
Thursday, August 29, 2019

Fusion Security - Creating an Employee/User with Manual, HDL and Security Configuration Process

Security Configuration Overview
Data security makes data available to users by the following means.
Policies that define grants available through provisioned roles
Policies defined in application code

You secure data by provisioning roles that provide the necessary access.
Data roles also can be generated based on HCM security profiles. Data roles and HCM security profiles enable defining the instance sets specified in data security policies.

When you provision a job role to a user, the job role limits data access based on the data security policies of the inherited duty roles. When you provision a data role to a user, the data role limits the data access of the inherited job role to a dimension of data.

Data security consists of privileges conditionally granted to a role and used to control access to the data. A privilege is a single, real world action on a single business object. A data security policy is a grant of a set of privileges to a principal on an object or attribute group for a given condition. A grant authorizes a role, the grantee, to actions on a set of database resources. A database resource is an object, object instance, or object instance set. An entitlement is one or more allowable actions applied to a set of database resources.

Security Configuration Tasks
  01: Creating an Employee/User
  02: Adding Roles to User and Resetting the Password
  03: Create the Employee/User with HDL template
  04: Adding the Roles to User with HDL template
  05: Create Custom Role with View Privileges and add the role to User
  06: Verify the User in Manager Users
  07: Add Business Unit Data Access to User
  08: Setup Vacation Rule for a User
  09: Setup Printer in Cloud Application
  10: Run User and Roles Synchronization Process.         
  11: Setup the Manage Procurement Agent
  12: Creating a Descriptive Flexfields and testing

1: Creating an Employee/User
Creating an employee from HCM’s Hire an Employee page.

1. Navigate to My Workforce/My Client Groups àNew Person.

Please click on the below link for more details:

Fusion Security - Creating an Employee/User with Manual, HDL and Security Configuration Process

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