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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Procedure Registration Steps:

1)Develop the procedure and compile at SQL prompt

2)Connect application select system administrator Responsbility create
Executable by selecting the Execution Method as 'PL/SQL Stored Procedure'

3)Create Concurrent Program and attach Executable to the Program and add the
Parameters and incompatible programs.

4)Create Request group attach concurrent Progrtam

5)Attach Request group to the reponsibility

6)Responsiboility will be added to the user.
User will submit the request from SRS Window.

Create Or Replace Procedure (Errbuf OUT varchar2,
Retcode OUT varchar2,
Local variable,Cursor,Collections Declare;

If statement
For Loop
Procedure Calling
DBMS_OUTPUT.Put_Line - This will not be used instead of this Fnd_File API will be used

FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(Fnd_File.Log ,'Message'||Variable Name);
FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(Fnd_File.Output,'Message'||Variable Name);
When Other then
-Exception Statements;
End ;

PL/SQL Procedure with Parameter:
If we have any user defined Parameters then we have to register these parameters at the
time of Creating the COncurrent Program by selecting the Parameter button
enter the Seqno
Parameter Name
Value Set
Note : Token Field will be disabled.
Here First Parameter value will be passed to the first variable
Second Parameter will be passed to the second variable and so on........

When we are registering the report as C.P then only we required TOKEN field.
Because report builder bind variables may or may not be in the sequence that's why
we have to map with Token field.

Where as in Procedure variables position is fixed then TOKEN field will be disabled.

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