
$RDBMS_ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/log/$CONTEXT_NAME/ApplyDatabase_<MMDDHHMM>.log $RDBMS_ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/log/$CONTEXT_NAME/<MMDDHHMM>/adconfig.log
Application Tier
Installation logs :
Inventory Registration
logs :
<Global Inventory_location>/logs/cloneActions<timestamp>.log
<Global Inventory_location>/logs/oraInstall<timestamp>.log
<Global Inventory_location>/logs/silentInstall<timestamp>.log
F. Other log files in R12
1) Database Tier
1.1) Relink Log files :
$ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/log/$CONTEXT_NAME /<MMDDHHMM>/ make.log
<Global Inventory_location>/logs/cloneActions<timestamp>.log
<Global Inventory_location>/logs/oraInstall<timestamp>.log
<Global Inventory_location>/logs/silentInstall<timestamp>.log
F. Other log files in R12
1) Database Tier
1.1) Relink Log files :
$ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/log/$CONTEXT_NAME /<MMDDHHMM>/ make.log
1.2) Alert Log Files :
1.3) Network Logs :
1.4) OUI Inventory Logs
R12 logs for install,
autoconfig and Patching
A. Startup/Shutdown Log files for Application Tier in R12
Instance Top is new TOP added in R12
Startup/Shutdown error message text files like adapcctl.txt,
Startup/Shutdown error message related to tech stack (10.1.2,
10.1.3 forms/reports/web)
$INST_TOP/apps/$CONTEXT_NAME/logs/ora/ (10.1.2 & 10.1.3)
$INST_TOP/apps/$CONTEXT_NAME/logs/ora/10.1.3/opmn/ (OC4J,oa*,
opmn.log)$INST_TOP/apps/$CONTEXT_NAME/logs/ora/10.1.2/network/ (listener log)
$INST_TOP/apps/$CONTEXT_NAME/logs/appl/conc/log (CM log files)
B. Log files related to cloning in R12
Preclone log files in source instance
i) Database Tier -
ii) Application Tier - $INST_TOP/apps/$CONTEXT_NAME/admin/log/
Clone log files in target instance
Tier - $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/log/$CONTEXT_NAME/ApplyDBTier_.log
Apps Tier -
If your clone on DB Tier fails while running
(Check metalink note - 415020.1)
During clone step on DB Tier it prompts for Target System base
directory for source home and during this you have to give like
/base_install_dir like ../../r12 and not oracle home like
C. Patching related log files in R12
i) Application Tier adpatch log - $APPL_TOP/admin/$SID/log/
ii) Developer (Developer/Forms & Reports 10.1.2) Patch -
iii) Web Server (Apache) patch - $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/.patch_storage
iv) Database Tier opatch log - $ORACLE_HOME/.patch_storage
D. Autoconfig related log files in R12
i) Database Tier Autoconfig log :
ii) Application Tier Autoconfig log -
Autoconfig context file location in R12 -
E. R12 Installation Logs
Database Tier Installation
$ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/log/$CONTEXT_NAME/adcrdb_.log RDBMS
$ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/log/$CONTEXT_NAME//adconfig.log RDBMS
Application Tier Installation
Inventory Registration:
$Global Inventory/logs/cloneActions.log
$Global Inventory/logs/oraInstall.log
$Global Inventory/logs/silentInstall.log
F. Other log files in R12
1) Database Tier
1.1) Relink Log files :
1.2) To locate Alert Log Files :
SQL> Select value from V$DIAG_INFO where name='Diag Alert';
1.3) Network Logs :
1.4) OUI Logs :
OUI Inventory Logs :
2) Application Tier
Tech Stack Patch 10.1.3 (Web/HTTP Server)
$INST_TOP/logs/ora/10.1.2 ,
$INST_TOP/logs/appl/conc/log ,
Reviewing AutoConfig Log Files
Rolling Back an AutoConfig Session use command as <
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