
Saturday, January 26, 2013

Autocreate Purchase Orders Questions and Answers

Does Autocreate copy descriptive flexfield attributes from the requisition to the created document?
No - if you have Descriptive Flexfields (DFF) set up against the Requisition at Header, Line and
Distribution level, after running Autocreate you will find that only the Distribution DFF Attributes are copied across to the PO Distribution.
This is expected behaviour, because the Distribution is the first level at which a one-to-one relationship between the Requisition and Purchase Order data can be guaranteed.  (Multiple Requisition Headers and Lines can be summarized into one PO Header and one PO Line).
Please be aware also that the Distribution DFF Attributes are simply copied from the Requisition to the PO - that is to say, the Flexfield API code is not invoked.  This means that if an Attribute on the Requisition side is empty but the corresponding Attribute on the PO side is defined as 'Mandatory',  after Autocreate the mandatory Attribute on the PO Distribution will be empty, but no error or warning will have been reported.

Does Autocreate copy Notes from the requisition to the document you are creating?
Yes, Notes are copied from the requisition lines and the corresponding requisition header.

What are the columns on which Autocreate combines multiple requisition lines into a single document line?
For purchase order, Purchasing combines the quantities of all requisition lines that have the same item, item revision, line type, transaction reason, and unit of measure onto a single document line. For RFQs, quantities of all requisition lines that have the same item, revision, and line type are combined.

What price becomes the actual price in the case where multiple requisition lines with different prices are combined to a single PO line?
The lowest unit price from the combined requisition lines becomes the actual price of the purchase order line.

What are the columns based on which Shipping information is combined by Autocreate?
For purchase orders and releases, Purchasing combines shipment information only if the requisition lines have the same need-by date, ship-to location, organization, Accrual type (period-end or on-line) and shipment type .

Does Autocreate add to an existing PO shipment that has been encumbered?
Purchasing does not add to an existing purchase order shipment if that shipment has been encumbered even though all the grouping columns necessary to combine shipping information are there.

What can be done to open the created document directly once Autocreate is done successfully?
Set the profile option PO: Display the autocreated Document to Yes, Purchasing displays the Purchase Orders, Releases, or RFQ window, as appropriate, after creating your document lines.

Can requisition line with item number and without item number [one time item] be combined to single document line in Autocreate?
If you want to combine two requisition lines for the same item, one with an item number and one without, you have to manually autocreate the document and use Modify on the Tools menu to add the predefined item to the requisition line for the one-time item.
Note: You cannot use Modify with outside processing items or if you are using encumbrance or budgetary control.

Can you autocreate a release if the description of the requisition created in PO is different of the description of the Blanket?
No, If we do not choose an item, that is if the requisition and blanket are created with one time/expense items the autocreate process tries to match the descriptions as item id's are null. The only differentiating factor in one time items (item id null) is the description.

How do you prevent Autocreate from seeing requisitions from another organization?
Requisitions and Purchase Orders are not organization specific. If you do not want to be able to see or access requisitions across different organizations, then you need to set up different operating units with different responsibilities tied to each one.

Can you autocreate from a quotation and tie the PO to the associated quotation and requisition?
Yes, you can autocreate from a Quotation.
1. Create and approve a requisition.
2. Go to the AutoCreate Screen, chose the requisition form the pool of approved requisitions.
3. Change the Document Type field to RFQ and click the automatic button.
4. The RFQ is created and appears on the screen.
5. Enter the required fields on the RFQ (quote affectivity), click on the Supplier button and choose the list of suppliers.
Change status to active and save.
6. To enter the vendor responses a Quote must be created.
Go to the RFQ screen and query up the RFQ you just created.
Click Special on the Tool bar and choose Copy Document.
This will create your quotation.
7. Go to the Quotation screen and query up the new quotation and enter
the price break information. Change the description (if PO attribute is set to allow the description to be changed).
8. Approve the quotation.
9. AutoCreate the PO from the requisition.
Delete the description if the quote has a description different than the requisition
Click on the catalog button - Receive message
Your can update only the price for the saved record.
Open the Catalog to select price only
Click YES
10. Select the quote.
11. You will now have both the requisition and quote tied to the PO.

Where does the 'note to buyer' show on an autocreated PO?
On the AutoCreate form, go to the Folder menu and choose Show Field. Select Note to Buyer and click OK. The field will now be displayed.
If you would like this field to be displayed every time you use autocreate, go to Folder -> Save As... Give the folder a name and check the Open as Default box.

