
Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Oracle Fusion Purchase Requisition Training Manual

With on-line requisitions, you can centralize your purchasing department, source your requisitions with the best suppliers, and ensure that you obtain the appropriate management approval before creating purchase orders from requisitions. You can use Master Scheduling/MRP to generate on-line requisitions automatically based on the planning requirements of your manufacturing organization

Purchasing provides you with the features you need to satisfy the following basic requisition needs.
You should be able to:
o  Create, edit, and review requisition information on-line. You should also be able to enter suggested supplier information, delivery instructions, multiple accounting distributions, and notes to buyers, approvers, and receivers.
o  Review the current status and action history of your requisitions. You should always know who approves requisitions and whether they are in the approval, purchasing, receiving, or delivery stage.
o  Route requisitions according to your approval structure. You should also be able to set authorization limits by amount, charge account, item category, and location.
o  Review and approve requisitions that need your approval. You should also be able to see the full requisition detail and review the action history before you approve a requisition.
o  Print requisitions (with status Approved, Cancelled, Rejected, In Process, Pre-Approved, and Returned) for off-line review and approval. You should always be able to track the status of requisitions through the approval process.
o  Import requisitions from other systems such as material or distributions requirement planning applications
o  Perform on-line funds checking before creating requisitions. You should always know how your planned expenses compare to your budget.
o  Automatically source requisitions from outstanding blanket purchase agreements or quotations you have received from suppliers
o  Create requisitions quickly and easily for commonly purchased items
o  Provide attachments as notes on requisition headers and lines
o  Assign requisition lines to buyers and review buyer assignments for requisition lines
o  Forward all requisitions awaiting approval from one approver to an alternate approver. Within your security and approval constraints, you should be able to reroute requisitions from one approver to another whenever you want.
o  Record suggested foreign currency information for each requisition line

Requisitions Overview

1.       Logging in to Oracle, click the Purchase Requisitions icon on the Homepage.

2.       This will open the Requisitions page.  The sections of the page include:
A – Shop by Category (also referred to as Punchouts or Catalogs):
-    Provides links to external Supplier/Vendor sites to order items to add to Requisitions
B – Recent Requisitions:
-    Displays links to the most recent Requisitions for the logged in user.  The list includes the current approval status.
C – Recent Purchases:
-    Displays items recently added to a Requisition from a punchout.
D – More Tasks (dropdown) (display will differ depending upon a user’s system role/access):
-    Provides access to the Request Noncatalog Item task (to enter a Requisition for Goods or Services)
o     Note: The following Tasks are not being used:
§     Enter Requisition Line (Task is only displayed for certain users)
§     Request New Supplier (Task is only displayed for certain users)
§     Update Preparer and Requester
E – Pencil icon to access Requisition Preferences to change the Requisitioning BU (Business Unit) for which the Requisition is being entered. (This is only displayed for certain users)
o     Note: The user will only see the pencil icon if he/she has access to multiple Procurement Business Units

Please click on the below link for more details:

Oracle Fusion Purchase Requisition Training Manual

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