
Sunday, August 28, 2011

Debugging Advanced Collections Concurrent Programs

1. Set the profile value: “IEX: Debug Level” to a value lower than 20.
2. Turn on Statement Level logging for your user at the IEX module level. To do this, follow these steps:

  • As System Administrator navigate to Help -> Diagnostics -> Logging -> Preferences
  • Add a new user to the list (your user), enable logging, set the level to 1-Statement and set the module to iex%.
  • Turning on Debug in EBS R12

    ** Remember that when you are done to come back here and turn off logging. Failure to do so may result in performance problems and a full file system which will not make you very popular with your colleagues. **

    3. Run the concurrent request IEX: Send Dunnings for Deliquent Customers

    Now, on the backend file system you will have a file named _.IEX. This file will be located in the first directory that is returned for the value of UTL_FILE_DIR (select * from v$parameter where name = ‘utl_file_dir’;). In my case it was in /usr/tmp.

    If you’re interested, all logging for IEX is funneled through the package IEX_DEBUG_PUB. I would imagine that other Collections processes follow this same model.

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