Does the supplier name from a requisition get carried over to an autocreated purchase order?
The standard functionality is that if the requisition has a the "suggested supplier name" field populated, it would carry over to the autocreated PO. The "suggested supplier name" field will only carry to the autocreated PO if it was selected from the list of values on the requisition. If it is typed in manually, it will not carry over.

What causes the APP-14090 error when autocreating a requisition?
There are several things that must be performed to address this issue:

* Profile Option in MRP must be set as follows:
- MRP: Sourcing Rule Category Set value must be set to Purchasing in the Purchasing application.

* AutoCreate Blanket PO
- Revisions do not default for Items when autocreating Blanket PO and the Item Revision # must be entered.
- The Item Revision number on the requisition must match the Item Revision number on the PO.

* Navigate: Setup -->Organization -->Financial Options; and in the Alternate Region ENCUMBRANCE, verify if the REQUISITION ENCUMBRANCE checkbox is checked.

* In the Sys Admin Responsibility navigate to:
Profiles=> query for the Profile Option PO: AUTOCREATE GL DATE.

If using the Encumbrance for Requisitions, then this Profile Option can be set to either AUTOCREATE DATE or REQUISITION GL DATE. If not using Encumbrance, then you may set it to NULL. This will solve the problem.
The Profile Option PO: AUTOCREATE GL DATE is applicable only if you are using Encumbrance for Requisitions.

How do you autocreate a requisition with a document type as blanket release when requisitions were imported from a 3rd party system?
Ensure the line types selected for Requisitions are appropriate. You need to have Requisition Line types and PO Line types correctly associated. Rerun the process and verify that the system does not error out.
Submit the request for requisition import and use the AutoCreate window to create document with type as Blanket Release against the requisition.
Purchasing -> Reports -> Submit a request for Requisition Import
Purchasing -> AutoCreate

How do you autocreate MRP generated requisitions to a blanket purchase order?
First initiate the Release Purchase Requisitions from the Planners Workbench.

Material Planning -> MRP -> Workbench

Second, in the Purchasing Responsibility, AutoCreate the requisition to a Blanket PO.
Navigation: AutoCreate

For Autocreate to find these requisition lines from MRP, the Blanket PO line type must be set to Goods because the MRP Purchase Requisition is always created with a line type of Goods. The reason that MRP uses the line type of Goods is because Goods is seeded data and because the MRP Planner Workbench uses MRPPRELB.pls to insert a record into the PO_REQUISITION_INTERFACE table.

Can you autocreate more than one standard PO in one autocreate session?

1. Find the requisition lines to be autocreated.
2. Choose a line.
3. Autocreate the purchases order using the automatic button.
4. Do not leave the requisition lines screen.
5. Choose a different line.
6. Try to autocreate another standard purchase order by clicking the automatic button.
7. The system gives the message: app-14090: no requisition lines were autocreated.

Try to autocreate, but the system hangs, how to cancel the requisition that are locked?
Check if there is a lock on the PO related tables.

Select object_id, session_id, oracle_username, os_user_name,
Process, locked_mode
From sys.v_$locked_object;

Select a.object_name, b.oracle_username
From all_objects a, v$locked_object b
Where a.object_id = b.object_id
And a.object_name like 'po%';

If you have any records returned, you have a lock. To disable the lock, kill the session. Regenerating the form and bouncing the database will unlock all the objects.

What is the package or procedure that stores the autocreate process?
POXBWP1B.pls - autocreate po package body.
Description: this package contains all the functions to create purchase orders, releases and rfq's from data stored in the po_headers_interface, po_lines_interface and po_distributions_interface tables. When a user selects a line to be autocreated, it loads the above interface tables. At that point the functions which are part of this package are called and move to create the req line into a release or purchase order.

What does the grouping method 'Default' indicate in the autocreate form?
With the grouping method 'default' requisition lines for the same item, revision, line type, unit of measure, and transaction reason are combined into individual purchase order lines; and requisition lines for the same item, revision, and line type are combined into individual rfq lines.

There are two new profiles added to control the requisition line grouping using autocreate. :-
PO: Use Need-by Date for Default Autocreate grouping
PO:  Use Ship-To Organization and Locationfor Default Autocreate grouping 
Requisition lines with different need by dates or ship to information will be autocreated into two PO lines with one shipment each if the corresponding profile is set to 'Yes' or if it is unset.
If the profile is set to 'No', Requisition lines with different need by dates or ship to information will be autocreated into a single line with multiple shipments and if there is any source document on the PO line the pricing will be determined using the ship to and need by information from the first shipment.

I autocreated a PO with two lines. When I go to the purchase order entry screen and query the PO, instead of showing the lines created, it only shows a new line with number 3. Why?
Make sure Inventory organization field is populated in Financial Options.

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