concurrent program name:
Instance :
Step 1. Connect toad to
request_group_name and other required information using below query.
SELECT b.application_id, b.concurrent_program_id, b.concurrent_program_name,
b.executable_application_id, b.executable_id, b.iprog_id,
t.user_concurrent_program_name, t.description,
fa.application_short_name, fa.basepath, fa.product_code,
fat.application_name, fat.description application_description,
frgu.application_id request_application_id, frgu.request_group_id,
frgu.request_unit_id, frgu.unit_application_id, frg.request_group_name,
frg.description request_group_description
FROM fnd_concurrent_programs_tl t,
fnd_concurrent_programs b,
fnd_application fa,
fnd_application_tl fat,
fnd_request_group_units frgu,
fnd_request_groups frg
WHERE b.application_id = t.application_id
AND b.concurrent_program_id = t.concurrent_program_id
AND fa.application_id = t.application_id
AND fat.application_id = t.application_id
AND frgu.request_unit_id = t.concurrent_program_id
AND frgu.unit_application_id = t.application_id
AND frg.request_group_id = frgu.request_group_id
AND frg.application_id = frgu.application_id
AND t.user_concurrent_program_name LIKE '& Program Name';
Step 2. Now run the below query for application_short_name and other required information.
SELECT fr.responsibility_key, fat.application_name, fa.application_short_name,
fa.basepath, fa.product_code, fr.application_id, fr.request_group_id,
fr.responsibility_id, fr.data_group_application_id, fr.menu_id,
FROM fnd_responsibility fr, fnd_application_tl fat, fnd_application fa
WHERE 1 = 1
AND fa.application_id = fat.application_id
AND fat.application_id = fr.application_id
AND (fr.request_group_id, fr.application_id) IN (
SELECT frgu.request_group_id, frgu.application_id
FROM fnd_concurrent_programs_tl t,
fnd_concurrent_programs b,
fnd_application fa,
fnd_application_tl fat,
fnd_request_group_units frgu,
fnd_request_groups frg
WHERE b.application_id = t.application_id
AND b.concurrent_program_id = t.concurrent_program_id
AND fa.application_id = t.application_id
AND fat.application_id = t.application_id
AND frgu.request_unit_id = t.concurrent_program_id
AND frgu.unit_application_id = t.application_id
AND frg.request_group_id = frgu.request_group_id
AND frg.application_id = frgu.application_id
AND t.user_concurrent_program_name LIKE '&Programe Name')
Step 3. Now login to Putty in
We will get ldt and log file.
Step 4. Also run the below command for getting Request Group related ldt file. Again change the ldt file name, request_group_name, application_short_name and unit_name as per your our requirement. Here unit_name is nothing but concurrent_program_name.
Now again we will get another ldt and log file.
Step 5. Connect to PSFTP and get the both ldt file and report file (if concurrent program is used for report) into local drive.
Step 6. Now disconnect putty from
Step 7. Now disconnect PSFTP from
Step 8. Now run the below command for register the concurrent program. Change the ldt file name if we had changed in above code.
Step 9. Now run the below command for assigning the program to request group. Here also change the ldt file name if we had changed in above code.
FNDLOAD (Data Base user Name)/(Data Base PassWord)
Step 10. Now verify the program from the front end.
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