IR-ISO Cycle
Prerequisites for making IR-ISO:
1) Item Attributes for Internal Ordered and Org assignment.2) Shipping networks with Internal Order Required flag enable.
3) Internal customer assignment.
4) Internal Requisition Approval Assignment.
5) Grant privileges to Ship material.
Creating a new Internal Requisition (IR):
Oracle Purchasing User Responsibility→ Requisitions→ Requisitions
Select ‘Requisitions’ and click on ‘Open’
Provide the Details:
- Description
- Item Details
- Quantity
- Need by Date
- Source Organization
- Destination Organization
- Destination Location
After entering the required details, click on ‘Save’, to update the details.
One Requisition Number will be generated and status will be in ‘Incomplete’
Click on ‘Approve’ to make the Internal requisition Approved.
Creating Internal Order from IR
After getting the Internal Requisition Approved,
Navigate to:
View → Requests →Submit a New Request→ Single Request
From the List of Requests, select ‘Create Internal Orders’
Click on ‘Submit’
Click on ‘OK’ for decision check box and for Submitting another request, click on ’No’
Request will be submitted and click on ‘Find’ and verify that the request is completed successfully, without any Error/Warning.
*Now from Order management Responsibility, Order has to be Imported and Processed for Shipping.
Importing Order from OM
From Order manager User Responsibility:
Goto View → Requests →Submit a New Request→ Single Request
From the Requests LOV, select ‘Order Import’
In Parameters, provide the details:
- Order Source (It will be internal)
- Order Reference Number (Internal Requisition Number)
Click on ‘OK’ and Submit to Process the Request.
‘Order Import’ Request will trigger a Child Request. Both Requests have to complete successfully.
Verifying Import Order from Order Organizer Form
Orders, Returns→ Order Organizer
Select ‘Order Organizer’ and click on ‘Open’.
‘Find Orders/Quotes’ form will open.
Enter the ‘Requisition number’ in Find Orders/Quotes form and click on ‘Find’
Click on ‘Open’ in ‘Order Organizer’ form.
Sale Order Form will open with all details of the Order Header and Line Information.
Pick Releasing the Order
Navigate to: Shipping→ Release Sale Orders→ Release Sale Orders
Select ‘Release Sale Orders’ and click on ‘Open’
Provide the ‘Order Number’ and click on ‘Concurrent’.
It will trigger a Concurrent Request and generates the Request ID.
Close ‘Release Sale Orders’ form and verify for successful completion of Concurrent request.
(If Pick release not happened from Release Sale Orders form, we can do it from Shipping Transactions form)
Transacting move Order
Navigate to:
Move Orders→ Transact Move Order
Select ‘Transact Move Orders’ and click on ‘Open’
Provide the ‘Move Order’ number and click on ‘Find’
Select the line and click on ‘Allocate’. Allocations will be done based on the Material Availability and Picking rules defined.
Click on ‘View/Update Allocations’ to view the Material Allocations and for ‘Transacting’
Gives the information of Transaction completion.
Click on ’Transact’
Click on ’Transact’
One pop-up will trigger and gives the information of Transaction completion.
Ship Confirm the Order Line
Shipping→ Transactions
Select ‘Transactions’ and click on ‘Open’
Provide the ‘Order Number’ and click on ‘Find’
Click on ‘Delivery’ Tab.
Click on ‘Ship Confirm’
Click on ‘OK’
One Message box will open and gives the details about delivery is completed successfully.
Verifying Inbound Quantity from Destination Organization
Navigate to ‘Material Workbench’ from Destination Organization and query with Item Code
Receiving Process at Destination Organization
Create a new receipt
From Destination Organization,
Navigate to:
Oracle Inventory User Responsibility→ Transactions→ Receiving→ Receipts
Select ‘Receipts’ and click on ‘Open’
Provide ‘Requisition Number’ and click on ‘Find’
Select the Lines and click on ‘Save’.
One receipt number will generate. To view the Receipt Number, click on ‘Header’.
Deliver Receipt Quantity
Navigate to:
Oracle Inventory User Responsibility→ Transactions→ Receiving→ Receiving Transactions
Select ‘Receiving Transactions’ and click on ‘Open’
Provide Receipt Number/Requisition number, and click on ‘Find’
Select the Line and provide ‘Subinventory’, ‘Locator’ and LOT Details to deliver the material.
Click on ‘Save’ to complete the transaction.
Now On-hand quantity of the Item at Destination is updated with the Receipt Delivered quantity.
PO Receipt Process
Creating Receipts for PO
Oracle Inventory User Responsibility→ Transactions→ Receiving→ Receipts
Select ‘Receipts’ and click on ‘Open’
Provide the ‘Purchase Order’ number and click on ‘Find’
Select the lines that are need to Receive.
Quantity will show the pending shipment quantity of PO. We can override the quantity value.
Click on ‘Save’ icon to create a new receipt for selected lines with provided quantity.
Click on ‘Header’ to view the Receipt number.
Close the form to proceed for Delivering.
Receiving Transactions
From Receiving Transactions form we can inspect & Deliver the material.
Navigate to:
Transactions→ Receiving→ Receiving Transactions
Select ‘Receiving Transactions’ and click on ‘Open’
Provide ‘Receipt Number’ and click on ‘Find’
Select the lines to be Inventoried and provide ‘Location Name’.
(We can modify the receipt quantity to deliver to inventory.)
Select each line, one by one, and click on Inspect.(Inspect option is
available for only the Shipments which are routed through ‘Inspection
Inspection details form will be opened.
Provide the Accepted quantity and click on ‘OK’
After completing the process for all lines, click on ‘Save’ ico, to process the Transaction.
Deliver Material to Inventory
Again navigate to ‘Receiving Transactions’ form with same Receipt number.
Select the lines to be delivered to inventory and Provide Subinventory, Locator and LOT Details.
Click on ‘Save’ icon to complete the Transaction.
Verify On-hand quantity of material from Material Workbench.
Oracle Inventory Management – IR-ISO Cycle and PO Receipts Process