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Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Table Or View: Table
Important columns: 
REQUISITION_HEADER_ID : Requisition header unique identifier
LINE_NUM NUMBER : Line number
LINE_TYPE_ID : Line type
CATEGORY_ID : Item category unique identifier
ITEM_DESCRIPTION : Item description
QUANTITY NUMBER : Quantity ordered
DELIVER_TO_LOCATION_ID : Deliver-to location unique identifier

PO_REQUISITION_LINES stores information about requisition lines. You need one row for each requisition line you create. Each row contains the line number, item number, item category, item description, need-by date, deliver-to location, item quantities, units, prices, requestor, notes, and suggested supplier information for the requisition line.
LINE_LOCATION_ID identifies the purchase order shipment line on which you placed the requisition. LINE_LOCATION_ID is null if you have not placed the requisition line on a purchase order.
BLANKET_PO_HEADER_ID and BLANKET_PO_LINE_NUM store the suggested blanket purchase agreement or catalog quotation line information for the requisition line.
PARENT_REQ_LINE_ID contains the REQUISITION_LINE_ID from the original requisition line if you exploded or multisourced this requisition line.
PO_REQUISITION_LINES is one of three tables storing requisition information. This table corresponds to the Lines region
of the Requisitions window

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